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Lisa Frankenstein | 2024 | PG-13 | – 6.7.4

When a teenage girl (Kathryn Newton) finds a companion (Cole Sprouse) in the local cemetery, he helps her realize what true love is, despite the fact that he’s a reanimated corpse and may be missing certain body parts. Also with Liza Soberano, Jenna Davis, Trina LaFargue, Paola Andino, Henry Eikenberry, Carla Gugino and Joe Chrest. Directed by Zelda Williams. [Running Time: 1:41]
Lisa Frankenstein SEX/NUDITY 6
– A teen boy and a teen girl are shown in bed and sex is implied; we see the teen boy shirtless (his bare chest and abdomen are shown) and the teen girl wears a camisole that reveals cleavage and bare shoulders and the teen boy’s genitals are cut off (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details) and sail through the air (we see the silhouette on the wall). A teen girl and a young zombie man hug and she tells him to make love to her; he implies that he cannot, puts her hand on his groin and it is understood that he has no genitals; we later see the teen on her knees in front of the young man’s groin attaching recently severed genitals using a needle and thread.
► A young zombie man carries a teen girl to a bed, climbs on top of her and kisses her on the forehead and eyes; she straddles him and they unbutton their clothing (we do not see any flesh) and the scene changes to an animation of the couple riding on a rocket and implying sex.
► A teen boy and an inebriated teen girl sit on a bed and the boy touches the girl’s clothed breast, the boy places the girl’s hand in his clothed groin and tells her that the rules are that she can’t stop something that she started, as she runs out of the room and he says that no one likes a tease. A teen girl is shown with a hickey on her neck. A teen boy and a teen girl kiss passionately on a sofa during a house party (both are clothed). A teen girl wakes another teen girl in bed and pulls the covers away to reveal the sleeping teen with her hand in her pajama pants (self-stimulation is implied). A young zombie man finds a vibrator in a teen girl’s closet and she tells him that it is a massager; we later see him using it on her back and she suggests that he use it elsewhere on her body (we hear her moan loudly when he does).
► A man makes a gleeful remark about going to a restaurant with his teen stepdaughter after visiting his dead wife and daughter in a cemetery (there’s a possible sexual implication). A man says of a teen girl that she can’t get a date, “Probably because she is so flat-chested.” A teen girl says, “I don’t want to die a virgin.” A teen girl asks a young zombie man if he ever had sex and he indicates that he did once. A teen girl says that another teen told her, “You have to show guys that you love them,” and, “I’m going to offer myself to him.” A teen girl says, “I got to go change my pad.” A teen girl asks her stepmother if she is suffering from “Aunt Flow.” A teen boy flirts with a teen girl and she snorts awkwardly. A teen girl discusses other teens getting “boob jobs.” A teen girl tells another teen, “Your boobs look great, by the way.”
► A young zombie man kisses a teen girl’s hand and wraps a gummy worm around her ring finger. A young zombie man tries to kiss a teen girl’s hand and she pulls away. A teen girl dreams of lying in a bed and a man (resembling the statue of a person buried in a cemetery) sits next to her in the bed and they hold hands.
► A teen girl wears a low-cut and short dress that people call a “pirate skeezer dress,” and people at school make comments about her appearance. A teen girl wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage. A woman wears a leotard and tights while cleaning her house. A young zombie man wears a teen girl’s nightgown and it is open partially in the front to reveal his bare chest.
► A young zombie man holds what we are told is a douchebag and we see there is liquid in it. A teen girl and her mother discuss the teen’s groin muscles while describing a cheer move. A man lying motionless in a road is shown wearing boxer shorts and a tank T-shirt after being attacked and his clothes were stolen by the attacker.
Lisa Frankenstein VIOLENCE/GORE 7
– A teen boy and a teen girl are interrupted in bed (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details) and a young zombie man enters the room, raises an ax over the teen boy and hacks off his genitals (blood splatters on the faces of everyone in the room and we see the silhouette of the genitals on the wall, as they sail in the air); the teen boy falls motionless and the teen girl screams uncontrollably. A woman is struck hard in the back of the head with a sewing machine and falls to the floor where we later see a spot of blood on the carpet after her assailant cuts one of her ears off (we see the bloody ear). A teen boy stands in a cemetery and a young zombie man grabs his ankles causing him to fall to his knees and a teen girl hits him with her knee in the face; the teen boy is held on the ground and his hand is cut off (we see the severed hand when the teen girl holds it in the air), he gets up and runs away with blood on his arm and face and the young zombie man throws an ax that hits him in the back (he falls dead and is thrown in an open grave).
► Remarks are made about a teen girl’s mother being murdered in a home invasion by a man with an ax; we see a person break into a house where a woman tells her teen daughter to hide and the assailant strikes the woman with an ax (we do not see the blow) and we see blood on her hand and pooled on the floor later. A man confronts a young zombie man and the young zombie man attacks him with a club safety device (we do not see the blow, but we see the man later lying motionless in the road and wearing boxer shorts and a tank T-shirt). A police officer approaches a teen girl and a young zombie man telling them that they are standing in a crime scene and have to leave; the young zombie man picks the officer up and throws her into an open grave (we hear a thud and a sickly moan). A teen girl climbs into a tanning bed and it is set to the maximum; the bed sparks and bursts into flames and we see it and the garage where it is kept in flames implying that the teen died.
► A young zombie man dumps a woman’s dead body into an open grave in a cemetery and a teen girl kicks dirt on it. A teen girl sews a severed hand onto a young zombie man’s wrist and we see the needle poke into his flesh; we later see a rough scar and skin. A teen girl sews a severed ear onto a young zombie man’s head to replace the one he is missing; he is unable to hear through it.
► A teen girl watches a monster movie on TV alone at home and someone breaks into the house shattering a window, the teen screams and throws objects at the person as we see it covered with mud and bugs and it leaves clots of mud on the floor as he lumbers through the house; the teen climbs out a window and across a roof, before slipping off and landing on the person and knocking him to the ground where he spits green goo into her face and she screams and tries to run away (we see the goo). A teen girl walks alone through a dark cemetery as lightning flashes in the sky; she stops at a grave and says that she wished she were with the man buried there; a large green cloud lights in the sky and we hear a loud moan (we understand that a man buried in the cemetery has been reanimated). A woman slaps her teen stepdaughter hard in the face during an argument.
► A woman yells at her teen stepdaughter in several scenes and becomes increasingly abusive and threatening; she accuses the teen of deliberately destroying property and suggests that she suffers from mental illness. A woman threatens to check her teen stepdaughter into a psychiatric facility as an “inpatient in lockdown.” People talk about a cemetery being haunted. A teen girl says that another teen girl promised her unborn baby to Satan and that the child now has to wear a helmet. A teen talks about having “traumatic mutism” after her mother was murdered. A woman talks about a teen’s mother being “butchered like a hog.” A teen girl says that pop quizzes are illegal now because a student had a heart attack and died. A teen girl worries that her mother was kidnapped. A teen girl describes not being able to stop missing her mother after she was murdered and that no one understood. A police officer talks about wishing the “goth phase” would end. Police and the school principal question a teen girl about the disappearance of a teen boy. A teen girl asks her stepmother if she is suffering from “Aunt Flow.” A teen girl says, “I got to go change my pad.” A teen girl says that she got a “mouth fungus” from playing the recorder in elementary school.
► An animation accompanying the opening credits shows the story of a young man that is jilted by his lover and then killed by a falling tree; during the animation, another character appears to jump from a balcony into water (presumably committing suicide), and we read a headstone that reads, “Unmarried,” in a cemetery labeled “Bachelor’s Cemetery.” A man and his teen stepdaughter visit a cemetery where his teen daughter and his wife are buried.
► A teen girl uses a tanning bed and she screams when it sparks. A young zombie man uses a tanning bed after several body parts are re-attached to his body (an ear, a hand and genitals), the tanning bed sparks, and it is implied that the body parts then function. A teen girl looks in a mirror and punches the glass breaking it.
► A young zombie man is shown with gray-tinged skin, flesh stretched tightly across his skull and dark circles under his eyes and we see that he is missing one hand (we see the stump at his wrist several times) and one ear; he does not speak but makes grunting noises. A young zombie man coughs up a worm and spits it into a woman’s fruit bowl; the woman takes a bite of fruit, pulls a long worm out of her mouth, and screams. A young zombie man steps into a shower fully clothed and we see dirt and wriggling insects fall into water in the tub. A millipede falls on the ground from a young zombie man and skitters away. A teen girl guzzles a beverage at a party and gags and vomits into a wastebasket later (we do not see goo). A young zombie man cries in a few scenes and a teen girl exclaims about the odor of his tears being like “a hot toilet at a carnival.” A teen girl is shown with her makeup smudged and smeared in a few scenes. A young zombie man holds what we are told is a douchebag and we see there is liquid in it. A teen girl paints her fingernails with Whiteout.
Lisa Frankenstein LANGUAGE 4
– 1 obscene hand gesture, 6 sexual references, 4 scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 9 mild obscenities, name-calling (psycho, zombie, loony bin, old lady, beer sluts, weird, snake pit, crazy, inconsiderate, dead meat, stupid face, sicko, absurd, obsessed, skeezer, fruit cake, stupid, heinous, ungrateful), exclamations (oh no, okey-dokey, too freakin’ much, oh my gosh), 2 religious profanities (GD), 16 religious exclamations (e.g. oh my God, my God, oh Jesus no, Christ, for God’s sake, a teen boy says that a cemetery is “not Christian,” when thunder cracks in the sky a teen boy says “the angels are bowling”). | profanity glossary |
Lisa Frankenstein SUBSTANCE USE
– A teen is told to take a sip from a cup at a party and someone later says that it contained PCP, a teen girl tells police officers that another teen’s purse is probably chock-full of drugs, and a teen says that someone has their father’s nitrous canister at a party. Teens at a house party are shown drinking liquor as well as beer, and a woman drinks a Martini while cleaning her house.
– Love, socialization, accidental death, murder, home invasion, step-parenting, fear of death, lying, traumatic mutism, teens acting out, loneliness, suicide, IP (intuitive person).
Lisa Frankenstein MESSAGE
– No one should be forgotten.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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