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Chicken Little | 2005 | G | - 1.4.2
The classic children's story makes it to the big screen, and in some theaters in digital 3-D. The plot picks up with Chicken Little several years after his "The sky is falling" incident, and his neighbors still have not forgotten -- nor forgiven him. Just as he thinks that they might be getting over it, another piece of the sky falls and hits him on the head. This time he finds witnesses and together they uncover the truth behind it all: an alien invasion may be in progress. With the voices of Zach Braff, Garry Marshall, Joan Cusack, Steve Zahn and Don Knotts. Directed by Mark Dindal. [1:21]
SEX/NUDITY 1 - A duck in a movie is drawn voluptuously. We see a chicken in his jockey shorts after they have been pulled off.
► A chicken kisses a duck and tells her, "I have always found you attractive." A duck and a chicken hold hands in a movie theater. Two characters in a movie appear enamored with each other.
► A duck and a pig do karaoke to the song "If You Wanna Be My Lover."
VIOLENCE/GORE 4 - The sky begins to crack, large pieces fall to the ground, people run screaming, small space ships lower from the bottom of a larger ship, they fly around the characters that are running on the ground, and we see a few of them being vaporized (they are hit by a blue beam, they turn blue and disappear).
► A character punches several aliens, and he is then vaporized. A character throws a rock at an alien ship, and he is then vaporized. Another character is vaporized by an alien ship, which takes aim at another character that is running, and the alien ship chases and vaporizes many cars along the way.
► Four characters in an alien spaceship nearly run into two of the aliens, the aliens sprout metallic claws and saws from the end of their tentacles and threaten to attack the four, who run out of the ship; the aliens chase them into a cornfield, they sprout machete blades from their tentacles and spin them creating large hovering saws that fly over the character's heads, cutting down the corn (they do escape unharmed).
► Three characters walk through the inside of an alien ship, they pass jars with what looks like organs in them (we see hearts beating), and one jar contains something furry with a large eye.
► Alien beings with very long tentacles, egg-shaped bodies and glowing red eyes come out of a ship and pass by three characters who are hiding in a ditch.
► A light in the sky begins to spin very fast creating a vacuum that begins to suck things up toward it, and a large, alien ship appears and it lands.
► A truck nearly hits a small alien in a road, a chicken slingshots itself, picks up the alien, and they sail into a theater and slam into the screen (they are unharmed).
► Characters float in a dark anti-gravity room, large glowing eyes float above them, a huge bellowing voice interrogates them, and many large weapons surround and take aim at them.
► A chicken rings an alarm bell, and yells, "Run for cover. The sky is falling"; citizens run in panic, screaming, cars speed through streets, one is driven into a hydrant that shoots into a water tower, knocking it down and the large round reservoir tank rolls through the streets crushing cars in its wake, and it crashes through a theater and back into the street.
► A fish presses a button on a plank, it whizzes, whirrs and hovers, he climbs on it, it flies into the sky and the fish disappears. A chicken sees bright lights in the sky, they speed toward him and crash into his head. A chicken rings a warning bell, and aliens cringe from the sound.
► A chicken is propelled by slingshot into a school window, he slides down the window, accidentally pulls a fire alarm, water sprays on everyone in the gym and he gets in trouble with the principal. A chicken is stuck to the road with gum on his foot, cars rush toward him, a car speeds over him, he ducks, sticks himself to the bumper of the car using a sticky lollipop and is pulled free from the gum.
► A line of Lemmings jumps off a park bench and into a pile. A character becomes angry and yells while punching a soda machine. A fish, with a tank filled with water on his head, crushes a soda can against the tank.
► A character re-enacts the "King Kong" Empire State building scene: he fights off airplanes, he pounds his chest and he falls to the floor after he is supposedly shot, and he pretends to be dead.
► A mother slaps her son on the back of the head and pulls him away by the arm. A game of dodgeball shows many balls hitting players, and players dodging the balls; one player in particular is being hit repeatedly.
► A character finds a map on an alien ship that shows planets with red "Xs" on them and he thinks that means that the aliens are planning to destroy those planets.
► A chicken is trampled by others who are piling onto a bus, and a chicken runs into a bull's briefcase and spills its contents. A stork walks into a window three times and eventually lies unconscious on the sidewalk.
► A small alien being is left behind when the ship leaves and it whimpers and appears afraid. One character is afraid of everything; we see him having panic attacks in several scenes, including hyperventilating, quaking and yelling uncontrollably. The school principal yells at a chicken's father.
► Three characters talk about frozen urine falling from an airplane. A character burps several times.
LANGUAGE 2 - 8 mild scatological terms (including a thesaurus listing of urine), name-calling (crazy, loser, ugly).
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Father/son relationships, alarmism, closure, aliens, fear, parental disappointment, taking chances, civilization, crop circles, loneliness, misunderstandings, invasion vs. rescue mission.
MESSAGE - Communication is the key to relationships and to understanding each other. Everybody deserves to be trusted.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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