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Dog Man | 2025 | PG | – 1.3.1

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content-ratingsWhy is “Dog Man” rated PG? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “some action and rude humor.” The evaluation includes a man and a woman expressing their love for each other, discussions of heartbreak and loneliness, many scenes of a cat causing destruction while attacking a dog man, discussions of cloning, discussions of child abandonment and sadness, and some mild language and name-calling. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.

In this animated feature, an injury that requires a man and his dog to be surgically attached if either is to survive, Dog Man is created and attempts to rid the city of an evil cat. With the voices of Pete Davidson, Poppy Liu, Lil Rel Howery, Isla Fisher, Billy Boyd, Peter Hastings, Stephen Root and Cheri Oteri. Directed by Peter Hastings. [Running Time: 1:29]


 – A man accidentally declares his love for a woman and she later says that she loves him too.
 A dog man is told that his girlfriend left their house with a new boyfriend and a new dog. A robot’s pants fall down causing it to trip and fall to the ground, what resembles buttocks are visible and characters emerge from between the buttocks later.


 – We see a hospital operating room where a dog and a man are shown on gurneys and the doctors discuss attaching the dog’s head to the man’s body or neither will survive after being caught in an explosion.
 A fish carries a cat to a volcano where it plans to drop it in to kill it; the fish says, “Time to die” (the cat is not harmed). A cat driving a vehicle bursts up through a manhole and a police car chases up a vertical road and into the air, the car falls back toward the ground and a dog inside deploys a parachute, landing safely on a rooftop; they see an explosive next to them and it detonates. A cat driving a vehicle launches explosives painted to resemble squirrels to try to attract a dog man. A dog man dangles from a drone and slams into a wall a few times, then chases a cat in a flying vessel; the dog man is distracted by a squirrel and crashes into a billboard. A cat drives a giant vacuum cleaner through streets to find a dog man; it drives into the ocean and explodes after sucking up a lot of ocean water. A cat drives a vehicle that looks like a tank and shoots bones at a dog man. A cat creates a giant nose called the “butt sniffer 2000” to chase a dog man. A police car swerves on a city street through traffic, it crashes through people carrying a “box of Bs” and numerous letter Bs spill out onto the ground, a traffic light turns red and the driver of the car slams on the brakes. A building comes to life and stomps through city streets with the mission of destroying all “do-gooders.” While flying in a bug-shaped vessel, a kitten presses buttons randomly causing a cat to be thrown out. A man in a factory reaches into machinery and yells causing a woman to scream, thinking he is being hurt and the man pulls out a dead fish from the works. A dead fish is revived by being sprayed with a “living spray” and it says it is going to destroy all do-gooders. A kitten is caught in a beam and taken away by a fish. A large robot pounds on another robot to crush it with characters trapped inside (they get out safely). A kitten flies in a machine and it crashes to the ground; the kitten is shown motionless until a dog man licks its face and it revives. We see a city in rubble after several animated buildings stomp through the area.
 A woman yells at a man in numerous scenes; she climbs on his desk and yells in his face in one scene. A cat closes a window and pinches its tail in it. A man threatens a dog man telling him that he will lose his job if he doesn’t arrest a cat. A cat tries to give a kitten away and flies away leaving it alone on the street; the kitten drags a small box into the street and falls asleep as a truck speeds toward it; a dog man saves the kitten. A woman tells a man to give a dog man “something dumb to do.” A cat fires a woman and she returns to ask for her pay in several scenes. A cat snarls and sprouts sharp claws when it is angry a few times. An elderly man falls off a chair and onto the floor (no injuries are seen). A dog man barks at mail carriers, and barks at and chases squirrels in a few scenes. A cat is handcuffed numerous times and taken to jail where it escapes. A dog man howls sadly while listening to music. We hear sirens in the distance in a couple of scenes. A cat buys a cloning machine and makes a clone of himself; we see a kitten in the machine and it cries when the cat is dismissive of it. We see a “living spray factory” and a cat tries to drop a dead fish in its smoke stack to revive it. A cat talks about its father leaving when it was young and that he was mean. A cat says, “The world is a horrible place.” A woman talks about her gerbil dying when she was young and feeling sad; a man listening sobs. A kitten says that the world is nothing but mud puddles, pollution and weeds.
 An animated building fights with a large robot and they slam each other around until one slams the other to the ground. A building becomes animated and when it tries to stand up, it struggles and falls over causing it to blow a cloud of something through a pipe in the back (resembling flatulence). Several buildings come to life and stomp through city streets looking to destroy do-gooders. A dog feeds a cat canned dog food and it puts its face in the dish (we see the food stuck to its head). A man and a dog man bump into each other when trying to get a donut. A dog sitting on a desk eats donuts in a few scenes. A dog man jumps across a desk and licks a man seated on the other side on the face after knocking him to the floor several times; the man complains. A dog man fetches a tennis ball, drops it and it nearly rolls down a sewer drain. A kitten says it needs to “go potty” in a few scenes and a cat tells it to “hold it.” While conducting a search a woman says, “We found nothing except in the sandbox. Ew.” A dog man licks a cat on the hand and we see saliva. A woman calls out to a man that there is extra toilet paper in the closet when he says there is an emergency.


 – 4 mild scatological terms (potty, poo-poo), name-calling (evilest, typical, suckers, crazy, whatever you are, captain foghorn, supa loser, mooch, nincompoopsicle, jabber jaw, losers, boring, jerk, fatty fish face, a robot is named ADHD, pedestrian, mean, rotten hearted, wretched soul, do-gooders, villain, evil and rotten inside), exclamations (you got what you deserve, sucks, wow, have a cow, jeez, yipee kaiyay flippy flipper, oopsy, for the love of Pete, my bad, oh great, mind your own beeswax). | profanity glossary |


 – None.


 – Villainy, do-gooders, loneliness, reality, abandonment, forgiveness, friendship, companionship.


 – Never forget what’s important.

Note: A short film precedes the feature and contains the following: An animated short precedes the feature film from “Bad Guys” where several characters arrive late for their parole hearing and we see one shark with an IV, one wolf splattered with blue dye from a bank bag, a car is shown being towed away and sparks fly from the bumper scraping the ground, a shark pounds on a vending machine, a bus leaves a cloud of exhaust when it pulls away, a man screams when a bathroom door is opened and we see him sitting on the toilet (his pants are at his knees and his partial bare thighs are visible), several characters are buried in sand and one urinates causing the sand to change color as it is soaked, a character is run over by a truck (a tire track is seen on his face), several characters dangle under a helicopter as it flies away and a wolf is sprayed with dye after a bank robbery.


Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.

We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.

Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.

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