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Super Troopers 2 | 2018 | R | - 8.7.10
In this sequel a group of quirky former police officers face a dilemma when the mayor and residents of a French-Canadian town on the US border object to being annexed by the US. The reenlisted Vermont State Troopers (Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter and Erik Stolhanske) are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area. Also with Sean William Scott, Rob Lowe, Brian Cox, Will Sasso, Lynda Carter and Damon Kyle Wayans Jr. Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar. A few lines of dialogue are spoken in French with English subtitles and a few lines of French gibberish have no translation; a dream sequence includes dialogue in Japanese with English subtitles. [1:40]
SEX/NUDITY 8 - A sex bar is shown smoky and dark as a woman is nude (except for a narrow thong-bikini bottom) and a man wearing only a genital bag dance around poles on a long platform (the woman's bare breasts, abdomen, buttocks, back and thighs are seen and the man's bare chest, abdomen, back, buttocks and thighs are shown along with his genitals covered by and bouncing inside the bag). A woman in a sex bar is shown topless and wearing a narrow bikini bottom (we see bare breasts, abdomen, back and a small amount of apparent pubic hair or a shadow). A man at a sex bar wears tight fitting mid-thigh shorts (his penis openly dangles between his legs), with a T-shirt that is cut off above his nipples (revealing his partial bare chest and abdomen) and another man throws the penis several punches without a reaction from its owner. A nude man disrobes and does cartwheels outside in a long shot and we see full back nudity along with his genitals dangling several times.
► A man in an armchair in a sex bar cuddles with a male and a female prostitute in his lap and the man is wearing leather straps across his chest and leather shorts that reveal thighs and legs while the woman wears a skimpy bikini that reveals cleavage, bare abdomen and bare legs to the thighs. Two men in a background shot of a sex bar wear mid-thigh shorts that revealing thighs, and a couple of narrow leather straps across their chests. We see a close-up of a man's face surrounded by four pairs of nude female buttocks rubbing against his cheeks, chin, and top of the head as he shouts that he is trapped, and the scene ends. A man takes two other men down a dark red-lit hallway in a tour bus to meet a woman who may be a prostitute, named "Juicy Lucy," but pushes them out the back door instead.
► Three RCMP officers are stranded nude (we see them from the waist up and their bare backs, chests and shoulders are seen) on a road and painted red, white and blue (Please see the Violence/Gore category for more details); a paint outline of testicles and a penis ejaculating appears on one of the painted men and the three men are shown later wearing a long serape, shorts and a T-shirt, and long waders with suspenders. A few men wear knee-length boxer shorts and T-shirts in a locker room; they chain a shirtless rookie on his back to a bench and spray shaving cream over his lower abdomen and genitals, which we do not see, as they say they are going to shave his genitals, but they do not; we see a close-up of a cherry being placed on top of the shaving cream and the men leave the rookie on the bench as he shouts that it burns. Inside a band tour bus, two women wear tight-fitting T-shirts and short shorts that reveal cleavage and bare thighs/legs; a woman lies in a top bunk with one bare thigh and lower leg sticking out from under covers and two mean wear sleeveless leather vests that reveal hairy arms to the shoulders and bare chests. A few scenes show women wearing low-cut blouses that reveal cleavage. A man appears sweaty and shirtless and another man says he smells like Bombay. A man wears a T-shirt and large areas around his outlined nipples are wet; another man asks him if he is lactating and he says he is just doing what his body says to do (he has become addicted to female hormones).
► A man and a woman alone in an office hurriedly remove their outerwear with the woman practically ripping of the man's shirt; he is shown shirtless (his bare back, chest and abdomen are shown) and she wears a V-neck, sleeveless top that reveals cleavage as they push down their slacks (we glimpse their bare thighs) and they kiss until an RCMP officer clubs the man in the head (there's no blood) and he drops out of the frame. Two men almost kiss on a dare, but their wide-brimmed hats get in the way. A man and a woman kiss each other on both cheeks. A woman kisses a man goodbye and says she will date him when his groin heals from a sawmill accident (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details). A man and a woman at a mall sit in massage chairs that vibrate the woman's stomach and make her breasts stick out farther until RCMP officers approach and accuse the man of doing inappropriate things with a Canadian woman (the couple leaves). A man does "The Twist" dance and shakes his behind.
► A man holds up a large plastic pill bottle and says it is full of capsules of Tiger Penis for erections and other men laugh. A TV commercial advertises Flova Scotia as a female sex enhancement drug. A sex bar is called L'Explosion Brothel. Two Mountie impersonators stop a man and a woman in a car and tell them that the key to happiness is "A penis in your [anatomical term deleted]."
VIOLENCE/GORE 7 - Two troopers chase a band tour bus in their cruisers while men in the bus push amplifier cases onto the hood of the cruiser (we see the car slightly dented); a trooper shoots a handgun at the bus and a woman shoots a handgun at the car hitting one of the troopers (we see blood pour from a stomach wound and the trooper looks dead) and the other trooper screams, drives into a ditch, and the wounded trooper's body lands sitting in a tree and with blood on his shirt while a man inside the bus collapses and looks dead, and while the driver pretends to be dead and drives through a railing, down a hillside, and the scene cuts to two men in a house where they talk about a recurring dream about a band bus accident.
► A man has a vision where five other men are dressed and made up as Geishas and one of the men is screaming as his head separates from the body and floats, leaving a bloody neck stump. A man cuts through his shoe with a shovel blade to slice off a pinky toe after losing a bet and he shouts in pain (we do not see the wound) as the camera cuts to the man limping forward with a bandaged foot that shows a large spot of blood; after the end credits, we see the man put the bloody toe into a blender for a smoothie, blend until the mixture is pink and drink from the blender, saying, "Mmmm."
► Three RCMP officers at home argue and a smoke bomb suddenly breaks through a window with shattering and tinkling glass; two of the men collapse in the smoke while the third fights with four men wearing gasmasks; we see punching, kicking, and throws until the third man passes out when a masked man hits his groin with a cattle prod that produces sparks and he screams (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details). Four government agents tackle a man and taser him (we hear the electric sound but do not see the weapon). A Mountie punches a trooper in the face and three pairs of Mountie-trooper fistfights break out as the camera moves to an aerial view.
► Three Mounties and four troopers confront each other, a Mountie shoots a gun without hitting anything, a Mountie and a trooper stick handguns into each other's mouths while a man on a sawmill platform, three other men, and a woman point handguns at the officers and tell them to drop their guns; the first man on the platform describes a smuggling operation, while a trooper reaches into a case of rifles, grabs a few, and troopers shoot down a heavy cow sculpture suspended behind and above the people on the platform and the cow falls and knocks the platform people down; one man pulls out his false teeth and fistfights without a state trooper (we see punching and kicking and hear grunts) and the trooper knocks the other man through a wood panel, unconscious.
► A woman is tied on top of a man as he lies on a wooden beam on a buzz-saw feed; the woman frees herself easily and the man, chained and tied, slides along the feed until the saw touches his crotch slightly and he screams and the scene cuts to the man in a wheelchair, with long bandages wrapped around his crotch and laid over his shoulders; we see a small spot of blood on his groin. A man receives a small cut over one eyebrow from a broken beer glass.
► A large brown bear licks raw steaks on a state highway patrol office floor until a patrolman grabs the meat, shouts at the bear and the bear chases him into an outhouse; the outhouse tips over and the bear sniffs it and leaves quickly after roaring into the camera with long teeth and the man pops out of it, wet with urine and a blood stain from the steaks on his chest as another man says, "The Mounties are trying to kill us."
► During end credits, Fred Savage as himself climbs a tall tree to rescue a cat in front of several state troopers, he falls and lands on his feet with the cat in his arms, puts it down, walks into the street without looking, and a bus passes fast sending him off-screen; we hear that he died and the troopers were fired.
► Troopers find cases of drugs and Russian automatic rifles under a mound of leaves and one trooper fires a rifle across a lake until the magazine is empty. A state trooper says he will shoot a bald eagle and shoots several times into the sky while we hear a screech and a thump as it is implied that the bird hits the ground to end the scene.
► A state trooper pulls over a band tour bus and asks if the smoke coming from a door is marijuana and if the drug is the good stuff; he enters the bus, calls another trooper to come inside, and kicks that trooper in the groin (the second man shouts in pain and bends over); a man leads the two troopers into the back of the bus, opens the rear door, and throws them out (they are unharmed). A man touches a booby-trapped microphone on a dispatcher's desk twice, receives strong shocks, shouts, and falls out of the frame (we see large sparks). A man reaches into his locker and receives a large shock as we see a wide spark flash; he falls backward onto a bench, shaking his hand in pain. A man in a motorized scooter at a mall bends to the side and imitates Stephen Hawking's voice, insults RCMP officers, and drives into a tall display of plastic bottles, scattering the bottles across the floor. Two Mountie impersonators stop a motorist, one pretending deafness and other pretending blindness and the "blind" man uses a cane to try to cross a busy road, avoiding cars racing by, but the stopped motorist looks terrified. Two Mountie impersonators stop a motorist and berate him after breathing helium to make their voices high pitched. A man pops a helium filled balloon with a cigarette (looks like a marijuana cigarette) and a huge fire surges up (no injury occurs). A Mountie impersonator steals a motorist's car, leaving him stranded. A man drives a cruiser into a utility pole and falls out onto the ground; another man gives him CPR, grimaces, and the man on the ground reaches up and stabs two fingers into the other man's behind, causing a shout (the man on the ground is unhurt) and he accuses the other man of trying to make out with him. Two children are attached to ropes for leashes and run, taking two police officers to a shack that is filled with cases of large baggies of drugs and boxes of cigars.
► Five state troopers swallow a different pill from five types confiscated from a shack (please see the Substance Use category for more details); one man collapses into a straight chair and says he is numb and unable to move (his speech is slurred), another man takes steroids and he shouts and does many pushups, a third man takes amphetamines and runs around the office and then hits the collapsed man in the head with a phone book three times (no injury occurs), a fourth man takes LSD and grins and stares as he sees a highway patrol sign change to read "wayhigh patrol," while the last man takes female hormones and he becomes weepy as he cooks and talks about emotions.
► A filthy cabin is filled with fly paper strips covered with flies, old tarps, and dust and a man wraps fly paper strips around another man's head as he sleeps (we see flies stick to it) and the second man places a nameplate saying "The Fart Zone" on a desk. Night vision goggles show a man as an orange silhouette urinating a long stream onto the ground, sneezing a cloud from his nose, and passing a gas cloud from his behind (we see the outline of his penis as well). A man says he and a friend both had their "nuts" ripped off in bicycle chains while riding. A man burps loudly and cracks chewing gum several times. A man says that he is urinating (it's below the frame and we neither see nor hear urine).
► A man says a ship exploded in Halifax and killed an entire First Nations tribe.
LANGUAGE 10 - At least 75 F-words and its derivatives, 7 obscene hand gestures, 13 sexual references, 23 scatological terms, 60 anatomical terms, 20 mild obscenities, name-calling (stupid, crazy, creepy, idiots, weird, nerd, old timey guy, rookie, goons, fake, piggy, tool, hobo, finger blaster, dirty dog, monkeys, bastard, oafish, noxious, booger, baldy, smugglers, Yanks, Mr. Perfect, Fred Savages, midget Burt Reynolds, Frerejaques, Frenchies, Canadians, Canucks, Canuckleheads, James Bind, Sherlock McSerpico), exclamations (sacre bleu, booyah, gee, jeeso meeso, wow, shut-up, shut the puck up), 8 religious profanities (GD), 12 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh My God, God, Thank God, Jesus Christ, God Knows Where, God Knows, Holy [scatological term deleted], Holy Merd, Holy Kinderellas).
SUBSTANCE USE - Two young boys and a young girl whom we hear are intoxicated with speed (amphetamines) drive a car while unable to see over the steering wheel and swerve and drive into a ditch and we see an open baggie of green pills in the car when a trooper holds them up and says that they are "hopped up on goofballs" (the children are unharmed), we see a shack that is filled with cases of large baggies of drugs and boxes of cigars, five state troopers swallow some of five different drugs (depressants, LSD, female hormone, amphetamines and steroids) (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details), a smoky band tour bus emits a cloud of smoke from a side door and inside has a corner shelf filled with cans of beer and unknown bottles of liquor, we hear that band members smoke marijuana, as a tour bus careens along a road pills and a drugged cigarettes float in slow motion into the frame, and a man steals a large baggie of female hormone pills from a crate. Men and women at a town meeting hold glasses of beer and throw them at people (some glasses are plastic and splash beer, while others are glass and shatter on floors), a man impersonating a Mountie lies on the hood of a car with his trousers off (we see his thighs and lower legs) and holds a half-bottle of bourbon when the car owner approaches and the impersonator startles and spills the alcohol on the car as he runs away, and a few men and a few women drink beer in a club and in a home. Three men smoke cigars, and later four men smoke cigars in another scene.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Border disputes, annexing land, smuggling drugs and Cuban cigars, the sex industry in Canada, state police activities, pranksters, impersonating an officer, the French, French Canadians, Americans, teamwork, problem solving, the metric system.
MESSAGE - Working for the state highway patrol can be dangerous but exciting.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Paddington in Peru - 1.3.1
Captain America: Brave New World - 1.5.4
Back in Action - 3.6.5
Heart Eyes - 4.9.9
Love Hurts - 2.7.10
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