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Plane | 2023 | R | – 1.7.7

When a plane is forced to land on a remote island in the Philippines after an encounter with an electrical storm, surviving the crash is not the only thing the crew and passengers have to worry about: They are also threatened by mercenaries that are prepared to kill them and help comes from an unlikely source. With Gerard Butler, Daniella Pineda, Tony Goldwyn, Mike Colter, Remi Adeleke, Paul Ben-Victor, Joey Slotnick, Kelly Gale, Yoson An and Evan Dane Taylor. Directed by Jean-François Richet. A few lines of dialogue are spoken in an unidentified language with English subtitles. [Running Time: 1:47]
– A woman hugs a man in gratitude. Two men talk about their partners lovingly.
► Two young women wear shorts that reveal their bare legs.
– Trucks with armed men speed toward passengers sheltering near a downed plane: the men shoot their weapons in the air causing the passengers to cower and scream, one man is questioned and a gun is held to his head, a woman screams and runs away and she is shot in the back, her partner yells and is held by two men as another man swings a machete down to cut off his head (blood sprays); the remaining passengers are loaded onto a bus and driven to a village. Two men move toward two other armed men, one man is held and his throat is slashed with a knife (we see blood) and the other man is held and stabbed in the abdomen (we hear a crunch). A man strikes another man in the head or throat with a sledgehammer (blood sprays and puddles under his body), the hammer wielding man hits another man in the head (blood sprays) and he hits the man again below the frame and we hear a crunch. A man walks into a group of mercenaries and they shove and hit him, they kick him, he is struck with a weapon three times and falls to the ground where a man points a gun at him preparing to shoot him; the gunman is shot from off-screen and several other men are shot and killed with blood splattering and a few are thrown back by a powerful weapon that pierces through a car and blasts through the bodies (we see several dead bodies later with blood pooled under them). A man is shot and killed (blood spurts) and another is struck in the face with a gun butt and questioned (we see blood on his nose and face). A man drags a dead man into brush and a man with a gun follows him; we hear a gunshot and the man with the gun comes into view alone (implying that he shot the other man). Trucks carrying gunmen speed toward a plane and a couple of people getting on the plane are shot (we see bloody wounds), the gunmen shoot at the plane, at the pilot and one prepares an RPG and fires but he is shot and misfires (we see blood spray); the plane barrels along a dirt road for takeoff and the landing gear slams into a man loading an RPG (we do not see the remains).
► A plane flies through turbulence and is jostled; passengers are instructed to stay seated and buckled in as the plane is thrown violently and a man and a woman are slammed into the ceiling of the plane and onto the seats and floor (both die as we hear a crack implying the woman’s neck is broken and we see blood on the man’s head). A pilot makes his way through the plane and when turbulence jolts the plane, he hits his head on an overhead compartment (we see a bloody cut on his eyebrow).
► A man is struck in the back of the head by another man, they fight with punches and attempted choking, one man draws a knife and it is knocked out of his hand, they continue to fight and one man is killed and left dead on the floor as another man with a gun enters the building (no one is shot). People are held in a room and we see their wrists bound; a few of them are taken outside and recorded identifying themselves and their citizenship, and a gunman shoots his gun next to one man’s head when he won’t answer his question. A video shows a passenger on a commercial flight punching the pilot in the face; the pilot then punches the first man and subdues him with a chokehold. A man makes a video of the survivors of a plane’s forced landing on a remote island and another man lunges at him and pushes him to the ground when he tries to film him.
► After being struck by lightning, a plane is left without radio and navigation and we are told that they have 10 minutes to land before losing power; the crew and passengers prepare for a water landing but the plane lands on a road on an island and the passengers disembarked. A plane takes off and is unable to reach satisfactory altitude and speed because one engine fails and the doors are not sealed; the plane lands and runs off the end of a runway into dirt before it stops.
► Two men find a room that has blood splatter on the wall, smears of blood on the floor and a few passports; we also see a camera that has video of hostages (they’re missionaries) pleading for money or kidnappers will kill them. Two dead bodies are shown on a flight of stairs as two men walk by (no blood is visible). A man searches through a jungle and finds a building (we see bullet holes in the walls and many shell casings strewn on the ground), and he makes a call for help, but is dismissed by the person on the other end of the line as making a prank call.
► A man zips two bodies into body bags and we later see them opened with a woman in one and a man with a bloody head wound in the other. A man wearing handcuffs is led onto a plane and we are told that he has been a fugitive and committed murder. Two young women try to take a selfie and maneuver it to include a prisoner seated behind them; the officer with the man tells them to stop.
► Passengers yell at a pilot after he lands on a remote island and is unable to call for help. A crisis team gathers in a room and tries to track where a plane might be after losing contact with it. A man describes the possible theories of what happened to a missing plane, including “ghosting,” a crash-landing, or a hijacking. A man takes a gun from a dead man’s holster. We hear that an island is occupied by separatists and that the authorities will not venture onto the island because of the threat of violence. Automated announcements are repeated on a plane flying low over ground, as “Too low. Terrain.” Passengers are told that they will have to ration food and water. A man describes running away and joining the French Foreign Legion to avoid prison. A man says that his wife died three years earlier.
– About 29 F-words, 18 scatological terms, 6 mild obscenities, name-calling (stupid, weatherman), exclamations (brace for impact, shut-up, calm down), 2 religious profanities (GD), 6 religious exclamations (e.g. oh my God, Jesus Christ, oh Jesus, thank God, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |
– People drink champagne on an airplane, and a man orders gin on a plane (we do not see him drink).
– Commercial airlines, mercenaries, redemption, the Philippine islands.
– Take one minute at a time when in a crisis.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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