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In Order of Disappearance | 2019 | R | – 2.7.8
Why is “In Order of Disappearance” rated R? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “bloody violence, and language throughout.” The Kids-In-Mind.com evaluation includes a passionate kissing scene, several murders by gunshot or strangulation and disposal of the bodies with bloody wounds shown, extended beating sequences, a kidnapping, a violent encounter with a snowblower, and at least 36 F-words. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.”
Norwegian thriller (the original title is “Kraftidioten”) about a middle-aged and respectable snowplow operator (Stellan Skarsgård) whose son is killed by drug-dealing gangsters. Burning with a desire for revenge he decides to kill all those responsible and at the same time sparks a gang war between competing underworld factions and the bodies keep piling up. Also with Bruno Ganz, Pål Sverre Hagen, Jack Sødahl Moland and Anders Baasmo Christiansen. Directed by Hans Petter Moland. In Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Serbian and German with English subtitles. [Running Time: 1:56]
In Order of Disappearance SEX/NUDITY 2
– A man touches another man’s hand and his face tenderly before they start to kiss passionately.
► A husband and his wife lie in bed together and when the man gets up we see his bare back. A shirtless man lies in bed and we see his bare chest and abdomen. A man is shown in a bathtub and we see his bare chest and back.
In Order of Disappearance VIOLENCE/GORE 7
- A man confronts another man and punches him in the face, straddles him on the ground and punches him repeatedly (we see a lot of blood and the man spits blood), and then strangles him slowly (we see the man's feet thrashing as he dies). A man punches a man in the face (we see his face and mouth bloody), the man runs and tries to hide but the first man finds him and continues to punch him, hits him in the face with a gun (the man spits blood and a tooth on the floor), and then shoots him and blood splatters on a sheet of plastic behind him. A man is shown bound and gagged in the trunk of a car, and he is later shown tied to a chair where he is punched repeatedly (blood sprays form his mouth); another man shoots him and blood and matter spray on the shooter's coat and on a coffee holder that he holds to catch the spray. A man in a snowplow speeds behind a car, and then speeds toward him on a narrow road; he gets out of the truck and slams the driver of the car into his steering wheel (blood is shown on the man's face) and he is then shown lying in the shovel of the snowplow where he is punched repeatedly, his head clangs against the metal shovel and he spits blood (we see blood on his shirt and in his beard) before he is shot and we see blood spray on the snow. A man shoots another man in the head and he falls in what seems to be a large pile of a powdered drug and tells other men to, "Cut off his head and box it." A man shoots a man from under a desk and we see blood splatter; we later see the body with blood on his shirt as men wrap him in a rug and take him away for disposal.
► A man in a car shoots at several other men outside as they drive by: blood sprays on one man's face, others fall with bloody wounds and blood sprays from their wounds, a man is beaten with a crowbar, a man is shot in the head, a snowplow rams into a car that deploys an airbag and the driver is shot in the head (we see blood), and a large piece of equipment drops a tree through the roof of a car next to the driver who is then shot (blood sprays on the windshield). A man gliding from a parachute crashes into a large snowblower and we hear a thud as the parachute material is diced and sprays out of the machine (no blood is shown).
► A man holds a gun to another man's face, a bag is placed over his head and he is shoved into the back of a car where another man with a badly bloody and bruised face is shown bound and struggling to get free as the other man is forcibly injected with a drug. A man jumps out of a moving car, slowly gets off the ground and runs through deep snow as a man from the car shoots at him several times (he presumably misses because the shooter yells and throws his gun down in frustration). A man with a gun hides under a truck and another man holds a gun to his head. A man with a gun climbs into a moving snowplow and threatens the driver.
► A morgue scene shows a man dead on a table covered with a sheet and after an extended period of a staff person elevating the table with a noisy pump lever, a man and a woman identify the man on the table as their son; they are told that he overdosed. We see a dead man's body tied with rope to a traffic sign alongside a snow-covered road (the body is bloody); a police officer vomits when he sees the body (we hear gagging and see goo). Several men look through a monocular to see the body of a man tied to a sign in the distance as police arrive at the crime scene. Several men gather near a casket and a man threatens revenge for the death of his son; the men carry the casket into a large truck.
► A man punches a woman hard in the face (she falls back and off-screen); we see her later with a swollen and bruised cheek. A man punches another man in the face and threatens to pull out his fingernails, cut off his fingers, cut off his hands and cut off his nose. A wife yells at her husband in the car and hits him several times after they have identified their dead son at the morgue.
► A man pulls a severed head out of a gift box and we see blood at the neck and on the face of the victim. A man wraps a dead body in wire mesh and throws it off a tall waterfall; the man later explains that the fine mesh allows small fish to get in and eat way the flesh to keep the body from bloating and rising to the surface (the man is shown throwing two other bodies wrapped in fine mesh wire over the waterfall). A man is killed off-screen and we see his body wrapped in plastic being placed in the trunk of a car. A man loads a shotgun and places the end of the barrel in his mouth before being interrupted by another man.
► A man threatens to beat another man. We hear a woman screaming and a man runs to see his wife distraught and standing at a window (we understand that their son is dead). A man and his former wife argue over custody of their son in a few scenes. A man confesses to getting another man into trouble and getting him killed. We see people gathered at a graveside funeral. A young boy tells his father that another boy is bullying him at school and the man tells him that the other boy must think he is weak and that he should fight by hitting him hard. A man yells on the telephone (we don't hear about what). A man touches his wife's hand and she pulls away abruptly and asks him, "Who are you?" as if she does not recognize him. A man returns home to find that his wife has left him without explanation. A man and a woman argue and tussle over a TV remote control. A man says that he has cancer. A man yells at and threatens his ex-wife when she confronts him about missing a school meeting for their son. Two men talk about the condition of Norwegian prisons and that there are no rapes and that the guards are nice and the food is served warm. A man tells a boy, "You'll freeze to death." A man gestures for another man to be killed by drawing his finger across his own throat.
► A man takes a boy away from a school yard and takes him to his home and then to his workplace. A man throws snowballs at another man and the second man threatens to shoot him if he does it again (he points a pistol at him). A man hides a boy in a cage in a garage before a gunfight breaks out.
► We hear the roaring sound of heavy snow clearing and blowing equipment in several scenes. We see a snow-covered area that appears to be having snow almost all the time with rows of cars following a plow on a narrow road through mountains. We see lions fighting on a TV nature program (no blood is shown). A moose is tied into a snowplow shovel and it appears to be frozen in a standing position with one of its antlers dangling loose.
► A man shaves and nicks himself on the chin (we see a spot of blood on a tissue). A woman spits on a man's grave and storms away. A man has a healed scar on his chin and across his throat. A dog defecates and we see the feces as a woman picks it up with a plastic bag; men watching from a car remark about the act.
In Order of Disappearance LANGUAGE 8
- About 36 F-words, 9 scatological terms, 9 anatomical terms (a man's last name is Dickman and people laugh about the name in several scenes), 11 mild obscenities, 1 derogatory term for Chinese people, a few derogatory references to Albanians, name-calling (hick village, weak, dumb, filthy, fat oil pigs, pits, bastard, disgusting, cheeky, kidnapper, monkeys, swine [anatomical term deleted], mongrel, grumpy, cow), exclamations (drop it, screw it). | profanity glossary |
In Order of Disappearance SUBSTANCE USE
- A man is forcibly injected with a drug in the back of a car (the drug kills him, please see the Violence/Gore category for more details), a man is shot and falls back in what seems to be a large pile of a powdered drug, a man confiscates a suitcase filled with bags of drugs and he opens them and throws the powder to the wind, a husband and his wife are told that their dead son has overdosed and they insist that he was not a drug user, we see a vial of sleeping pills on a woman's' bedside table, and a man confesses to stealing some drugs from a dealer. A man pulls a bottle of liquor out of his pocket and takes a drink, and a man holds a glass of brandy (we do not see him drink). A man smokes a cigarette in a car, and two men smoke outside.
In Order of Disappearance DISCUSSION TOPICS
- Drug trafficking, revenge, immigration, racism, democracy, the desolation of a Norwegian winter, bullying, kidnapping, welfare states, terminal illness, the Stockholm Syndrome.
In Order of Disappearance MESSAGE
- A father's fury cannot be contained.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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