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Get Rich or Die Tryin' | 2005 | R | - 8.8.10
A boy watches his mother sell drugs to keep him in new sneakers, and then turns to dealing on street corners himself to make ends meet after she is murdered. Eventually, tired of the game and doing time for it he turns to gangster rap, where he feels comfortable expressing himself more constructively. Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson stars. Also with Joy Bryant, Benz Antoinee, Viola Davis and Terrence Dashon Howard. Directed by Jim Sheridan. [2:14]
SEX/NUDITY 8 - A man and a woman kiss, they lie back on a bed, and they have sex: we see the woman's bare breasts and the man's bare buttocks and back, the man kisses down the woman's chest to her crotch, and he rolls her over and kisses her buttocks.
► Several nude men shower in a jail shower room and their bare backs, buttocks and genitals are visible. A young man lies on a sofa with two young women and we see their bare breasts when they are pulled off him. Several nude young men shower in a shower room (we see their bare buttocks and their genitals are in heavy shadow). A poster of a nude woman hangs on a wall and we see her bare buttocks. Two young women wearing tiny nightgowns (revealing bare shoulders, cleavage and bare legs) count money in a man's office. Young women are shown wearing low-cut tops that reveal cleavage, bare backs and bare abdomens, a woman wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage along with a short skirt that reveals bare legs, and a woman wears a nightgown that reveals cleavage, bare shoulders and legs. A man removes his shirt and is bare-chested while singing on stage, and he grabs his crotch a few times while performing, and several men are bare-chested in jail. A woman and a boy wear bathing suits at a beach.
► Men and women dance together in a nightclub, while scantily clad women (revealing cleavage and bare abdomens and legs) thrust their hips against men. A young man and a young woman kiss, she wraps her legs around his waist, he picks her up and puts her in a bed (nothing else is shown but it is implied that they have sex).
► A young man and a young woman hug and kiss, and a young man and a young woman hug.
► We hear a boy singing lyrics to a song that includes sexual references; a girl's parents listen to the song and are upset by the suggestion. Two young women pose with a young man for publicity photos.
► A woman goes into labor, she moans and screams while pushing, and the baby is born and he cries.
VIOLENCE/GORE 8 - A man is shot in the back and legs several times: he tries to hide behind a car, he pulls himself into the street, his assailant stands over him with a gun to his head, pulls the trigger and we see blood and matter spray from his mouth and face, while a woman screams and the assailant runs away. Earlier in the movie we see the same scene but with fewer details: a man is shot in the back and legs several times, the wounded man pulls himself into the street, the assailant approaches him, shoots him in the hand, and then holds the gun to the victim's head (we hear a shot but do not see anything).
► A man is tied by the hands to the ceiling, we see his very bloody mouth and nose (presumably after having been beaten), a young man approaches him with pliers, and we hear the man scream and hear crunching as the young man pulls the man's teeth out; the man's head is then wrapped with a plastic bag, and he struggles to get free (it is implied that he is killed but we do not see him dead).
► A man threatens another man, and they fight: one pushes his thumbs into the other's eyes, they struggle on the floor, one man pulls a knife and lunges toward the other, and he is shot by yet another man (we see him lying on the floor with a bloody wound on his side); then we hear two more shots and see the man dead with a bloody bullet wound in his head. A man stabs a young man three times in the stomach.
► Several young men ride in a car, they load a gun, one young man gets out of the car and shoots one man, the man falls to the ground and pleads, and the young man shoots him in the leg and runs away while the others shoot at him. Three men are shot to death in a street, and three young men are shot to death in a car (we see blood spurt and one young man dangles out the car window). A store owner thinks that two boys are stealing from him, he shoots one in the stomach, chases the other into the street and shoots him in the back (we see blood on their shirts). Three men shoot several people one at a time (off-screen) and then one man is shot in the chest three times. A young man shoots a police officer several times.
► A badly wounded and bloody man is loaded into the back of a truck and taken to the hospital; we are told that he died in the truck, the hospital staff revives him and we see doctors removing bullets (blood and tissue).
► A woman lies unconscious with tape around her ankles, a man pours a flammable liquid on and around her, lights the liquid, and we see the house engulfed in flames and then see people gathered at a funeral. A man sets a car on fire.
► During a robbery a man shoots a man in the leg, several people shoot back and forth at each other, and one woman shoots at the getaway car as it drives away, breaking its rear windshield. Several people are held at gunpoint by several men during a robbery, one man is shot in the leg, and a man holds a boy by the shirt and presses a gun in his face.
► In a jail shower room a man with a knife lunges toward a young man, they struggle, and the young man is stabbed in the back (we see some blood); then the two men and several others fight, police officers beat one man with sticks, and we see two of them handcuffed and lying on the floor with bloody head wounds.
► We see several dead bodies: one lying on the ground near a car with a bloody gunshot wound in the head, and another wrapped in plastic in the trunk of a car -- two men put it into a garbage truck.
► A man shoots a gun in a crowded nightclub, and people run and scream; one young man, who was shot, lies on the floor with blood pooling near him, and we see him in the hospital later and are told that he will never walk again.
► Two men attack a young man on a street, another young man comes along with a gun and threatens the two men, who back off. Three boys beat up another boy with kicks and punches (they stop when a man separates them). A boy throws a bowl of water on a young man who's in bed sleeping, and the young man charges toward him, tackles him and punches him several times.
► A man pulls wires out of his teeth (they are wired shut after an injury to his mouth), he opens his mouth and he shows a woman a bullet fragment that is still in his tongue.
► A man picks up a newborn and acts in a threatening manner, while talking to the child's mother. A young man grabs a young woman by the hair and forces her to leave a club, after she was smoking crack. A drug-addicted man approaches a young man on the street, begging for drugs, and the young man pushes him away.
► A young man is shoved into a dark jail cell (he's in solitary confinement), someone slips a razor blade through the slot in the door and the young man tells us that he contemplated suicide. A man talks about having been bullied when he was a kid because of the color of his skin.
► A young man mourns the death of his mother throughout the movie and appears to want to seek revenge against her killer. A man tells another man that he killed his mother. A man tells two men to kill two other men.
► A woman shoves a man, he shoves her back and they argue, insulting each other. A man yells at his grandson.
► A man loads a gun as he and several other men drive in a car. A woman loads a gun. A boy buys a gun, and holds it while looking at himself in a mirror.
LANGUAGE 10 - 125 F-words and its derivatives, 3 obscene hand gestures, 4 sexual references, 45 scatological terms, 20 anatomical terms, 28 mild obscenities, name-calling (stupid), 44 derogatory terms for African-Americans, 1 religious profanity.
SUBSTANCE USE - Three young men are arrested for drug possession, and a young man is arrested at school for carrying drugs. A drug dealer tells other drug dealers not to try a drug because of its effects, we see many different people selling drugs on street corners, a man prepares crack to be sold on the streets, and we hear that a woman sold drugs and her young son was aware of her profession. A young man smokes marijuana and a man injects himself with a prescription pain medication. People drink alcohol in several nightclub scenes, a man drinks alcohol, and people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes and cigarillos in a nightclub scene. A couple of men smoke cigarettes in several scenes.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Respect, death of a parent, drug dealing, gangster rap, the rap music industry, racism, discipline, trust, power, revenge, jealousy.
MESSAGE - Respect is the most important thing. Violence begets violence.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Paddington in Peru - 1.3.1
Captain America: Brave New World - 1.5.4
Back in Action - 3.6.5
Heart Eyes - 4.9.9
Love Hurts - 2.7.10
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