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Birds of Prey | 2020 | R | – 4.8.10

After The Joker and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) break up, she tries to make it on her own and finds herself being menaced by a Gotham crime boss (Ewan McGregor). Hence, she joins with a few new friends and a former detective to try to take him down for good. Also with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Rosie Perez. Directed by Cathy Yan. [Running Time: 1:49]
Birds of Prey SEX/NUDITY 4
– A series of paintings hang in a room and we see they are of nude women with string wrapped around their faces and necks (we see bare breasts and abdomens). A man in a nightclub tells a woman to get on a table and dance and to take off her dress and he gives another man a knife and tells him to cut it off her (he does and we see the partially clothed woman wearing a bra and underwear). Several nightclub scenes show many women wearing low-cut tops and dresses that reveal cleavage and some bare abdomens. A woman’s dress reveals her bare shoulder and a slit up the side shows her bare leg to the upper thigh. A painting on the wall of a nightclub shows a woman’s nude back to the waist and the side of one breast. A woman wears a low-cut vest and a bra-like top that reveal cleavage and bare abdomen in several scenes. An eggplant emoji is used in a description of a man. An animated sequence shows a squiggling sperm fertilizing an egg. A man reaches into a woman’s pants pocket and pulls out a tampon.
► A man puckers his lips as if sending a kiss toward a woman. A woman kisses a man on the cheek.
► A woman touches the cage of a hyena and the animal licks her face as it growls at a man suggesting that he’d trade the animal for sex with the woman. A woman talks about falling in love and the heartbreak she suffered when the relationship was broken up. A woman wears a T-shirt with a crude anatomical quip on it while at a police station. A woman remarks about having a picture of a “Nude Eleanor Roosevelt.”
Birds of Prey VIOLENCE/GORE 8
– A man, a woman and a teenage girl hang by their feet upside down as a man reprimands the man and threatens them all: another man with a knife cuts the hanging man’s face off and we see the flesh with blood dripping from it after he is finished, and the man with the knife then moves to the woman and begins cutting and we hear the girl screaming as the man with the knife approaches her and the scene ends. Members of a crime family are gunned down in a room and we see them all fall dead to the floor with bloody wounds, including children (we see this scene a few times). A crime scene shows four dead men with bloody wounds sitting and lying around a table in a restaurant; we see a person approach the table, she shoots one man and the others draw their weapons and shoot at her as she shoots and stabs the others and one man is struck by an arrow in the throat (we see blood and he gurgles as he dies). A man with a crowbar threatens a woman (we see that his face has been tattooed to look like a clown face and we understand that the woman was responsible) and he is shot in the throat by an arrow (we see blood as he gasps and falls dead). A man is shot in the neck with an arrow and we see blood pouring; a woman seated next to him pokes him repeatedly with a tranquilizer dart that he had used on her. A man holds a knife to a teen girl’s throat and she reveals that she has pulled the pin of a grenade that explodes in the man’s pocket blowing him to pieces (we see his body parts fall into water next to a pier where they were standing).
► Many men with weapons and wearing masks gather outside an amusement park and move toward a building where several women and a teen girl prepare to fight them; the men shoot into a room and the women shoot back and slide down a ramp chased by one man that a woman straddles and stabs repeatedly as they slide down; the women fight with several men at a time, they are thrown, punched, kicked, flipped, a woman is slammed against a wall, a woman shoots several men with arrows, a woman using a baseball bat fights several men (blood spurts), and a woman is shot in the chest (she is wearing a bulletproof vest and is OK Later).
► A girl is grabbed and taken away in a car, a woman wearing roller skates chases the car, she is struck by another car and falls to the ground, a motorcycle offers her a ride and the woman on roller skates is pulled behind the motorcycle to chase the car; the roller skater jumps onto a car and beats up the several men inside it, she jumps out of the car and it crashes and explodes; the roller skater is then flung onto the back bumper of another car (the motorcyclist crashes to the ground but seems OK) where she is shot at by a man inside the car, the car crashes and the occupants get out and walk into thick fog.
► A woman screams and a large soundwave throws men through the air (they lie motionless). Several men with guns shoot at a woman and a girl and the woman uses a baseball bat to beat them and she slams a packet of what we think is cocaine at their faces throwing powder through the room; the woman continues to fight with men and she breaks one man’s legs (we see his knees bend the wrong way and we hear crunches), one man holds the woman around the throat and she sets his beard on fire (we see his beard and face in flames as he screams). A woman releases a teen girl from a jail cell and several men are also inadvertently released; the men surround the woman and they fight with punching and kicking, and she slams a cell door into the head of one man and kicks a man in the leg (we hear a crunch). A man slams a very drunk woman against a wall and kisses her neck as she says that she wants to go home; a van pulls up and two men lead the woman toward it until another woman approaches and beats the two men up with punches and kicks, one man draws a knife and the woman kicks him (blood spurts) and kicks the back door of the van into one man’s head breaking the glass; she then puts the drunk woman in her car. A man slaps a woman hard across the face twice (we see her bloody lip and teeth). A man becomes angry when a woman in his club laughs loudly at something, he yells at her and tells her to stand on a table and dance (she does), he then tells her to take off her dress and gives a man a knife and tells him to cut it off her (he does) and the woman cries and shakes. Two women fight with punches and kicks and eventually one woman is kicked out of a window (we see her OK later). A man shoots a woman with a tranquillizer dart and she falls to the floor; he threatens to kill her and shows her scars on his chest commemorating the other people he has killed. A man holds a gun to a woman’s head and tells her to cut open the belly of a teen girl to retrieve a diamond.
► A woman touches the cage of a hyena and the animal licks her face as it growls at a man suggesting that he’d trade the animal for sex with the woman; the scene then cuts to the hyena gnawing on a bloody lower leg (from the man). A woman jumps off a table and onto the propped up legs of a man sitting nearby and breaks his legs at the knee (we see the knees bending the wrong way as the man yells in pain). A flashback shows a hyena lunging toward a man (we see in a different scene that the animal has gnawed off one of his legs and we see the blood-covered stump). A flashback shows a woman falling (or jumping) into a vat of chemicals (we do not see any injury).
► A woman steals a van, speeds away from a police station with a teen girl and a woman in a car behind them shoots at them until the girl tosses a stick of dynamite out the window and blows up the car. A woman runs from a detective with her gun drawn and people throw obstacles in the woman’s way; she then trips over something thrown out of a window and a man in a wheelchair holds a gun on the woman and a man in a van speeds toward her until she throws a bag of garbage in the air and the man in the wheelchair shoots the driver of the van (blood splatters on the windshield) and the van crashes into the man in the wheelchair. A young girl lies on the floor under her bloody family members after they have been gunned down; we hear that she survived and was taken away to train to be able to exact revenge.
► A woman draws a large gun and shoots many police officers in a station with what look like beanbags; several are struck in the face and fall to the floor, other bags explode into glitter and confetti and she punches and kicks several other officers. Explosives are launched into an apartment and a woman and a teen girl inside hide; the woman panics when she cannot find her pet hyena afterward. A woman is shown tied into a chair and surrounded by many men holding guns as a man questions and threatens her; another man licks her cheek and draws a knife along her face. A teen girl holds a gun on several people in a room and yells at them.
► A woman throws a knife into the drawn face of a man on a wall. A man shows a woman tribal masks and shrunken heads in his apartment and describes that the heads have been boiled. A series of paintings hang in a room and we see they are of nude women with string wrapped around their faces and necks. A girl skips along a sidewalk pickpocketing several people. A woman steals a large truck and drives toward a chemical plant, she jumps out of the truck and it crashes into the plant exploding into balls of flame. A woman pounds on a jail cell control panel with a gun until alarms ring. A woman fills a cart with groceries and runs out of the store without paying knocking down a man trying to stop her.
► An animated nun is shown with horns drawn on her head as she paddles a young girl. A couple of animated sequences show people with red Xs drawn over their eyes indicating that they have been killed. An animation shows a woman being kicked through a window and falling a great distance. A detective is suspended and she slams her gun and badge on a desk.
► A man threatens a woman and says, “I’m gonna peel off that face, then pickle it.” A woman threatens a teen girl saying, “I will kill you. I don’t care that you’re a kid.” A man yells at other men and women for losing a diamond. A woman talks about her mother having been found dead on the street. A girl sits on a flight of stairs outside an apartment where we hear a man and a woman arguing (we understand that the people arguing are her foster parents). A man yells about someone having killed someone else. A woman says that many people want her dead. A woman says that her father traded her for beer when she was a little girl. A teen girl yells at a woman and says, “You tried to gut me.” A woman says, “I killed his firing squad.” A woman talks about a man wanting to “Go fishing in the kid’s intestinal tract.” A woman yells at another woman and says that she does not have “rage issues.”
► A woman vomits green goo into a purse in a nightclub (we see the goo). A man stands behind a large truck and it is implied that he is urinating (we see him fastening his pants later). A man tells a teen girl that he will not harm her until he sees mucus on her face from crying and he changes his mind. A girl is shown with a cast on her arm. A girl swallows a large diamond to hide it. A hyena licks a woman’s face and the woman puts a licorice whip in her mouth as the hyena eats it from the other end. A man says that he has to urinate (we do not see anything). A teen girl sits on a toilet after a woman feeds her laxatives and the woman duct tapes her hands and mouth.
Birds of Prey LANGUAGE 10
– About 78 F-words and its derivatives (a woman also wears a T-shirt with an F-word on the back of it and we see it several times), 5 obscene hand gestures, 1 sexual reference, 24 scatological terms, 23 anatomical terms, 15 mild obscenities, name-calling (broad, dumb slut, slimy, idiot, piggy, blowhard, slippery-fingered, illusion, fake, filthy, total kook, killing machine, weird, dumb rich white people, softy, dorky do-gooders, little bird, janky clown, animal murderer, face peeler, crossbow killer, low-life, stinking, hunky, kinky, crazy, rat, mad man, super embarrassing, moron, filthy little liar, psycho, sweetheart, stupid, tiresome), exclamations (you need help, chillax), 1 religious profanity (GD), 7 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus, Jesus Christmas, Christ, Holy [scatological term deleted], Holy [F-word deleted], I Swear To God, an animated nun is drawn with horns on her head). | profanity glossary |
– A woman with a tray walks around a nightclub and another woman takes a pill from the tray and swallows it (we don’t know what it is), men shoot into a large pile of cocaine packets throwing powder into the air and a woman inhales deeply, and a man injects another man in the face with a syringe a few times. A woman drinks a lot of alcohol in a nightclub and spills some on a man as she dances on a table, a woman drinks a shot of liquor in a nightclub, a woman drinks from a bottle after being suspended and appears drunk, several women drink margaritas and a woman asks a teen girl if she drinks, a woman drinks from a flask, and many people are shown drinking in several nightclub scenes. A man smokes on a sidewalk, a man smokes a cigar, and a woman holds a cigarette in her mouth and does not light it.
– Heartbreak, power, corruption, fresh starts, emancipation, superheroes, fear, standing on your own, childhood trauma, revenge, betrayal, trust, finding yourself, teamwork, foster families.
Birds of Prey MESSAGE
– It’s hard to get through life without friends.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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