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Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son | 2011 | PG-13 | - 5.5.4
An FBI Agent (Martin Lawrence) goes undercover as Big Momma, once again, but this time brings his stepson (Brandon T. Jackson) with him, enrolling him in an all girl performing arts school after he witnesses a murder. Also with Jessica Lucas, Portia Doubleday, Emily Rios, Ana Ortiz, Michelle Ang and Ken Jeong. Directed by John P. Whitesell. [1:47]
SEX/NUDITY 5 - A man dressed as a woman stops a woman wearing a robe from taking the robe off and posing nude for an art class. A woman begs a man dressed as a woman to pose nude for an art class and we see the man as a woman posing on a table in front of a classroom of teenage girls; the man is implied to be fully nude under a sheet that covers his front and behind (we see the female body suit's side cleavage and a portion of the bare back and he is about to take off the sheet but is interrupted).
► A teen boy dressed as a teen girl watches a teen girl undress, we see her in a bra and underwear, she unlatches her bra and is about to take it off when the teen boy dressed as teen girl runs out of the room. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl looks longingly at a teen girl wearing a cleavage-exposing short nightgown; the teen girl remarks on the shaping underwear the teen boy is wearing (we see a small portion of the underwear over the thigh of the teen boy, and his skirt tucked into it). A teen boy dressed as a teen girl looks at teenage girls' cleavage as they dance in front of him, wearing short nightgowns and bikini-tops. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl looks suggestively at a group of teen girls, including a teen girl wearing a towel (it is implied that she is just out of the shower). We see a music video where a teen boy dances suggestively with teen girls wearing cleavage-exposing dresses.
► A teen boy dressed as a teen girl is about to kiss a teen girl and she pulls away. A teen boy and a teen girl hug, they hold hands and kiss moments later.
► A teen girl is seen wearing a cleavage-exposing costume. A teen girl is seen wearing a mid-drift exposing shirt.
► We see a man playfully dance, smacking himself on the behind with a cane. It is implied that a man dressed as a woman grabs a teen boy's genitalia (the teen is dressed as teen girl) and squeezes; the teen looks like he is in pain and speaks in a high voice.
► A man grabs another man dressed as a woman, the man dressed as a woman shouts that the man was trying to molest him and a security guard shoves the man away. On multiple occasions a man flirts with a man dressed as a woman, not aware that he is a man: it includes staring at the man's behind and making sexual remarks, making sexual remarks about the man's appearance, touching the man as they play Twister, attempting to kiss the man (he pulls away), attempting to tickle the man (he pulls away), and suggestively motioning for the man to reach under his behind to play Twister; when the man dressed as a woman reveals to the other man that he is actually a man, the man remarks, disappointed, "Not again." It is implied that a man might be suggesting having sex with a man dressed as a woman (he is unaware that he is a man dressed in women's clothing): he says he has a "game" they can play, and we see them moments later playing Twister. On two occasions, a man and a teen boy playfully dance, thrusting their hips outward, saying, "Now freak with it."
► A teen boy sings flirtatious lyrics and looks at a teen girl suggestively; he asks for her phone number and she walks away. A man flirts with a man dressed as a woman and he says he makes women drool and the man dressed as a woman says that he "likes to keep saliva in his mouth." A teen boy jokingly asks a man if he can keep the fake breasts from a costume he had worn. A man dressed as a woman jokes that he is not wearing "clean granny panties." A man jokes with a teen boy that the teen boy had tried on women's clothing as a child. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl tells a teen girl that he thinks she is hot and she laughs it off. A teen girl and a teen boy discuss how they had previously kissed. A teen girl tells another teenage girl that she likes "lingering kisses." A teen boy and a teen girl sit close to one another and the teen boy jokes that he does not "syncopate" on a first date, as they sing together. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl singing a song stops moments before rhyming the word "block" by saying a minor anatomical term for buttocks instead.
VIOLENCE/GORE 5 - A man shouts at another man, one of the men runs away and falls to the ground, the other man shoots the fallen man in the back twice (we see no blood and do not see the injury) and a teen boy watches as the man dies.
► A man shouts at another man, grabs him and holds a gun to his head, a third man appears and another man holds a gun to his head; we hear a shot fired and one man punches another man in the face, twice (no one appears injured and we later find out that the first man had been shot in the leg).
► A man instructs other men to kill a man dressed as a woman, a teen boy and a teen girl; the man dressed as a woman and the teen boy kick two of the men in the groin, knocking them to the ground, and another gunman is tasered and falls to the ground as several FBI agents swarm into the room (the man, the teen boy and teen girl are unharmed).
► A man grabs a teen girl and a teen boy, and he holds a gun up to them as a man dressed as a woman walks in; the man fires the gun at him twice, he dives behind a desk and is unharmed. A man approaches another man and shouts at him, then fires a gunshot and runs away (no injuries are seen).
► As a teen boy and a man drive away in a car, a group of men fire shots at their SUV and we see multiple bullets hitting the windshield, and narrowly avoiding hitting the teen boy and man as they drive through a fence (they are unharmed). A teen boy startles a man sitting in an SUV, the man holds a gun to the teen boy's face, and then lowers it immediately and shouts at him.
► A man driving a police SUV drives after a mail truck, the SUV pulls in front of the mail truck, blocking it, the mailman gets out and runs, and the man in the SUV chases the mailman on foot through a street where a car has to screech to a halt to avoid hitting him; he tackles the mailman, who stands up and holds his back in pain, but is unharmed. A man dressed as a woman instructs a teen girl to drive after two men in a car race through crowded city streets and the man pulls the emergency brake, causing the car to slide into a wall; she continues to drive and sparks fly from the wall as the car drags along, a garbage truck cuts in front of the car, the teen girl puts the car into reverse, and the back of the car lifts off the ground and then slams back onto the pavement (the teen girl and the man are unharmed).
► Several teen boys hassle a teen girl and a teen boy wearing women's clothing, the teen boy punches one of them, and a man dressed as a woman breaks the fight up moments later. A man dressed as a woman uses a large book to knock two gun-wielding men in the face and chest; they stumble but are later seen unharmed. It is implied that a man dressed as a woman grabs a teen boy's genitalia (the teen is dressed as teen girl) and squeezes while speaking angrily; the teen looks like he is in pain and speaks in a high voice. A teen girl rips the latex mask and wig off a teen boy dressed as a teen girl; she slaps him on the face and runs away. A man dressed as a woman throws a bag at a teen boy dressed as a teen girl and it hits him in the chest. A man dressed as a woman hits a teen boy dressed as a teen girl in the back of the head on two occasions. A man jokingly slaps another man's hands away from a microphone on his chest.
► A man dressed as a woman sees red splotches on the ground, and he tells a teen girl to call 911 because he has found the blood of a teen girl that said she was going to kill herself; moments later he discovers the teen girl unharmed and the red splotches are hair dye. A teen girl tells a man dressed as a woman that she had convinced another teen girl to steal a music box; we later see the teen girl attempting to return the music box to a display chest with shattered glass.
► We see a woman crying and covered in toilet paper and shaving cream and with bald spots on her head; she tells a man dressed as a woman and another woman that several teen girls had attacked her.
► A teen boy dressed as a teen girl jumps off a stage during a ballet performance, he lands on a man dressed as a woman and it is implied that they are both struck in the genitals; they are seen wincing in pain and the man jokes, "I know why it is called the nutcracker." As a man dressed as a woman dances on a table, the table collapses under him; he is seen on his back on the smashed table, but is unharmed. Two men stumble as they walk into a shed and they knock some tools to the ground. A teen boy dressed as teen girl stumbles on multiple occasions as he tries to walk wearing high heels. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl accidentally drops a lunch tray in his lap.
► We hear a teen boy dressed as a teen girl say to himself, "I've got to take a leak" and see him struggling to remove a girdle and shaping underwear; we see him lift his skirt up and hear the sound of urinating, which stops, mid-stream, when he hears a teen girl speaking, and he stumbles and falls into a bathtub. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl winces in pain as he tries to move into ballet postures and poses, and he appears to be in pain as he does a split and a woman pushes his legs apart. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl sits on a teen girl's lower back to stretch her out and she shouts in pain.
► A teen boy tells a man that he had watched another man kill a person. On multiple occasions we hear a man telling two men that he is going to kill a teen boy, including during a phone conversation describing how the men need to kidnap him and kill him. A man tells two men that he has to kill a teen boy because the teen boy had witnessed him kill a man. A man shouts at a teen boy. A woman shouts at a man dressed as a woman. A man dressed as a woman shouts at several teen boys and girls. A man angrily threatens another man over the phone, saying he will yank out his ponytail. A woman addresses several teen girls, telling them she knows one of them stole a school's mascot. A man dressed as a woman tells two teen girls he knows they stole a chicken that's a school's mascot. A man dressed as a woman tells a woman he had discovered a chicken that he thought had been kidnapped. A teen girl shouts and runs away from a man dressed as a woman. A man jokingly tells another man that his protection will be inside a coffin. A teen boy dressed as a teen girl jokingly asks several teen girls if they are sacrificing animals at a candle-covered table. A man jokingly and using crude language tells two teen boys that he beats up his family members. On two occasions we hear a man and a teen boy joke about the vein in a woman's forehead popping out when she is mad. A man dressed as a woman jokingly tells a woman that as a child he used to lick other people's fingers to taste their food.
LANGUAGE 4 - 4 sexual references, 2 scatological terms, 13 anatomical terms (6 mild), 19 mild obscenities, exclamations (shoot, shizzle, b.s.), name-calling (lame, Tinkerbell, whack, demon spawn, ringtone rapper, idiot, chocolate thunder, crazy parent, Nazi Germany, two timing dog, an entire conglomerate of bad company, skinny enough to dodge raindrops, idiot, gossipy teenage girls, America's sexiest buffalo, big head, tools, fat lady, crazy lady, freaky, crazy, two bit floozy), 6 religious exclamations.
SUBSTANCE USE - A man is seen with malt liquor and hands a man in women's clothing a wine cooler which he drinks, a man offers a man in women's clothing a drink to which he says he prefers wine coolers, and we see drinks in front of men and women and empty ashtrays on the bar.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Area 51, FBI, undercover FBI operations, witness protection, performing arts schools, dishonesty, family bonding, alopecia, syncopation in music, men and teenage boys wearing women's clothing as a disguise, music contracts, going to college, coming of age.
MESSAGE - Making the right decision requires maturity and the advice of a trusted advisor.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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