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Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | PG-13 | – 1.6.4
Why is “Avengers: Endgame” rated PG-13? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and some language.” The Kids-In-Mind.com evaluation includes tight-fitting super-hero suits that accentuate male and female figures, several fight scenes and sequences of destruction and peril ending in the death of some characters with bloody injuries, and some strong language. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.”
The conclusion to Avengers: Infinity War that ended on a very somber note as half the life forms in the entire universe were extinguished by the super villain Thanos (Josh Brolin), including many of the Avengers. Five years have passed since then, Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) has returned and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) along with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Ant-Man (Paul Rudd), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), War Machine (Don Cheadle), Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper) devise a way to attempt to reverse time, undo this timeline and prevent the genocide. Also with Linda Cardellini, Tessa Thompson, Evangeline Lilly, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff, Tom Holland, Jon Favreau, Natalie Portman, Taika Waititi, Dave Bautista, Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Cobie Smulders, Michelle Pfeiffer, Katherine Langford, Tilda Swinton, Carrie Coon, Letitia Wright, Robert Redford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chadwick Boseman, Michael Douglas, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Rene Russo, Ken Jeong, William Hurt, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen and the voice of Kerry Condon. Directed by Anthony & Joe Russo. [Running Time: 3:01]
Avengers: Endgame SEX/NUDITY 1
– A husband and his wife hug in greeting. A husband and his wife dance closely and kiss.
► A man makes a comment about a skin-tight suit on another man and refers to his buttocks while watching him walk away, and the camera then lingers on a woman wearing a skin-tight suit (we see cleavage and the outline of her figure). A man in a therapy group talks about going on a date for the first time in years and that he and his date each cried.
► A shirtless man is shown and we see his bare chest, abdomen and back. A man wears a tank top that reveals bare shoulders and partial chest. A man’s shirt lifts up to reveal part of his lower abdomen in a couple of scenes. A man pulls of his shirt to reveal his bare chest, abdomen and back.
Avengers: Endgame VIOLENCE/GORE 6
- A large man is attacked and held around the throat as another man cuts off his hand, and then cuts off his head (we briefly see the head separate with blood splatter and some blood is shown on a woman's face). Several men with guns and swords fight in a city street and in a building; we hear gunshot sand see bodies fall, a man slashes several men using a sword and he and another man fight with swords until one man's throat is slashed (we see blood pour from the wound as he collapses), and the swordsman drives his sword into the body below the frame (we hear a crunch). Two women hold guns on each other, one is shot in the chest and we see a smoldering hole in her chest that seems to be made of metallic parts.
► Two men fight with punches and blows, breaking glass around them, they fall several stories and slam to the floor below where they wrestle on the ground. A woman with a sword fights a large creature, an explosive throws her and another woman throws the creature into a flame, killing it.
► A woman is connected to a computer by cables plugged into the back of her head and she is suspended in the air as her memories are scanned; she screams at one point (it's not clear if it's due to pain or trying to fight the intrusion). A woman puts her hand through a force field that burns away the outer part to reveal a metal appendage underneath. A woman holds her head and screams in pain in a couple of scenes as sparks flash behind her metallic eye. An alien creature calls a woman a traitor and a chain is wrapped around her neck as she us suspended in the air, in apparent preparation to pull her head off until a man intervenes and she is not harmed. A large man puts on a gauntlet that flashes and glows and current pulses through his arm and up to his head (we see charred flesh after) as he yells.
► Two women fight: one punches and kicks the other and holds a knife her eye. A man and woman fight, she tasers him, he shoots an arrow at her and she is thrown, he jumps over a ledge and she catches him with a cable and he dangles while holding her and she kicks away from the wall, falling to a rock below (we see her legs twisted and blood pooling under her head). A man is chased through a tunnel by dog-creatures and he shoots them with arrows eventually killing them all. Two men fight and we see one man with a bloody face after he is punched several times; he is pinned on the ground and a large blade is pushed toward his chest until a large hammer hits the attacker in the head and he is thrown, and bolts of electricity rain down on the man. A woman conjures balls of glowing energy, throws them at a man and lifts him off the ground and he moans.
► There is an extended battle sequence where people and creatures and other alien beings fight with swords, blasts of electricity and we see many beings dispatched without much visible blood (we hear slashing and squishing sounds) and a man flips through the battle and is caught up in a bundle of boulders but he breaks free and many bombs are dropped from a vessel blowing up the area where the battle is happening and creating a giant wave that threatens the area. Several men and women are transported into the middle of a raging battle and we see buildings being destroyed, alien creatures attacking people on the streets and a character slams a car on top of an enemy, and then pounds on the car and jumps on it while roaring loudly.
► A vessel launches explosives that blow up a compound and trap several people under wreckage and rubble; one character is pinned and another frees him and a couple of characters are nearly drowned as water rises around them. A flying vessel is shot out of the sky; we see it engulfed in flames as it falls to the ground. A man touches a woman's face tenderly and she twists his hand and kicks him in the groin twice; he moans and falls to the ground. A woman conjures balls of glowing energy, throws them at a man and lifts him off the ground and he moans. A woman fights a man and holds him until he hits her in the face and throws her (we see her OK later). A man holds a large bladed weapon to the throat of a woman (she is unharmed).
► A pre-teen girl, two younger boys and a woman disintegrate to ash and a man calls out for them in a panic. Many creatures disintegrate into ash and blow away. A man with a glowing power source attached to his chest pulls the device off and he collapses. A woman slams a man in the chest and pushes a smaller version of him out; he is shown like a hologram until he is rejoined with his larger self. A character talks about pulling something out of a woman and moves toward her with a device (we do not see the removal). Several people scuffle and argue over a weapon and a prisoner until one man is incapacitated by having a power source in his chest unplugged, and the weapon is taken away and the prisoner disappears.
► A vessel engages a super speed and jumps through what looks like a curtain of fractals. A vessel is placed on the ground gently and its occupants (one man looks weak and emaciated) exit the ship. A rat walks across the screen and a bright light flashes as a man appears and falls to the ground (he seems unharmed). A man is transported to another time, he opens a door and calls for his daughter and then disappears. A man has a panic attack and hyperventilates until another character slaps him across the face.
► A flying vessel lands near where a man is seated on a bench and the fillings in a taco that he is holding blow out; he is then startled when a person lands on the ground near him. A pre-teen girl with a bow and arrow takes aim at a target and lets the arrow loose. A man kicks lizard-like creatures a few times. A woman kicks a lizard-like creature and it squeals. A large man punches an elevator door denting it and also a wall later, also denting it. A man is startled when a woman stands closely behind him and talks to him. A couple of characters are transported and we see them change in age from infant to elderly.
► A man over a video game mic threatens another player and says, "I'm going to rip off your arms and shove them up your butt." A woman tells a man, "I am about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich" (she does not). A man talks about another man having "accidentally survived." A man yells at another man. A man says that they should go find a man when he was a baby and makes a gesture with his hands signifying killing the baby. A reference is made to a place being called the "domain of death." A woman says a place is, "Where Thanos murdered my sister." A man records a message saying that his ship is stuck in space and that the oxygen will run out in the morning; he also talks about an infection having run its course and we see a wound on his abdomen being treated. We hear that 50% of the Earth's population has been destroyed. We see a cemetery of sorts with large tablets listing the names of people who have vanished. A man talks about someone having found a room full of bodies. A man talks about his mother having died and becomes emotional. A character flying a vessel tells the passengers, "You better not throw up on my ship." A man says, "Somebody peed my pants," after repeated visits to a quantum realm (we do not see the urination). A character says, "Oooo, something died in here," when he enters another man's home.
► A man is shown with a burned head and arm (the skin is charred) and he talks about a device nearly killing him. A man has a scar over his eye and one eye is brown and the other is blue. A woman has several large scars on her head. An alien creature is shown with long appendages with pointed nails and a bird-like face. A being is shown with a skeletal face (there's no flesh covering the nose) and it floats off the ground as it tells a man and a woman that they need to sacrifice a soul.
► A man burps loudly in a few scenes after drinking a lot of beer. A character holds a device that contains a slimy substance. A character says that another character eats garbage.
Avengers: Endgame LANGUAGE 4
- 15 scatological terms, 7 anatomical terms, 8 mild obscenities, name-calling (fur face, tiny, tubby, angry girl, idiot, pretty pants, heart breaker, traitor, piss ant, quasi-fascistic, beatniks, hippy, stubborn, annoying, stupid), exclamations (what the ..., shut the front door, oh boy, swell, ), 2 religious profanities (GD), 6 religious exclamations (Oh God, Oh My God, Thank God, Jesus). | profanity glossary |
Avengers: Endgame SUBSTANCE USE
- A man is shown to be drinking a lot of beer in many of his scenes, a character refers to a warehouse of wines, a character tries to entice another character to help him with something by saying that there's beer on the ship and the other character asks what kind.
- Death or disappearance of loved ones, time travel, super heroes, destruction of a large population, destruction of the universe, guilt, failure, leaders, self-pity, second chances, freedom, temptation, finding purpose, the future, inevitability, destiny, mistakes, obsession, moving on, family, quantum physics, .

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Companion - 5.7.10
Dog Man - 1.3.1
Brave the Dark - 3.5.5
Anora - 8.4.10
Flight Risk - 3.5.9
The Room Next Door - 3.3.5
Presence - 4.4.9
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