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Angel Has Fallen | 2019 | R | – 1.7.10

When the trusted Secret Service agent (Gerard Butler, reprising his role as Mike Banning from Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen) to POTUS (Morgan Freeman) is framed for an assassination attempt, he has to go rogue in order to find out who is really responsible. Also with Piper Perabo, Jada Pinkett Smith, Danny Huston, Nick Nolte, Lance Reddick and Tim Blake Nelson. Directed by Ric Roman Waugh. [Running Time: 2:00]
Angel Has Fallen SEX/NUDITY 1
– A husband climbs in bed with his wife and they hug and kiss tenderly (they are both clothed). A husband and his wife kiss in a couple of scenes.
► A woman wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage. Two men wear swim trunks (we see bare chests, abdomens and legs to the thighs).
Angel Has Fallen VIOLENCE/GORE 7
– An extended drone attack sequence shows many men targeted and blown up by many drones dive bombing them: large explosions of fire roll along the ground and men are shown being thrown through the air and engulfed in flames, a boat is targeted and it blows up with a man on board and two men in the water dive under to avoid a strike (we see them both unconscious and in the hospital later, with one in a coma and intubated and blood spots on a bandage on his head).
► Many armed men surround a cabin in thick woods, and two men inside the cabin escape through an underground passage and many explosives are detonated throwing armed men in the air (we hear them yelling and see some men in flames); one man fights with a few of the armed men (we hear one man stabbed with a squish and a slash). Police transport vehicles are shut down remotely and two of them are struck by other vehicles; two men in a van are shot with blood spraying on the windshield, several other officers are shot and an access door is blown to retrieve a man in the back of the van.
► A man shoots three agents; one through the windshield of a helicopter and blood sprays, another in the abdomen and she falls to the ground where he then shoots her in the head and the third is shot in the head also while on the ground after a body shot. An extended shootout leaves many people struck, and bloody wounds are seen, smoke bombs and grenades are thrown and smoke billows through a stairwell, and gunmen blow an office door open and search for someone that they do not find; a gunman is shot twice and when an explosive is thrown another man puts the wounded man on the explosive as it detonates (we see bloody matter blown through the air). Two men shoot at each other across a rooftop, they fight hand-to-hand and draw knives until one is stabbed under the arm and bleeds heavily (we see blood pouring from the wound and pooling under him). A car speeds through streets and the driver is shot (blood sprays on the windshield), many armed men exchange gunfire and several are struck with blood spraying and pooling under their bodies. A man is placed in a van with three men and he attacks them, punching, grabbing, and drawing a weapon from one of the men; gunshots are fired and two men are incapacitated while the driver struggles to maintain control of the vehicle, eventually crashing into a tree.
► A man calls in an alarm at a hospital that there is a gunman and officers and agents scramble to find him; he holds a man with a gun to his head and is surrounded by other officers that eventually put him on the floor to restrain him. Two men enter a house and a woman argues with them as a young child cries in fear; one man draws a handgun and tells the woman to come with them until they are attacked by another man that hits one in the head with a gun and it sounds like he stabs the other (it’s not clear). Two armed men threaten a man at a gas station; the man takes the gun away from one of the men and threatens the other, and another man with a gun comes and drops the gun; the first man steals an 18-wheeler and speeds away chased by police. A man speeds in an 18-wheeler while being chased by several police cars, one car is pushed off the road and crashes, and others pursue until the truck flips on its side and the driver runs through thick woods chased by officers on foot.
► Armed men move through an area with bunkers and exchange fire with a man inside one bunker; several people are shot and fall to the ground (no blood is seen), explosives are launched into the bunker, and a few people fight briefly with one man kicked down a flight of stairs; the man in the shelter exits and is shot in the chest (marked on his flak jacket with red paint). An explosive is launched into a helicopter and it explodes engulfing a man inside in flames. A hospital is evacuated when oxygen is released from tanks and nitrogen is heated; the gasses ignite and cause a giant explosion and we see the building collapse to the ground in rubble.
► A man runs up on another man and threatens him about pushing him down the stairs during an exercise (he calms down and leaves). Two men argue in a few scenes and one man yells about what war did to him. A wife tells her husband on the phone that she has been getting death threats. A man in handcuffs and shackles is taken out of a hospital and placed into a transport van. An armed man threatens another man in the woods and they argue briefly. We hear reports of a man having an offshore account with a lot of money in it and other damming evidence that suggests that he was responsible for an assassination attempt. We hear reports that an entire security detail was killed in a mass drone attack. We hear a news report of Russian troop movement. We hear a man’s distorted voice talking to another man about attack plans.
► A man steals a car and drifts off behind the wheel; he then pulls off the road and walks through thick woods. A man stumbles and appears dizzy in a few scenes. We hear that a man suffered a concussion that has left him suffering dizziness, migraines and insomnia. A man winces in pain in several scenes and takes medication (please see the Substance Use category for more details).
► We see the aftermath of a mass drone attack and bodies are strewn on the ground and in nearby water with charred flesh and bloody wounds. A man piles many burned and charred bodies on the front porch of a cabin. A man has bloody cuts on his face after an accident. A man has a deep bloody cut on his eyebrow. A man refers to being “spit on” and betrayed.
► Two men float in water tanks in a zero gravity therapy center and yell in panic when the lights are turned off.
Angel Has Fallen LANGUAGE 10
– About 62 F-words and its derivatives, 1 obscene hand gesture, 27 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 11 mild obscenities, name-calling (stubborn, bullheaded, foolish, crazy), exclamations (shut-up, I swear), 1 religious profanity (GD), 7 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh God, Oh My God, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy [scatological terms]). | profanity glossary |
Angel Has Fallen SUBSTANCE USE
– A man is shown taking pills from a prescription vial in a few scenes and we later hear that they are pain meds and that he seems to have a problem. Three people drink wine with dinner, and two men drink what could be whiskey or brandy after dinner.
– Presidential assassination attempts, private contractors, war for profit, cold war, secrets, government contracts, Blackwater, Secret Service, giving up, lying to yourself, attempted murder, zero gravity therapy, deception, hackers, reclus, abandonment, anti-government, premeditated murder, planting DNA.
Angel Has Fallen MESSAGE
– Moments of struggle define us.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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