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Smile 2 | 2024 | R | – 3.10.10

content-ratingsWhy is “Smile 2” rated R? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “strong bloody violent content, grisly images, language throughout and drug use.” The evaluation includes a scene with heavily shadowed implied full nudity, many scenes of real and imagined horrors that include death with many very bloody wounds, body parts and gruesome manners of death, many arguments, people snorting cocaine, a man selling a variety of drugs, discussions of drug addiction, and over 130 F-words and other strong language. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.

Sequel to 2022’s Smile: A successful singer (Naomi Scott) recovering from a car accident and drug dependency becomes embroiled in a fight for her life against an entity that will stop at nothing to make her end her own life. Also with Kyle Gallner, Drew Barrymore, Rosemarie DeWitt, Ray Nicholson, Lukas Gage, Dylan Gelula and Peter Jacobson. Directed by Parker Finn. [Running Time: 2:07]

Smile 2 SEX/NUDITY 3

 – A woman kisses another woman on the forehead and they embrace. Dancers reach toward a singer and touch her body during a performance.
 A woman walks through a hallway where clothing is laid out, including fecal-stained jockey shorts and a nude person (no anatomical detail is evident) stands in the shadows. A video shows a woman singing and wearing a low-cut outfit that reveals cleavage. A woman poses wearing a sheer dress that reveals a bra top and shorts underneath. Dancers wear leotards that reveal cleavage and bare backs, while others wear sports bras that reveal cleavage and bare abdomens. A woman wears an outfit for a photo shoot that reveals her bare back, shoulders and a partial side of her breast. A woman wears a costume that reveals her legs and partial buttocks with a sheer portion over her abdomen. A man wears a robe that hangs open to show boxers, his bare chest, abdomen, legs to the mid-thighs. A woman wears a halter-top that reveals cleavage, bare shoulders and back. Dancers wear outfits that reveal cleavage, bare abdomens, backs, shoulders and legs in a few scenes.


 – A woman on a stage screams when she sees herself at the other end of the stage, pulling her abdomen open and intestines, blood, long arms, a head with sharp teeth and a long body emerge and move toward her; the creature moves toward the woman and puts its hands in her mouth pulling her mouth wide open, tearing the flesh and revealing several mouths with teeth; we see the audience watching silently as we hear several thuds and a squish and we see that the woman on stage has stabbed herself in the eye with a microphone and falls dead with a bloody wound. A man in a panic yells, falls to the floor and looks at something that we do not see, cowering in fear while continuing to yell; he falls back on the floor where he gags and chokes and appears to stop breathing, and stands up and smiles oddly before picking up a heavy weight plate and slamming himself in the face three times (we hear crunching and see his face becoming more damaged with each blow, leaving blood and bone with squishing sounds as he collapses to the floor dead); a woman witnessing this panics and vomits (we see goo). A man says that his brother tore his own jaw off with a crowbar and we see the incident with the man slamming a crowbar into his face and pulling off his jaw (blood, matter and his separating jaw are shown with a crunch and a squish). A woman breaks a mirror and picks up a shard of the glass, she stabs herself in the throat, and the face and plucks her eye out as blood gushes; another woman in the room struggles to pull an IV needle out of her arm (we see it tearing her skin in close-up), and the first woman falls back to the floor gurgling blood.
 A man covers his face with a ski mask, walks toward another man, holds him at gunpoint as they walk to a house that they enter and the first man threatens another man in the room with the gun also; they argue, the first man stabs the man his entered with in the chest, slashes his throat (blood gushes and pours from the wounds), and the other two men shoot at each other, and they are each struck (blood pours from the wounds); one man dies while gurgling blood from his mouth and the other man breaks out of a window and jumps out running away from other gunmen outside that shoot at him; he runs across a road and is struck by a vehicle (we see a severed foot and ankle with a long smear of blood and matter on the road and more remains under the vehicle that has crashed).
 A woman lying on a table in freezer sees blood dripping on her from another woman on the ceiling; the second woman falls and lands on the first woman breaking the table under them and they crash to the floor; one woman holds the other by the throat and off the floor, she throws her across the room and the woman’s leg breaks (we see the bone pop out of the flesh), she holds the woman on the floor by the throat and puts her hands in the woman’s mouth; the woman bites the woman’s thumbs off and she screams with blood-soaked hands; the woman injects herself with a hypodermic needle (this is imagined) and panics when she thinks the door is locked and she can’t get out and she revives in a stage set piece with stage fog around her. A woman has a very bloody face and mouth after a car crash and we see that her leg has broken below the knee with blood and the bone is exposed; a man in the driver’s seat is dead with bloody head and face wounds and the windshield is shattered. A woman pulls a shard of glass out of her foot and we see the bloody foot and hear a squish when the glass is removed.
 A woman tries to leave a wellness center and is stopped by a man that calls for help when he sees that she is covered with blood; the woman takes a gun from a security guard and shoots in the air threatening other people that crowd around her; she runs out of the building, steps on broken glass on the sidewalk (we see bloody footprints on the sidewalk), holds a gun on a man, steals a car and speeds away through traffic swerving around her. A man and woman argue bitterly while driving in a car and the woman grabs the steering wheel causing them to crash; they each say, “I hate you,” and the man tells the woman, “You look so ugly when you cry.”
 A woman walks to her closet and sees many people standing in it with menacing smiles, they move toward her as she tries to get away, there are more people in another room as she tries to leave and they grab her and flip her around, they slam her against a piano, they pull out a large patch of her hair as she screams (we see the bloodied skin that remains) and one person puts their hand and arm in her mouth. A man answers his door, grabs the woman standing outside and pulls her into his apartment slamming her against the wall and holding a sword across her throat while yelling at her. A woman panics and yells when a man walks toward her; she repeats that the man is dead, she looks away and when she turns back the man is gone; another woman standing near her tries to console her and she hits her, knocking her off the stage and onto a table. A man stands next to a woman during a photo/autograph session and he holds her close to him while repeating increasingly aggressive remarks about making her happy and loving her; security guards pull the man away as he yells. A woman wakes up and speaks to another woman lying next to her, the second woman smiles oddly and bright lights shine through her eyes and mouth; the first woman jumps out of bed and realizes that she imagined this. A woman wakes up to the sounds of squishing in her darkened room, she sits up and switches on the light after we see something in the shadows, but there is nothing there.
 A woman stands in front of a mirror and sees a bloodied person standing behind her, she panics when she turns around and there is no one there and when she turns back to the mirror, the person’s hands reach around her to put their fingers in her mouth pulling it into an unnatural smile as she screams. A woman walks through a hallway where clothing is laid out including fecal-stained jockey shorts and a nude person (no anatomical detail is evident) stands in the shadows; she turns to run and the person chases her. During a rehearsal, a woman falls back on the stage and screams in pain and we see a bone protruding from a bloody leg wound (it is imagined). A woman imagines someone with a bloodied face standing next to her and she screams and crawls across the floor. A woman enters her dressing room to discover it has been trashed; she becomes upset and yells at a man blaming him for causing the damage.
 A man tries to convince a woman that he needs to kill her to rid her of a demon. A man talks about people being possessed, infected and murdered by a demon. We hear that a man driving a vehicle that struck and killed another man died in the crash and the woman in the vehicle was badly injured. A young woman tells another woman that her music helped her survive a breakup. A woman yells at her mother and several staff people throughout the movie.
 A man prepares to stop a woman’s heart and we see her lying on a table in a freezer (we see her breath). A woman wakes up in a hospital bed with a bruise on her face and an IV in her arm; we are told that she has a concussion. A man in a car is shown with a bloody lip. A woman has a scar on her abdomen and back.
 A woman screams and throws something into a glass shower enclosure shattering it. We hear a glass bottle fall on the floor and shatter in another room; a woman goes to investigate and sees the glass on the floor. A woman encounters several people that look at her with unnatural, sinister-looking smiles.
 A rehearsal and concert scene include bright flashing strobe lights. A few scenes show scenery (a city, an apartment) upside down accompanied by wailing and discordant sounds. A fly buzzes around a woman, lands on her cheek and when she swats it, she smears lipstick across her face. A woman twirls her hair in a few scenes and pulls out clumps (we see the hair in her hand and in a brush). A woman dancing in a rehearsal stops abruptly when she has a pain in her back and we hear a crunch. A woman says that a scar on her abdomen makes her look disgusting. A woman guzzles full bottles of water in several scenes (implied to avoid using substances to deal with stress). A woman becomes upset when she accidentally drops pills down a drain (presumably pain pills).

Smile 2 LANGUAGE 10

 – About 135 F-words and its derivatives, 1 sexual reference, 21 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 9 mild obscenities, name-calling (dumb, weird stuff, freaky, dude, weird, UR scum, disgusting, stupid, opportunistic, psycho, crazy, parasite, creep, insane, arrogant, selfish, miserable, dancing monkey, such a mess, ginormous, fever dream, horrible person), exclamations (oh my gosh, freaking out, what, ew, ride or die), 2 religious profanities (GD), 25 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus Christ, oh my God, Jesus, I swear to God, Jesus [F-word deleted] Christ, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |


 – A man snorts cocaine from a table where we see a large pile of the drug, a woman snorts cocaine from her hand, a man snorts cocaine from a spoon while driving, a woman becomes upset when she accidentally drops pills down a drain (presumably pain pills), a woman says that she was responsible for putting “all those drugs up her nose,” and a woman talks about using drugs and alcohol to help deal with pressure and stress.


 – Drug addiction, success, managing stress, celebrity, friendship, underprivileged youth, fatal car crashes, supernatural entities, mental illness, second chances, control, real vs. imagined, chasing success, forgiveness, chaos, rehabilitation.


 – Smiling does not always denote a pleasant emotion.


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We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.

Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.

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