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The Voyeurs | 2021 | R | – 9.5.7

In this thriller inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 “Rear Window,” a young couple (Sydney Sweeney and Justice Smith) becomes interested in observing the sex life and infidelities of their seemingly perfect neighbors across the street (Ben Hardy and Natasha Liu Bordizzo), until curiosity turns to obsession and temptation, which in turn lead to deadly consequences. Also with Katharine King So, Cameo Adele, Jean Yoon and Cait Alexander. Directed by Michael Mohan. [Running Time: 2:00]
The Voyeurs SEX/NUDITY 9
– A man and a woman watch as another man and woman in an apartment across from them kiss passionately, the man takes the woman’s skirt off (we see her bare buttocks and legs), puts her on a counter, performs oral sex, and then thrusts; we see him shirtless with his bare chest, abdomen, back and the side of his buttocks and thigh. A man and a woman watch a man in a neighboring apartment as he welcomes a woman (not his wife), photographs her, takes off his shirt (we see his bare chest, abdomen and back), tells the woman to take off her top and she does (we see her bare breasts, abdomen and underwear), and the man kisses her and touches her bare breasts; the woman watching tells the man with her to take off his shirt and as he watches the other couple the woman puts her hand in his pants and caresses him, and she then watches the other couple as the man with her thrusts from behind (the man she is watching slaps the woman he is having sex with on the bare buttocks and touches her bare breast as he thrusts) until he climaxes and the other man is shown lying on his back with the woman thrusting on top of him (we see her bare breasts and abdomen and side of her bare buttocks and leg). A man watches another man in a neighboring apartment as he photographs a woman wearing a large string of beads that partially cover her bare breasts; the man makes advances toward the woman and she becomes upset and prepares to leave but the man convinces her to stay and she sits on a chair where he performs oral sex on her (we see her bare breasts and abdomen). A man lies in a bed with two women (neither is his wife and sex is implied) and we see that the woman are topless (bare breasts, abdomens and shoulders are seen); the man gets out of bed and we see his bare chest, abdomen, buttocks and partial genitals between his legs and he goes to the bathroom where he disposes a condom in a garbage can. A woman goes to a man’s apartment with him where he pours her wine and photographs her, he tells her to take off her sweater and bra and she is reluctant but does so (we see her wearing underwear and her bare breasts, abdomen, back, legs to the hips are shown); the man removes his shirt and pants and we see him wearing boxer briefs (his bare chest, abdomen, back and legs to the upper thighs are shown), he puts her in a chair where he performs oral sex on her (we see his head between her bare thighs) and she tells him to stop and go get a condom; when he returns she straddles him on a sofa and thrusts on top of him (we see her bare breasts and buttocks as she thrusts) while another man sees them from an apartment across the street and becomes upset.
► A man leaves a bathroom and when another man enters the bathroom he sees a woman leaving through the other door (sex is implied between the previous man and the woman). A man wearing boxer briefs walks through his apartment and a woman in a neighboring apartment watches him (the camera shows a close up of his bare chest, abdomen and shoulders). A man and a woman hug, kiss, and talk about moving in together while an impatient rental agent stands nearby; the man picks the woman up and they ask the agent to take a photo of them. A wife wearing a bra, garter and stockings (cleavage, bare abdomen, back, legs and buttocks are shown) straddles her husband in bed and tries to seduce him; he says that he is not in the mood and leaves the room. A woman imagines watching another woman and her husband sleeping. A woman follows a man to a bar and watches him as he drinks at the bar; he joins her at a table and the man asks the woman if she watches pornography, and if she and her boyfriend masturbate (she seems uncomfortable).
► A woman says that the amount of sex people have increases when the time of social media use decreases. A woman makes remarks about masturbation. A man talks about another man’s body and that he is “manscaped.” A woman tells another woman that eyeglass frames make her look like a sexy librarian and says, “Meet me in the stacks,” and another pair makes her looks like a femme fatale and says, she’s going to have sex with someone and then “slit his throat.” A woman talks about her husband being, “All I’ve got.”
► Fully nude women are shown in a spa and we see bare breasts, abdomens, crotches, legs and buttocks. A woman in a changing room in a lingerie store is shown trying on skimpy lingerie (we see cleavage and the partial side of her breast) and she seems alarmed and pulls the curtain closed when she appears to see someone watching her. A fully nude woman reclines on a spa bed (we see her bare breast, side, abdomen, hip, partial buttocks and leg). Two women in a sauna wear partially open robes that show deep cleavage and legs to the thighs. A woman sits in a bathtub and we see part of her bare breast. A photo of a nude woman is shown and her bare breasts are blocked from view. A man hosting a Halloween costume party is dressed as a Satyr and we see his bare chest, abdomen and back. A mannequin in the window display of a lingerie store is shown dressed in a bra and underwear. A woman wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage.
– A woman finds a man hanging dead in an apartment. A man and woman in a neighboring apartment see a woman slumped against a wall and covered with blood as her husband shakes her to try to revive her (we understand that the woman is dead). A photograph of a dead man hanging in an apartment is shown. A laser burns the eyes of two people with their eyelids clamped open in an ophthalmological clinic (we see their irises cloudy and gray later).
► A man appears to be choking and another man and a woman watch from a neighboring apartment not knowing what to do until a woman with the choking man pounds on his back and manages to dislodge the food from his throat (we see the food flung from his mouth). A man and woman collapse unconscious on a floor.
► A man yells at a woman and tells her that she is responsible for another woman’s death. A wife confronts her husband and accuses him of cheating; he yells at her and convinces her that she is imagining things, and he grabs her by the face and slams her head down breaking her glasses (we do not see any injury). A woman becomes alarmed when a document prints on her printer telling her that her husband is cheating on her; the woman picks up a kitchen knife and stands over her husband while he sleeps and starts to bring the blade down toward him but stops and leaves the room and another woman and a man watch from a neighboring apartment and panic about what they should do to save the man. A woman hyperventilates and becomes enraged breaking apart photographic equipment and destroying photos and prints. A woman argues with a man and says that they have a moral responsibility to tell a woman that her husband is cheating on her. A woman talks about having nervous breakdowns. A woman talks about her husband being, “All I’ve got.” A man finishes a bottle of wine and throws it against a wall.
► A woman is startled when a man in a neighboring apartment seems to look back at her when she watches him and she drops a drinking glass on the floor breaking it. A woman steps on a shard of glass when leaving an apartment and we see blood on her foot and the shard sticking in her flesh. A surgical procedure is performed on a person in an ophthalmological clinic and we see the patient’s eye held open with a metal clip. Several dead birds are shown around the base of a bird feeder.
The Voyeurs LANGUAGE 7
– About 21 F-words, 9 sexual references, 8 scatological terms, 10 anatomical terms, 6 mild obscenities, name-calling (turkey, chicken, gooey toddler, creepy, weirdos, perv, exhibitionists, stalker, insane, disgusting, subtle, self-righteous, ridiculous, eccentric, crazy, stupid, dorks, swingers, kinky, nasty, pip squeak), exclamations (woof, oof, shh, ew, magoof, mazeltov, go, shut-up, oh my gosh), 1 religious profanity (GD), 8 religious exclamations (e.g. oh my God, God knows what, Jesus, and one in French without translation). | profanity glossary |
– A character refers to smoking weed. A man pours glasses of wine for himself and a woman and they each drink, people drink in a restaurant, people drink at a party, a woman tells her boss that she is not feeling well and the boss assumes that she has a hangover, people drink in a bar, a man orders a woman a drink in a bar, a man drinks from and finishes a bottle of wine, and a woman drinks a glass of wine and pours another.
– Obsession, performance art, suicide, betrayal, monogamy, self-worth, careers, guilt, trust, nervous breakdowns, extramarital relationships, open relationships, trust, erectile dysfunction.
The Voyeurs MESSAGE
– Involving yourself in other people’s lives cannot end well for anyone involved.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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