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Talk to Me | 2022 | R | – 5.8.8

A teen girl (Sophie Wilde) becomes obsessed with communicating with her deceased mother and unleashes a dark and powerful force in the process. Also with Ari McCarthy, Hamish Phillips, Kit Erhart-Bruce, Sarah Brokensha, Jayden Davison, Sunny Johnson, Marcus Johnson, Kidaan Zelleke, James Oliver, Joe Bird, Jett Gazley, Alexandra Jensen and Miranda Otto. Directed by Danny & Michael Philippou. A line of dialogue is spoken in Greek without translation. [Running Time: 1:35]
Talk to Me SEX/NUDITY 5
– A teen girl imagines kissing and hugging a teen boy while the teen boy is asleep; she then sees a deceased person (we see cleavage and the outline of nipples in the fabric of a bra the deceased person is wearing) with decayed flesh and missing clumps of hair as the person crawls along a floor toward the sleeping teen boy, begins sucking on the boy’s toes, and when the teen boy wakes up he sees the teen girl sucking on his toes and yells at her. A teen girl grips a hand and sees a deceased young girl that shows her a gruesome scene of many other deceased people groping and seemingly sexually abusing and torturing a teen boy (we see blood and flesh with no discernible features).
► A teen boy under the influence of a deceased person speaks in a deep voice and makes sexually suggestive remarks; the teen boy licks his lips suggestively and moans sexually, falls to the floor, thrusts on the floor and when a dog approaches him, the teen boy kisses the dog and slobbers. A teen girl invites a teen boy to stay with her overnight and he agrees; we see them sleeping in bed together (both are clothed) and the teen girl moves close to him while he is asleep.
► Two teen girls and a teen boy hug. Two teen girls talk about a teen boy having been the boyfriend of one and is now is the boyfriend of the other. A teen girl talks about her boyfriend not touching her because he is religious. A teen girl tells another teen girl, “You’re gonna be pregnant by next month.” A woman yells at a teen boy and says that her daughter’s “…vagina is off limits.”
► Many people are shown around a swimming pool at a party with teen boys wearing swim trunks (bare chests, abdomens and backs are seen) and teen girls wearing bikinis (cleavage, bare abdomens and partial buttocks are shown). A teen girl wears a tank top that reveals cleavage and bare shoulders.
– A young man pounds on a locked door and crashes through it to find a teen boy alone and seated on a bed, with what looks like bloody slash marks on his back; the young man takes the teen out of the room where people scream and try to film them as the teen boy speaks oddly and then stabs the young man in the chest with a knife and himself in the head (blood spurts and we hear crunches). A man attacks a teen girl, she struggles to free herself from being strangled, and she picks up a pair of scissors and stabs the man in the throat (we see blood gush from the wound). A teen girl pushes a person in a wheelchair down an incline toward a highway where she plans to push the person into traffic; another teen runs after her calling her name, as we hear cars screeching and a truck swerves after hitting something; we see a dead body in the road with twisted limbs and blood on the ground.
► A teen boy in a hospital bed regains consciousness, tries to bite himself on the arm, throws himself out of the bed and onto the floor where he yells, laughs maniacally and slams his head against the wall repeatedly (we see blood on his head, the floor and the wall) and licks the blood off the floor as his teen sister screams and cries. A teen boy is strapped into a chair, grips a hand on a table and sees something frightening, he throws his head back and his face changes color as his eyes go dark and he gasps; the teen then speaks with the voice of a teen girl’s dead mother and addresses her daughter, then the voice changes and the teen boy slams his head against a table repeatedly and tries to pull his own eye out (we see blood and hear squishing), he gets up, slams into a window, and then slams his head against a dresser repeatedly (we see a lot more blood and hear crunching); a teen girl tries to keep him from hitting the table and he slams his head against her hand (we see her with a splint on her hand later). A teen girl grips a hand and sees a deceased young girl that shows her a gruesome scene of many other deceased people groping and seemingly sexually abusing and torturing a teen boy (we do not see details and see blood and flesh with no discernable features). A teen boy in a hospital bed transforms into a decomposing dead man and a voice tells a teen girl, “He’s ours”; the teen girl holds a pair of scissors over the person in the bed and the scene ends.
► A teen girl volunteers to take part in a stunt that includes being tied into a chair: she grips a stone hand and repeats a phrase that initiates a vision of a decaying and gruesome deceased person (she screams and cries briefly) and after another phrase, the deceased person presumably enters her and she laughs and gurgles and her eyes turn dark, speaks with a deep voice and barks loudly at a teen boy telling him that someone will “split you,” before telling him to run. A teen boy is tied into a chair and grips a stone hand on a table, he sees a gruesome persona and recoils, and then throws his head back as his eyes turn dark as his face changes color and he gags; the teen then speaks in a deep voice making sexually suggestive remarks.
► A teen boy is shown in a hospital bed with tubes in his mouth and bandages on his head and face; he has large swollen bruises and his eye is swollen shut. A teen girl drives on a dark road with a teen boy and they stop when they see a young kangaroo on the road with bloody wounds (we see the animal and hear it moaning); the teen girl speeds the car toward the animal to kill it but stops short and drives around and away leaving it there. A teen girl sees the reflection of her deceased mother in a mirror and the woman tells her that the man in the house with her is not her father and that he is going to try to hurt her. A teen girl sees a reflection of her mother in a window, follows it to a bathroom where she hears scratching on the inside of a stall door, and tries to get in. We see a video of a person seated in a chair with a blank look on their face and their head drooped to the side, seemingly in a trance or dead. A teen girl washes a lot of blood off her hands after a teen boy suffers self-inflicted head wounds. A teen boy is shown in a hospital bed and we see bite marks on his arm.
► A woman yells at her daughter about sneaking out of the house at night and having a teen boy at the house when she is at work. A teen boy is afraid when there is a loud thunderstorm and goes to his older sister’s room but she sends him away. A teen girl says that she had a nightmare that she looked in a mirror and had no reflection. Several teens yell at another teen. A teen girl talks about her mother having taken too many sleeping pills; she says that there were scratch marks on the door and blood under her fingernails as if she had been trying to get out of the room where she died. A flashback shows a man pounding on a door and when he opens it we see a woman lying motionless on the floor (presumably dead from an accidental overdose). A woman tells a teen, “I will punch you in the face.” A teen girl reaches for her mother’s hand and she pulls away angrily. A teen girl slaps herself repeatedly and hard in the face and head while yelling in frustration. A teen girl talks to her deceased mother and we see them hugging and sleeping in bed together later (imagined). A man reads a letter left by his deceased wife to his teen daughter implying that the woman committed suicide.
► People are shown mourning at a memorial service.
Talk to Me LANGUAGE 8
– About 38 F-words, 3 sexual references, 22 scatological terms, 4 anatomical terms, 7 mild obscenities, name-calling (fetus, fat, cringe, elvish, depressing, clingy, ugly [F-word deleted] dog, Satanist, weird), exclamations (shut-up, ew, sick, freak me out, I hate you, friggin), 6 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus, I swear to God, oh God, oh my God). | profanity glossary |
– References to having taken drugs and a person having given a younger person something (it is not indicated what he was given), and a teen girl says that she tried weed once. Many people are seen drinking at a large party, many teens are shown drinking at a house party and several are shown inebriated, and a woman asks a teen boy if he has alcohol in his car. A teen boy holds a pack of cigarettes and tells another teen boy that he doesn’t smoke them but sells them and tries to goad the other boy to smoke one, a teen boy smokes a cigarette, a teen boy smokes in a house and a teen girl reprimands him so he puts it out, and a woman smokes in her car.
– Tik-Tok videos, teen pregnancy, feeling alone, the afterlife, death of a parent, suicide, honesty.
Talk to Me MESSAGE
– Encounters with the spirit world can be life changing.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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