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Sweet Girl | 2021 | TV-MA | – 0.7.5

A man (Jason Mamoa) and his daughter (Isabela Merced) seek revenge for the wrongful death of his wife at the hands of a corrupt pharmaceutical giant. In their quest for justice, they soon run afoul of not only big pharma, but the FBI, hit men, reporters, and congressmen. Also with Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Amy Brenneman, Adria Arjona, Justin Bartha, Raza Jaffrey and Lex Scott Davis. Directed by Brian Andrew Mendoza. [Running Time: 1:50]
Sweet Girl SEX/NUDITY 0
– None.
– Several violent fights occur between a man and other men and we see kicks, punches, body slams, slashing knives, chokes, and a lamp broken over a man’s head; we see men crashing through loudly shattering windows, into concrete walls, and down stairwells and the men all suffer cuts and bruises to the face and neck; two men are thrown out of a window and onto the hood of a car, the windshield cracks loudly, and one man fires a handgun but misses, and two men fall to the ground and a gun goes off under one man and kills him (no blood is seen). A man is stabbed in the stomach and we see some blood as he dies. A man is shot in the head off-screen and we see blood spurt out of the sides and back of his head as he falls to a sitting position, dead. A man is choked out with a wide length of packing plastic around his head and throat until he dies. A man shoots a fire extinguisher into the faces of two other men in different scenes. A flashback montage shows a teen girl instead of the man killing the same people.
► A man meets a man on a subway and a teen girl follows them, another man with a knife stabs the second man in the abdomen and we see some blood as he dies and the attacker fights with the first man with punches, kicks, chokes, and body slams into walls; one man’s head is slammed into a metal pole and he falls unconscious and the teen girl is thrown out of the stopped train car onto the platform, where she lays unconscious and the attacker slashes at the first man, who lands on the platform on his back and later we hear that he died.
► A teen girl walks through a political rally and into a blocked off portion of a building full of scaffolding where she climbs and is attacked by a man; she jumps, falls and rolls away, he shoots at her but misses, they both pull out large knives and slash at each other, they kick and punch each other, and he slams her into a shallow fountain, holding her head under water and she becomes still, but then screams underwater, coming up to punch, choke and stab him three times in the heart (we see substantial blood as he dies). A man and a teen girl are hunted by the FBI for murder and they drive to a motel where two men with assault rifles shoot at them; the man fights them both and kills one with a knife (we see some blood) and the other man with a cord twisted around his neck as he jumps off the railing of a stairway landing, tightening the cord.
► A woman and a teen girl argue in an office and the girl pushes her away hard and holds a hunting knife to the woman’s throat; the girl uses a cell phone to record the woman saying that she accepted a bribe and ordered a murder and the girl leaves and sends the recording to the FBI; we hear that the woman was arrested.
► A man stands on an overhang above the highest seats of a ball stadium as a helicopter shines a light on him while many police cruisers on the ground have lights and sirens going and FBI agents run up the stadium steps until an agent approaches the man and he jumps off his perch into a river and sinks; this scene replays with the man transforming into a teenage girl that jumps into the river as a police boat speeds up to her and the scene cuts to the girl wearing a neck brace on a body board as she is carried into an EMT truck; inside the truck, the teen grabs a hypo away from an EMT, kicks him and shoves an FBI agent away, takes the wheel, swerves the truck and tips it on its side until it slides to a stop, she kicks out the shattering windshield, and runs away with a little blood around her nose.
► A man and a teen girl are followed at night by three SUVS; the first of the three is disabled by spikes on a road, the second SUV gets hung up on large branches laid across a bridge and the third SUV explodes into a fireball when struck by explosive shells; the driver is outside the SUV when he is struck by an explosive shell while the driver of the second vehicle sits on the bridge and is shot in the head and we see blood spurt as he dies, and the shooter walks past the body in a long shot and shoots it again.
► A man and a teen girl drive into woods and hide; the man practices shooting a handgun with a silencer at a tree, but misses each time. A man makes his own shotgun shells filled with strong explosives and shoots two trees that explode into fireballs.
► A woman with cancer goes to a hospital where we see her in a bed and hear monitoring equipment beeping off-screen as she tells her husband they have no more money for treatment; a doctor tells them a new drug is available that may be a cure, but later tells them the pharmaceutical company pulled it from the market. A woman dies silently in bed as her 14-year-old daughter sobs, the woman’s husband stalks out of the room, stomps the halls, cries, groans, screams and sobs.
► A man calls into a TV talk show and threatens to kill with his bare hands a pharmaceutical CEO responsible for pulling a cancer treatment drug off the market. We hear that a CEO paid bribes to a senator and another politician for their help in persuading smaller companies to discontinue selling a generic version of a new drug.
► A man and a teen girl steal a tow truck and meet another man in a diner. A man and a teen girl argue in a few scenes and the man shouts at her loudly in two scenes. A man looms over a shorter man to scare him, but the shorter man walks away. A man wipes blood from a hunting knife on the sleeve of a jacket that is hanging on a wall. A teen girl talks to the ghost of her dead father, and later, she hears him talking to her from off-screen, telling her to always get back up.
► A man spars with a sparring partner in a gym and later, a teen girl spars as well, but slams the second man to the ground and chokes him with a Judo leg choke as the trainer pulls her away; we hear that the girl is a Junior Olympian in judo. A man and a teen girl punch a hanging heavy bag hard several times while grunting.
Sweet Girl LANGUAGE 5
– About 8 F-words and its derivatives, 6 scatological terms, name-calling (psycho, crazy, liar, dilettante), exclamations (shut-up, whoo, ugh), 3 religious profanities (GD), 6 religious exclamations (e.g. God, Oh My God, Oh God, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |
– A man holds a glass of liquor, a man places a glass of liquor on a tray and dumps it on a man, and several banquet tables have 3 or 4 glasses of wine on them (no one drinks). A man lights a cigarette (we do not see him smoke it).
– Cancer, the high cost of healthcare, corrupt pharmaceutical companies, greedy businessmen, danger, bribery, bloodshed, murder, assassination, graphic violence, PTSD, memories, loss, grief, suffering, revenge, vigilante justice.
Sweet Girl MESSAGE
– Many U.S. citizens feel that healthcare is a right, but pharmaceutical company executives feel that it is only a profit-making enterprise.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Last Breath - 1.4.5
My Dead Friend Zoe - 1.3.7
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy - 6.3.9
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The Unbreakable Boy - 1.4.3
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