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Pokémon 4Ever | 2002 | G | - 1.3.0
Young Pokémon (aka Pokemon) trainer Ash, along with friends Misty and Brock, discover a young boy named Sam and a new Pokémon called Celebi while searching the forest for Pokémon. The gang nurses the injured Celebi back to health, until they meet an enemy from the future who is able to take any Pokémon and transform it into a giant evil creature. With Team Rocket creating additional problems, Ash and friends are forced to use their best battle techniques to save the forest and its Pokémon creatures, along with the delicate Celebi. With the voices of Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Ikue Ootani, Eric Stuart and Addie Blaustein. [1:20]
SEX/NUDITY 1 - Female characters are dressed in short-shorts and midriff-baring tops. A boy shows romantic interest in a girl. A Pokémon mentions his joy at being able to "go naked."
VIOLENCE/GORE 3 - A large Pokémon chases a smaller one through a forest, causing the smaller one to fall to the ground. Later the small creature is seen being chased by two larger creatures -- one of which spews fire at it. A creature shoots fire at a young boy. A boy attempts to save a small Pokémon by holding it in his arms while he runs through a forest trying to evade a Pokémon hunter riding a motorcycle. A man holds his hand on another man's throat in a threatening manner, and a man throws another man to the ground. Various Pokémon are seen captured in cages. A man demonstrates a "dark ball" which can capture Pokémon and turn them into evil giant creatures -- a large creature that spews fire and destroys the hunting camp is the result of the demonstration. Two boys battle their Pokémon for fun -- the battle ends when the electrified Pikachu shocks the other Pokémon and the boy. A boy prepares to fight another boy but then discovers he isn't an enemy. Pikachu shocks a large machine, and a large machine captures a boy and friends along with a small Pokémon. A boy and Pikachu hang onto a man who rides into the air with a rocket pack while attempting to abduct a Pokémon, Pikachu shocks the man which send them all falling -- they are all okay after falling to the ground and the man is captured. Team Rocket (a boy, a girl, and a cat-like Pokémon) travel in a flying device that develops a problem; later we see they have crashed into a forest and are hung up in a tree. Team Rocket tries to launch a bomb, and Team Rocket falls off a tree limb when a large creature sits beside them. In an attempt to pick a peach from a tree, Team Rocket falls from a high vehicle to the ground where they argue who will get the peach. Two sets of Pokémon battle: the battle ends with a head-butt and a "sharp leaf" attack (the leaves have sharp edges and work almost like a boomerang). A giant fire-spewing Pokémon begins destroying the forest. A man steps on a boy's hand in which he holds an object the man is attempting to get. An evil Pokémon destroys trees and chases another group of Pokémon, and an evil Pokémon forms a monster made of trees and other forest debris. A group of people in an airship is attacked by a giant monster causing them to crash into a lake, and a giant monster shoots some sort of beam at two boys. Pokémon are used to battle a giant monster, and a giant monster, on which some people and other Pokémon are riding, falls into a lake. A boy holds a small Pokémon, which appears dead; he attempts to revive it by feeding it berries and then putting it into a lake of healing water. A man grabs an ailing small Pokémon. A Pokémon scares three other characters. During the opening theme, various Pokémon are seen battling each other, while the lyrics are about Pokémon preparing to fight. A girl is sucked into a whirlwind, and a girl twists her knee while climbing some rocks.
LANGUAGE 0 - An instance of name-calling: A man calls children "stupid."
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Time travel, magic healing water, supernatural creatures, negative influences, friendship, cooperation.
MESSAGE - True friendships can withstand the test of time.
Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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