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Paddington in Peru | 2025 | PG | – 1.3.1
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Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) fears the worst when he receives a letter letting him know that his dear aunt is missing, and decides to travel to Peru with his human family to find her. Also with Hugh Bonneville, Emily Mortimer, Olivia Colman, Julie Walters, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin and the voice of Imelda Staunton. Directed by Dougal Wilson. [Running Time: 1:46]
Paddington in Peru SEX/NUDITY 1
– People talk about a tattoo on a man’s arm and he lifts his shirt to reveal another (we do not see his bare abdomen or the tattoo but another man covers a young bear’s eyes).
Paddington in Peru VIOLENCE/GORE 3
– A young bear rustles through foliage and climbs out on a tree limb to reach an orange; the branch breaks and the bear tumbles down a hillside and into rapids that wash him over a waterfall and nearly over another before he sinks under the water’s surface and is pulled out by another bear (we see the young bear uninjured later). A man is struck by the boom on a boat and knocked overboard; people on the boat jump overboard when the boat crashes through rapids and capsizes. Something large growls from behind foliage in a jungle and we see a large tail slither away. A man pushes a bear and he falls down (he is not harmed). A man chases a young bear through ruins and the bear pulls a stone from a wall, tripping the man and causing the wall to collapse; a boulder rolls toward him and the man as they run away. A man demands that a young bear give him a talisman that he carries and holds a machete toward him; the bear opens an umbrella causing the man to tumble backward and the bear runs away. A woman holds a gun on several people threatening them to help her find something. A tree limb breaks, swings and knocks a woman down, unconscious.
► Several people are shown on quests to find gold and we see how they are killed; one marches with a group of armor-clad people and they each collapse dead, a woman flies a plane and crashes into a mountain, a man ignites an explosive and accidentally blows himself up, a man is attacked by a large animal off-screen, and several people sink into a quicksand pit and presumably die. Several people fly in a plane and prepare to land; a large tree frond lands on the windshield and the pilot cannot see, and a man opens the landing gear hatch when it will not deploy and finds a giant spider that ends up on the man’s face; the plane lands hard and a book crashes through the windshield hitting a man in the stomach and causing him to fall to his knees as a young bear nearly falls over a cliff. A young bear falls over a stone wall as he tries to avoid a boulder rolling toward him and he uses his umbrella to float to the ground safely. A woman steals a bear’s glasses and a bracelet and pushes her away alone in a boat as the bear says that she cannot see.
► A young bear holds a fish in front of his face and it bites him on the nose (no injuries are seen). A bear sits on a spiked plant and roars in pain. A young bear stomps on a loose floorboard and it flips up hitting him in the face (no injuries are seen). A man grabs a young bear’s arm to look at a bracelet he is wearing and the man removes the bracelet. A man leaves a young woman on shore and steers his boat away as she calls for him not to leave her. Several people sleep among the roots of a giant tree in the jungle and a man wakes up yelling when an anteater licks ants off his face. A man crosses a rope bridge across a crevasse over a river and hacks it with a machete to keep others from following. A man talks to ghosts that he is seeing as they talk about preparing a bear stew, and the man says, “We can’t eat him yet,” causing the bear to feel nervous. A bear roars and hears a roar in the distance that he follows. A woman screams and falls to her knees when she is left in snow-covered terrain alone.
► A man jumps out of a high-rise window with a parachute on his back after a meeting with his employer. A woman sits on a piano bench and presses a button that causes the piano to turn around into a secret room behind the wall where we see surveillance cameras and maps. A giant wall opens with loud rumbling and dust; we see a bright light from inside the wall as large foliage-covered beings surround several people and guide them inside.
► A character states, “Everyone who searches for Eldorado dies.” A woman feels sad that her children are growing up and preparing to leave home and she feels less connected to her family. A woman writes to a young bear telling him that his elderly aunt is missing him terribly and that her behavior has become odd. A woman tells a young bear that his elderly aunt has gone missing and that she had been researching something secretive. Paintings on walls show monsters with sharp teeth and claws. A man says that he is haunted by his dead ancestors that come to life as ghosts in several scenes; one in particular tells the man to do unpleasant things like, “Kill the bear.”
► A young bear tries to get situated in a hammock and ends up falling out of it and being thrown on the floor and wrapped up tightly in it. A young bear sits in a photo booth and is startled by the flashes causing him to break the stool he is sitting on and spill many coins from the collection box before stumbling out of the booth and knocking over a newspaper display. People talk about a tattoo on a man’s arm and he lifts his shirt to reveal another (we do not see this one).
► A woman uses a long stick to beat dust from rugs and taps a bear on the chest and back sending puffs of dust from its fur. A teen boy sprays his shirt and armpits with a deodorizing spray in a couple of scenes and a teen girl complains of the smell.
Paddington in Peru LANGUAGE 1
– Name-calling (disquieting, idiot, double-crossing, heebie-jeebies, stupid feelings), exclamations (goodness, gosh, crikey, oh my, boo-hoo), 2 religious exclamations (e.g. Lord be praised, oh my God). | profanity glossary |
Paddington in Peru SUBSTANCE USE
– A character remarks about getting a tattoo during a “drunken night,” bottles (presumably champagne or ale) are seen in a bucket of ice and one cork pops off a bottle ricocheting around a room, and a case is opened to reveal cocktail glasses and bar tools.
Paddington in Peru DISCUSSION TOPICS
– Growing up, memories, insurance, risk taking, the Amazon, El Dorado, Incan people, calculated risk, manners, greed, myths, hope, gold madness, death of a parent.
Paddington in Peru MESSAGE
– Finding your true family is a gift.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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