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Overboard | 2018 | PG-13 | - 5.3.4
A widow (Anna Faris) with three children struggles to make ends meet and care for her children while preparing for a nursing exam. When a very disagreeable wealthy man (Eugenio Derbez) wakes up on a beach with amnesia, she convinces him that he's her husband, thinking it will be a perfect opportunity to get both help and revenge. Also with John Hannah, Eva Longoria, Emily Maddison, Swoosie Kurtz, Josh Segarra and Mel Rodriguez. Directed by Rob Greenberg. Several lines of dialogue are spoken in Spanish with English subtitles; a couple of phrases are spoken in French without translation or subtitles. [1:52]
SEX/NUDITY 5 - A man and a woman kiss and we see them in bed under covers later (bare shoulders are seen and sex is implied). A woman straddles a man lying in bed and they kiss (we see his bare chest and abdomen), he reaches for a drawer and remarks that his "condom drawer is empty" before leaving the room to look elsewhere.
► A woman kisses a man on the cheek and he follows her and another woman; both women are wearing bikinis (cleavage, bare abdomens, backs and legs are shown). A man sits up in bed and we see his bare chest and abdomen; when he gets out of bed we see his bare back, buttocks (with a cartoon character tattoo) and legs.
► Three women wear bikinis while riding on skidoos (cleavage, bare abdomens backs and legs are visible); one rides with a man wearing trunks (his bare chest, abdomen back and legs are shown) and holds onto him around the waist. Men and women wearing swimsuits (cleavage, bare abdomens, bare chests, backs and legs are seen) shake champagne bottles and spray each other. A man pulls his briefs down to reveal his partial bare buttock with a tattoo. A man wearing only a robe stumbles along a sidewalk and runs away from police; as he runs his robe lifts and reveals his bare buttocks. Many people wearing swimwear are shown at a swimming pool (cleavage, bare abdomens, backs and legs of women are shown, as well as bare chests, abdomens, back and legs of men). Several women wear low-cut dresses that reveal cleavage.
► A man and a woman kiss in a few scenes. A man kisses a woman on the cheek. A man and a woman dance with other couples on a dance floor.
► A man stands at a bedroom door looking at a woman (supposedly his wife) and appears to be inviting her to have sex with him; she questions him about wanting to have sex with a complete stranger (he doesn't remember her being his wife) and sends him to the shed to sleep. Several men talk about how long it has been since they had sex with their wives. A woman remarks to a man about needing to watch sports like "real men" instead of soap operas. A man asks a woman to clean up a room quickly because he is going to need the room (implying that it is for sex). A man critiques a woman's appearance and is not complimentary. A man denies knowing a woman, who says she is his wife. A woman denies a man sex (he is supposedly her husband) telling him that he needs to be 30 days sober before they can have sex. A woman tells a man (supposedly her husband) that they had to use a sperm donor to get pregnant because the man is sterile. A man says that his wife was, "smokin' hot." A man argues with a teen girl about boys wanting only one thing. A man becomes angry and confronts a woman (who is supposed to be his wife) about condoms that he found in her car; she denies any infidelity. A woman tells a man that she is obsessed with sex and that the condoms he found in his wife's car were hers.
VIOLENCE/GORE 3 - A man stumbles and falls over the side of a yacht at sea, he yells for help to no avail and falls into the water (we see him waking up on a beach later). Two women on a TV show-fight (we see and hear slapping and yelling without evidence of injuries).
► A man and a woman argue on a yacht as the ship pulls away from the dock and the man pushes the woman overboard and throws her cleaning supplies in the water as she yells at him. A woman yells and is angry when she gets an eviction notice. Several men mock another man for having soft hands. A man slaps another man in the face. A man cuts his hand on a sharp knife and says that he is going to faint (we see blood) until a woman cleans and bandages the wound. A little girl on her bike chases a man in a car as it speeds away (she is not harmed).
► Several men laugh and mock another man for pushing a wheelbarrow up a ramp and falling into a bin of dirt. A man drops a pot of boiling pasta that hits a saucepan filled with tomato sauce and the sauce splashes on his shirt and face; the man slips in the mess on the floor and lands hard on his back. A man opens an urn and smells the ashes and then asks why they smell like meat. A woman scoops ashes from a campfire grill into an urn. A woman gives a man an empty 2-liter bottle to use if he needs to urinate and tells him to watch out for bears. A man talks about having been hit by lightning twice. A woman talks about a man dying from a shark attack. A man struggles when spraying cement onto a metal framework and falls under the pressure of the hose. A woman argues with her teen daughter and the girl says, "You run like a duck." A man argues with a teen girl about boys wanting only one thing. Several men throw another man into a pool fully clothed and laugh at him.
► A man wearing only a robe stumbles along a sidewalk and runs away from police. We hear that a man is dying and we see him in a bed inhaling oxygen in several scenes. A woman remarks about a "dead husband." A woman repeats "bloody stool" several times while studying for a nursing exam. A woman mentions "suctioning mucus" while studying for a nursing exam. References are made to a man suffering from acute brain trauma that has caused amnesia. A woman says, "I hate rich people." A man asks a woman, "I'm poor?" A woman tells a man that he is an alcoholic and that he fell off the wagon after 4 years.
► A man is shown with an empty sleeve in his shirt and it is implied that he lost his arm in a shark attack. A man picks up dog feces from a yard (we see the feces in a plastic bag). A woman bites into what she thinks is candy and spits it out (it's probably soap).
LANGUAGE 4 - 3 unintelligible, bleeped expletives, 1 obscene hand gesture, 3 sexual references, 18 scatological terms (many are references to "bloody stools" while a woman studies for a nursing exam), 8 anatomical terms, 10 mild obscenities, name-calling (ridiculous, paycheck, idiot, tasteless slop, ugly, hideous existence, little peach, absurd, lady hands, butcher, unpleasant, insane, sex-crazed-curly haired wolf, doll, horrible person, smokin' hot, bastards, rich [anatomical term deleted], devil, sinister, fool, bimbos, crazy lady, vane empty little man, greedy, quack, con artist, evil, condescending [anatomical term deleted], child, genius, pervert, selfish, little tramp, boring), exclamations (holy cow, what the heck), 21 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh My God, Oh God, Holy [scatological term deleted], God, God Awful, Holy Cow, God No, God Help Me, My God).
SUBSTANCE USE - A comment is made about a woman having taken anti-depressants, and a woman tells another woman that she has Xanax in her purse (we do not see anyone take them). Men and women wearing swimsuits (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details) shake champagne bottles and spray each other, a man drinks from bottles of champagne in a few scenes, a woman drinks from a glass of whiskey, several men and women are shown in an AA meeting, two women open cans of beer in a home (we do not see them drink), people drink champagne in several scenes, and a woman drinks from a can of beer taunting a man that she has convinced is an alcoholic.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Single parenting, death of a parent, death of a spouse, divorce, amnesia, revenge, guilt, family business, disinheriting a child, regrets, lying, fraud, amnesia, unconventional relationships, parenting, sex addiction, alcoholism.
MESSAGE - Romance can come from the most unlikely circumstances.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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