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Margin Call | 2011 | R | - 3.2.10
A look inside a financial institution that has profited handsomely from buying and selling mortgage loans: Set in the first 24 hours of the 2008 financial crisis, a risk analyst (Zachary Quinto) stumbles onto what looks like impending disaster for the company, and it becomes a challenge to find a way out. Also with Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, Penn Badgley, Simon Baker, Demi Moore and Stanley Tucci. Directed by J.C. Chandor. [1:49]
SEX/NUDITY 3 - We see a woman strutting on top of a bar where two men are seated and drinking (her bare legs and abdomen are visible). A woman wearing a skimpy outfit walks behind a bar in a club and we see her bare legs, part of her bare buttock, bare abdomen and cleavage. A woman wears a low-cut nightgown that reveals cleavage.
► A man talks about having spent a great deal of money on "hookers and booze.
VIOLENCE/GORE 2 - A man on the roof of a high-rise building climbs onto and sits on a railing (he becomes nervous and climbs back down).
► There are several heated conversations: A man confronts a woman for firing him and he slams his phone onto the ground (it breaks apart); a man tells a woman that she is going to be a scapegoat for a situation and will be fired; a man is visibly upset after having been let go from his job; numerous office workers appear nervous and anxious when people begin escorting some of them to a conference room and then out of the building, led by a security guard; and a woman threatens a man after he says that she is going to be fired.
► A man digs a hole in the ground outside a house, a woman comes to her door and tells the man that she has called the police and the man tells her that he is burying his dog (the woman is his ex-wife). A man is very upset because his dog is dying and he cries.
LANGUAGE 10 - About 65 F-words, 9 scatological terms (1 clinical term), 5 anatomical terms, 6 mild obscenities, name-calling (hideous, rocket scientist, killer, Limey), exclamations (shut up), religious profanities, 15 religious exclamations.
SUBSTANCE USE - A man makes reference to someone being a "glorified crack addict." People are shown drinking alcohol in a nightclub, two men drink alcohol in a nightclub, a man is shown drinking alcohol from a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag, a man is shown drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag in several scenes, and a man says, "They got hammered." A man smokes a cigarette in a few scenes, a man holds a cigarette in his hand, a man talks about chewing nicotine gum, and a man talks about having quit smoking,
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Financial institutions, risk management, down-sizing, severance packages, bad luck, volatility, guessing, cheating, salesmen, recklessness,
MESSAGE - The financial markets are fraught with risk.
Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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