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Knock at the Cabin | 2023 | R | – 0.6.6

A family vacations in an isolated cabin and are interrupted by four people carrying weapons and demanding that they make a sacrifice to stop an impending apocalypse. With Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Rupert Grint, Abby Quinn and Kristen Cui. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. [Running Time: 1:40]
Knock at the Cabin SEX/NUDITY 0
– None.
Knock at the Cabin VIOLENCE/GORE 6
– A man kneels on the floor and puts a bag over his head while breathing rapidly and two other people stand on either side of him holding weapons; we hear a thud and a crunch and see blood trickling down the bag over his face and he falls to the floor dead; one man hits him with a heavy weapon while he lies motionless on the floor (we hear this) and drags him outside onto a porch. A woman pleads with two men and a child to save her for the sake of her son and she puts on a hood and kneels on the floor where two other people hit her with heavy weapons (we hear the impact) and a man hits her a couple of times while she lies motionless on the floor. A man shoots a woman in the stomach and she collapses on the floor (we see blood on her shirt); another man later hacks her with a heavy weapon (we don’t see any gore). A man cuts his own throat (out of the frame); we hear the slice of flesh and the man gurgles as blood pours down his shirt and we see him later with a bloody throat wound. We hear a gunshot and see a man’s motionless legs.
► A man with a gun threatens another man and makes him go into a bathroom where the door is locked and barricaded and we hear glass breaking from inside; the man with the gun opens the door, does not see the man inside, shoots through a shower curtain, then reaches to pull it open as the man behind it jumps out and they struggle over the gun (we see one man with a bloody gunshot wound in his arm).
► Two men free themselves from being tied to chairs and one holds a weapon on a man and a woman as the other man sneaks outside a cabin to retrieve a handgun from a car; the woman follows this man and hits him hard in the leg, he collapses to the ground and throws dirt in the woman’s eyes, he retrieves a gun, shoots toward her and she backs away. A man with a fireplace tool and a woman with a large weapon fight and the man is struck in the head and falls to the floor (we hear that he has a concussion and see a bloody spot on the back of his head). Two men fight and one straddles the other on the floor and punches him in the face repeatedly (he has blood on his face). A man has a flashback to a bar where another man asks him and his partner to keep it down, the man returns with a bottle and hits the other man in the head with it then hits him again with another bottle and we see him getting stitches in a hospital later. Two men are tied into chairs for much of the movie.
► People carrying weapons knock on a cabin door and tell the people inside that they are trying to save many people and the people inside should let them in so that they can talk; one man inside tries to call the police, has no signal, he says that he has a gun and the people outside rattle the door handle. People in a cabin block doors and lock windows trying to keep four people out; the people get into the basement and one person breaks the glass of the windows to get inside and the two men inside arm themselves with fireplace tools. A man tied into a chair yells and rattles the chair a few times when a woman picks up his child; the woman then puts her on the man’s lap. A young girl sneaks out of a cabin and runs through a forest chased by a man, turns around and he is standing right there and picks her up. Several people walk through a forest toward a young girl and a cabin and the child rushes inside the cabin and locks the door telling her parents what’s happening.
► News reports show video of disasters including earthquakes that cause tsunamis and we see a giant wave crash down on a beach as people scream and try to run but are overrun by the wave, numerous airplanes fall from the sky and a report says that over 700 planes have crashed when their systems failed. News reports discuss a virus that is infecting and killing children. A cabin is shown in flames and it collapses.
► A man approaches a young girl in isolated woods and the child tells him that she doesn’t talk to strangers, but he asks her questions and she tells him that she has two dads. A man says that his father used to beat him when he was a child. A man talks about children being tortured, killed, and left in piles. Drawings of people suffering, screaming and with emaciated bodies and sunken faces are shown with the introductory sequence. A man says that he saw something in the reflection of a mirror. A man punches a heavy bag in a gym. A man holds a gun in a store and we understand that he purchased it. A man tells two men and a child that they must choose one of the three of them to sacrifice and then kill that person or humanity will perish. A man tells two men and a child that they will wander a devastated planet alone after the apocalypse. Four people talk about having the same visions about the destruction of the planet and their loved ones dying in their arms. A man describes what will happen and talks about floods, a plague that will cause people’s lungs to fill with mucus, and the sky crumbling. A man talks about people having a shared delusion and that they are in a suicide cult. A young girl says that a girl in class, “Farts and says she didn’t.” A woman tells a man to stop talking and, “You vomit everything you think.” A man tells another man, “You have a temper,” the other man says, “You are uptight.” A man says that his heart is broken because of what he has to do. A man says that he is sensitive to the light from having a concussion.
► Two men and a young girl jump off a pier and into the water. Two men argue in a couple of scenes. A man and a woman sit at a dining table with two men and seem disapproving, and then leave. Four people awkwardly introduce themselves to two men and a young girl. A young girl catches grasshoppers and puts them in a large jar; she says that she is not going to hurt them, just watch them for a while.
► A man vomits in a sink off-screen (we hear retching; we do not see goo). A young girl has a scar on her lip and she says that her lip was broken when she was little and that the doctors fixed it. A woman bandages a man’s head and he winces.
Knock at the Cabin LANGUAGE 6
– About 18 F-words, 5 scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 3 mild obscenities, 1 derogatory term for gay people, name-calling (scary, crazy, huge, young and stupid, religious freak, sick, monsters, horrible, bigot, bastard, scam), exclamations (frickin, shut-up, ), 1 religious profanity (GD), 2 religious exclamations (e.g. oh God, Christ, oh Jesus God, oh my God, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |
Knock at the Cabin SUBSTANCE USE
– When introducing himself a man says, “I like beer,” and an open bottle of wine is shown on a porch.
Knock at the Cabin DISCUSSION TOPICS
– Apocalypse, empathy, tolerance, sacrifice, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, manipulation, fear loneliness, homophobia, hate, choices, destiny, mental illness, cults, fear, selflessness, malice, healing, nurturing, guidance, terrorism, cyber-attacks, coincidences, love, family.
Knock at the Cabin MESSAGE
– Trust in something more than yourself.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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