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Kimi | 2022 | R | – 6.6.7

A tech worker (Zoë Kravitz) suffering from agoraphobia, discovers evidence of a possible murder while reviewing a data stream for her company, which is marketing a home control digital assistant called Kimi. Initially she is thwarted by bureaucratic obstacles from reporting her suspicions, but she soon realizes that her life is in danger. Also with Erika Christensen, Rita Wilson, India de Beaufort, Derek DelGaudio, Sarai Koo, Jaime Camil, Byron Bowers, Robin Givens and Devin Ratray. Directed by Steven Soderbergh. [Running Time: 1:29]
– A woman texts a man and asks him to come over; they are later shown having sex with both moaning and the man thrusting on top of the woman from behind (we see her bare back, underwear, breasts and legs to the hips, as well as his bare chest, abdomen, back, boxers and legs).
► A man and a woman kiss on a street and he puts his arm around her shoulders. A man and a woman dance on a screen (it could be a commercial). A man calls a woman “hotness” over a video chat and she tells him that he could be fired for saying things like that. A woman talks to her adult daughter about behaving like “a hooker in Amsterdam.”
► A woman wears a low-cut sports bra that reveals cleavage, bare shoulders and partial abdomen while cycling. A woman showers and we see her bare shoulders and cleavage when she is wrapped in a towel. A woman wears a short skirt that reveals bare legs to the upper thighs.
– Two men enter a woman’s apartment, one punches her hard in the face, and they put her on a sheet of plastic where her throat is slashed (we see blood); she is then wrapped up and taped and carried out of the building (it is first only an audio stream, so we assume what is happening, and then see it).
► Two men carry an unconscious woman to her apartment and another man approaches them realizing something is not right; one of the first two men stabs the third man in the abdomen (we see a lot of blood), the woman breaks away from the men and runs inside the building, and locks herself in her apartment where a man with a gun lets the other men in and they threaten her for information; the gunman holds the gun on the wounded man and hits the woman hard on the face to aggravate a toothache (we see a lot of blood on the man’s abdominal wound and his hands). A woman uses an automated system to turn off the lights in her apartment and turn up the volume of music when she is attacked by three men, she runs away from them and climbs into the ceiling where one of the men with a gun shoots at her; she rigs a nail gun and returns downstairs to shoot one gunman in the head (we see the bloody nail in his forehead), she shoots another man several times and one time at close range killing him; a wounded man stabs another man and the woman shoots the man from a distance and then at close range.
► An audio stream has loud music that seems to be muffling a man and a woman arguing, the woman screams, the man says, “Shut your mouth,” we hear what sounds like slaps, the woman screams, “Stop it,” and the woman cries; this audio is repeated with varying clarity. A woman stands outside a building and a man pushes past her poking her with an umbrella that is dosed with a sedative; the man and a woman catch her before she collapses and carry her away. A woman runs from two men through an office building before getting out onto the street, she crosses a street and walks through protestors outside a building where two men grab her and put her into a van; others standing nearby block the van and pull her out through the back doors (she has a bloody gash on her face) and she runs away. We hear a woman yelling at a man and accusing him of raping her, and he grabs her by the arms and shoves her; she threatens to make the incident public to humiliate him (this is an audio stream that is accompanied by what we assume is happening).
► A man yells at a woman over a video chat, he yells at his children playing in the background twice and calls the woman an “infant.” A man gets a phone call and we hear the voice on the other end demanding payment for something that we assume is nefarious. A man yells at his children saying, “You are driving me insane,” and “I will take everything that you love and put it in a garbage bag.” A man talks about people leading fake lives on the internet. A woman talks about having been assaulted and that she was put on trial after the fact rather than the assailant. A woman calls another woman several times and is told repeatedly that the woman is not available. A woman talks about her father having died. We hear about protests over homeless safe zones in a city.
► A woman leaves her apartment and walks quickly down stairs and through corridors, clinging to the walls to avoid eye contact with other people. A woman arranges to meet a man and when she goes to unlock her apartment door, she freezes and has a panic attack ending up on her hands and knees on the floor. A man holding binoculars stands at a window and seems to be watching people in another building across from him (we see him a few times). A man conducts an interview in a storage room but it is set up to look like an office onscreen; when he stands up we see that he is wearing a suit jacket, shirt and tie with pajama pants.
► A woman hears noises of construction from an apartment above hers that include nail guns firing and a generator buzzing; she calls the contractor to ask him to stop and he eventually does. A bottle falls off a counter, shatters and startles a woman. A woman in a glass elevator is startled when a blast of air blows on her. A man and a woman have an argument and he leaves frustrated; we see him throw his jacket that knocks over a lamp when he gets home.
► A woman moans while brushing her teeth in a few scenes and a dentist tells her that she has an infection that could lead to an abscess; he tells her to come in for a root canal and she tells him to order her antibiotics because she won’t go to the office. A woman hears a high-pitched whistle a few times.
– About 21 F-words, 1 sexual reference, 8 scatological terms, 4 anatomical terms, 3 mild obscenities, name-calling (big wooden [anatomical term deleted], hotness, exhausting, infant, disturbing, stupid, excessive, crazy, that’s awful, unpredictable, threatening, fake hotness, too weird, rapist, insane), exclamations (yes, bums me out, oof, phew, wow, oooh, you’re driving me insane), 1 religious profanity (GD), 6 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus, God, oh God, I swear to God, oh my God, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |
– A woman takes prescription pills in several scenes (presumably for anxiety), and a woman takes a pill out of a vial but changes her mind and does not take it. A man drinks several shots of liquor while on a video chat and says that he is drunk.
– Methods of monitoring people and their behaviors, algorithms, Me Too Movement, the COVID-19 Pandemic, FBI, agoraphobia, mental health, premeditated murder, scandals.
– Home control devices can be useful in cases of violent acts.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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