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The Killer’s Game | 2024 | R | – 6.8.10

When a paid assassin (Dave Bautista) is diagnosed with a terminal illness, he decides that he wants to go out the way he lived his life and orders a contract on himself. However, the situation becomes complicated when he tries to cancel the contract. Also with Sofia Boutella, Pom Klementieff, Scott Adkins, Lucy Cork, Ben Kingsley and Terry Crews. Directed by J.J. Perry. A few lines of dialogue are spoken in Russian, French, Korean, Spanish, and with heavy Gaelic accents with English subtitles. [Running Time: 1:44]
The Killer’s Game SEX/NUDITY 6
– A shirtless man (his bare chest, abdomen, back and legs are seen) and a woman wearing a low-cut negligee (cleavage, bare shoulders, back and legs are shown) are seen in bed in a few scenes and the woman straddles the man, they kiss (sex is implied), the man lifts the woman up on his feet into the air at one point and they embrace and she rests her head on his chest to sleep. A woman grabs a man’s clothed crotch and squeezes (we hear a crunch) and tells him to go wash himself and wait for her (sex is implied). Two women lie on beds sleeping; one is wearing only thong underwear that reveals her bare buttocks, back, legs, abdomen and breasts and the other is wearing thong underwear and a bra that shows cleavage, her bare abdomen, buttocks, back and legs while a man lies in the bed nearby wearing boxers and we see his bare chest, abdomen and back (sex is implied).
► A woman kisses a man and walks away crying after he breaks up with her. A man and a woman flirt awkwardly and the woman asks the man to join her for dinner and gives him her number. A man tries to flirt by text message.
► A woman spins and writhes around a pole in an exotic dance club (cleavage, bare abdomen, buttocks, legs to the hips and back are seen). Dancers on a stage writhe together in a group, one dancer in the middle is thrust upward, and the others reach out to touch her. Dancers in a studio stretch dance wearing low-cut leotards that reveal cleavage. Women wear low-cut dresses that reveal cleavage, bare shoulders and backs in many scenes. A man is shown shirtless in several scenes. A man’s shirt is open in a couple of scenes revealing his bare chest.
The Killer’s Game VIOLENCE/GORE 8
– An armed man walks through a theater killing security guards: he stabs one man in the neck and slashes across his throat (blood spurts and gushes), he shoots a few other men, he enters a balcony box and shoots a man seated there (blood sprays on the young woman sitting next to him and she runs away). Several armed people shoot at police in a theater as they are chased; one gunman jumps from a balcony onto a stage and is shot and killed (blood sprays). Several scenes depict a man executing contract killings; he shoots a man in a vehicle from a great distance and blood splatters, he shoots five people on a rooftop and blood sprays, he strangles a man, and he fights with a man and snaps his neck. A man shoots another man from a great distance and we see blood and part of his head spurt into the air. A man has chains attached to his arms and the chains are attached to motorcycles that rev their engines and then spin around and pull the man to pieces (blood spurts all around him).
► A man sets traps in his apartment as five hired assassins enter to kill him: a woman with an ax hits the man in the back, he grabs her and drags her throat across broken glass and then throws her (a pool of blood forms under her), a man kicks him and the man snaps his leg backward and throws him into a wall, another man with a sword attacks the man and he breaks his arm (we hear a snap) and then slams him to the floor and into a pillar, a woman with two bladed weapons attacks the man and when one weapon sticks into his shoulder he punches her so hard that her teeth fly out (we see blood and teeth), another man throws a knife that hits the man in the leg and he throws a bladed weapon into the man’s head (we see the blade sticking out of his head and blood gushes), and an injured woman tries to run to attack the man but trips an explosive that blows her up.
► A woman holding a sword swings around killing several men with a lot of blood spurting and gushing. A man holding a machete hacks something below the frame and picks up a severed bloody arm. A woman slashes a man on the neck and fights other men with kicks and slashes and one man is stabbed in the abdomen. A woman with knives attacks a man slashing and stabbing him then cuts across his crotch (blood sprays), and another man is stabbed and slashed by another woman. A man wearing sharp spurs kills four men by spinning and kicking them, slashing one man’s throat (blood sprays) and one man is kicked through a wall. A man is pulled off the floor by a rigged trap and slammed into a bull’s head on the wall piercing him through the abdomen with a horn (we see blood on his back and he dies); another man tries to fight and he is stabbed and slashed with a bull’s horn and then killed stabbed through the chin, with blood spurting.
► Many armed people enter a compound and find dead bloody bodies while looking for a man; explosives detonate and throw several people through the air killing them, and a man stabs another gunman in the neck and shoots two others. A man shoots at a man and hits another man (we see a bloody wound on his chest) before being blown back by a grenade, the shooter threatens another man, he is shot in the head and he drops a grenade that explodes and knocks scaffolding over pinning another man to the floor. Two men hold guns on each other; one man’s gun is empty, and the other man is shot in the head. A woman is shot in the head and blood sprays.
► Two men on motorcycles circle around a man, one motorcycle knocks the man down, then the other knocks him down and tries to ride over him while he is on the ground, and the man knocks one rider off his bike and slams him in the face with his boot (we hear a crunch); he then kills the other rider. A man throws a grenade that blows up and throws several armed people through the air, he fights with two other men kicking and punching them and he is thrown into a suit of armor and crashes to the floor. Two women shoot at a man, an explosive blows him through the air, one woman trips an explosive and is blown up and the other is pinned under her when another explosive blows them up. Two men fight with kicks and throws and one is slammed against a table; they each arm themselves with swords and fight, one man retrieves a gun and shoots as the other jumps over a table and trips an explosive that blows the other man up (we see bloody body parts on the floor). A woman speeds a car toward a man and slams into him throwing him in the air and hard to the ground (he is shown OK later) and another man shoots at the car as she speeds away (we see that she has been struck in the shoulder later). A man cleans wounds and glues a cut closed (we see blood).
► A woman is surrounded by two men, she kicks and punches one man, the other man punches her knocking her unconscious and he carries her to a car. A woman hits a man in the head with a branch and speeds away in a car. People run out of a theater when gunshots ring out; a woman is knocked to the floor and someone steps on her hand and then her foot until a man picks her up and carries her out of the area. A man and a young woman are surrounded by a security detail as they enter a theater and sit in a balcony. Two men drink from bottles of beer in a pub then break the bottles against each other’s heads. A man in a car holds a gun in his hand and another man takes it away and puts it in the glove compartment while yelling at him. A woman passes out after having been shot in the shoulder and a man carries her into a church to find help.
► A man gives confession to a priest and the priest tells him that he has never experienced the number of sins the man has described. A man talks about “living by the sword.” A man breaks up with a woman and she walks away crying. A man hears ringing in his ears and winces in pain in several scenes; he also complains of blurred vision. A doctor asks a man about how many blows to the head he has had that made him lose consciousness or throw up. A man asks another man if he soiled himself and remarks about the smell.
► A man is shown undergoing an MRI and we see lights and hear loud clunking sounds of the machine. A man is shown with numerous scars and tattoos on his chest, shoulders, abdomen and back. A woman wraps her arm around a man’s neck and manipulates his head before twisting quickly and we hear a crack as he yells with excitement. A man throws a collection of guns and ammunition over a bridge and into water below.
The Killer’s Game LANGUAGE 10
– About 50 F-words and its derivatives, 1 obscene hand gesture, 5 sexual references, 21 scatological terms, 11 anatomical terms, 20 mild obscenities, name-calling (gangsters, criminals, scum, unethical, lover man, baby girl, freak, crazy, poor bastard, stupid, queen [mild obscenity deleted]), exclamations (shut-up, oy gevalt, wow, jeez, cramp my style, silly me), 1 religious profanity (GD), 7 religious exclamations (e.g. leave judgment to God, thank God, Jesus, oh my God, you’re a saint). | profanity glossary |
The Killer’s Game SUBSTANCE USE
– A man snorts cocaine. A man takes a prescription medication with a gulp of liquor from a bottle, people drink wine and liquor with a meal, a man drinks liquor from a bottle, and two men drink from bottles in a pub. A man smokes cigars in a few scenes, and a man smokes cigarettes in a couple of scenes.
– Contract killing, love, relationships, head trauma, human trafficking, honesty, pride, sins, redemption, suicide, integrity, terminal illness, trust, neurodegenerative disorders, palliative care, Catholicism, guilt by association.
The Killer’s Game MESSAGE
– Never get so busy that you forget to make a life.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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