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Hunter Killer | 2018 | R | – 1.6.5
Why is “Hunter Killer” rated R? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “violence and some language.” The Kids-In-Mind.com evaluation includes many scenes of tense underwater battles with explosions, fire and mayhem, as well as bloody gunshot wounds, and at least 4 F-words. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.”
Beneath the Arctic Ocean a newly minted U.S. submarine commander (Gerard Butler) is tasked with preventing WWIII by rescuing the kidnapped president of the Russian Federation, with the assistance of Navy SEALs. Also with Gary Oldman, Common, Linda Cardellini, Michael Nygvist and Toby Stephens. Directed by Donovan Marsh. A few lines of dialogue are spoken in Russian without translation. [Running Time: 2:00]
Hunter Killer SEX/NUDITY 1
– A man and a woman hug briefly. A man asks if another man’s sister is available.
► A man shows a small photo of a woman wearing a spaghetti-strap top that reveals cleavage. A few men wear mid-thigh underwear type shorts with T-shirts in the bunk area of a submarine.
Hunter Killer VIOLENCE/GORE 6
- A man lures the Russian president into a military building, where members of special forces point pistols and rifles at him and one soldier shoots an aide in the chest (we see some blood flow); the president tries to punch the first man, saying, "You will be executed for this," soldiers force the president, the shot man and three others outside and push the wounded man into the water, line up the aides and in a long shot we see them being shot and falling into the water (we see blood spray).
► Four Navy SEALs climb to the top of a high dock structure at a military base and an enemy soldier shoots upward wounding one man in the thigh (the victim shouts and we see torn flesh and substantial blood); the other SEALs tie up the victim's leg and climb down the structure, don scuba gear, swim through a bay to a base where they find a wounded man lying on rocks, coughing and pointing a pistol at them (we see blood on his side), and then he lowers the weapon.
► Automatic rifle fire breaks a large glass window off-screen, hitting three men in the head, breaking a beverage glass (please see the Substance Use category for more details) and blood sprays as the men die; gunfire is exchanged and we hear several seconds of automatic gunshots as smoke billows, bullet holes appear in walls, several soldiers fall (we see a little blood) and one of the first group falls dead with blood splattering.
► Three Navy SEALs use explosives to open a door where a man is being held and we see some flames and smoke as we hear a bang; the SEALs cut him loose and help him down a wall as four men firing machine guns chase them on foot and later in vehicles and one man falls hard to the ground and we see him dead with his head in a pool of blood; other men help the rescued man down a gully while gunmen shoot at them until mortars are launched at the men and their vehicles causing them to explode and engulfing the shooters; the rescued man has a gunshot wound in the side and we see blood soak through his shirt from stomach to shoulder.
► Two soldiers are seen on a catwalk as two SEALs reach through a plastic curtain and grab them; we hear grunts and cutting sounds, suggesting the victims are dead. Two Navy SEALs help a man to a shuttlecraft sub and one helps him into the vessel as the other swims but is shot underwater (blood flows out in a cloud). A man falls and screams in pain from a wound in his leg and he spit out a mouthful of blood. A Navy SEAL shoots three soldiers in the head killing them (blood sprays and their faces are covered by their helmets' visors).
► A shuttlecraft sub takes a rescued man toward their main submarine as several trucks carrying large missiles line up on shore and fire a dozen missiles toward them; the rescued man makes it to the sub as the shuttle with two sailors aboard bounces off the sub twice and is destroyed in a ball of flames underwater as a missile hits it (we don't see the men die).
► Several muffled explosions are heard and small balls of fire are seen outside and around a sub causing water to leak into the sub as men yell and a fire roars through a corridor, engulfing a man; the bow is struck and more water pours in as men fall on the bridge and one man is shown with blood streaming down his face (we later see a bandage with a blood spot on it wound around his head).
► A man on a sub calls a crew on a destroyer and orders them to hold their fire; the crew obeys but their captain shouts and points a pistol at a sailor's head before being ordered to stand down (he does). A man has a long scar down side of his face. A doctor bandages another man several times around his waist and we see a small spot of blood.
► Several missiles are launched toward a sub and as they approach, the crew becomes panicky until the missiles are shot out of the air and a base is struck with missiles that explode in a huge fireball and level the building (an official in the base stares blankly out the window at the missiles come toward him). A submarine follows another sub under water and an explosion causes a muffled bang and clouds of spreading flame at the rear of one of the vessels; we see the crew of the other sub wearing headphones, shouting and we see a torpedo hit the sub with a louder explosion and spreading flames as the scene abruptly ends.
► A sub commander orders his hunter sub crew toward a sunken vessel and the undersea scanner finds a few dead men floating spread-eagled above the wreckage and the commander orders all to battle stations and we hear someone beating a signal on metal as two torpedoes are fired from another sub; the first sub sends out two devices that cause the torpedoes to back up and hit the other sub and cause a bang and heavy flames moving out to fill most of the screen and pieces of ice shoot into the sky as two more torpedoes chase the first sub, are deflected and cause a bang, clouds of debris and some flames.
► Four Navy SEALs jump from a large cargo plane amid lightning and thunder after pushing out equipment and munitions, one man must help another with his parachute and all four land on the ground, but one falls on his back and coughs (his face is bloody) but says he's OK; the men carrying automatic rifles, approach a military base, climb to the top of a tower and aim rifles at a military HQ, watching through the scopes. Sub staff hear the voice of a man over a headset, send a craft out for rescue and the craft docks with the sunken sub after some difficulty; a sailor opens a hatch and points a rifle downward as a second hatch opens and three men wearing oxygen masks and shivering strongly in the cold are seen until the scene cuts to the survivors taken aboard another sub and are termed prisoners of war.
► A prisoner and a sub commander argue briefly as the prisoner enters the bridge of the sub and offers help to stop an act of war; he navigates the sub through a fjord that is full of mines and sound sensors and all aboard must be silent when passing a sensor that can trigger mines but a loose metal nut rattles, a sailor tightens it but drops his wrench, another sailor catches it and the sub passes through a tight area where it clips a rocky ridge (no explosions occur) and gets through to open water as the crew sweats. A destroyer fires two torpedoes at a sub, which dives to lie on the bottom of the ocean and a muddy cloud fills the screen as the torpedoes explode in the cloud (there's no damage). Men in a sub repair leaks and men in hazmat suits put out fires with extinguishers; the torpedo room is flooded, and a torpedo falls onto a man who shouts to get it off as other men pull it off with cables and the man underneath is woozy, but unharmed. A submarine crew loads heavy armaments on board that include missiles, mortars, ammo, and equipment. At a military base, men load and position missiles in large trucks, load munitions onto ships, and drive flatbed vehicles that contain many torpedoes.
► Four Navy SEALs practice a gunfight scenario among building ruins and we see two men fall, but they are not injured. A man aims a hunting arrow at a deer but lowers his weapon and leaves. Photos of a sunken sub show a hole with ragged edges jutting outwards, indicating an explosion from within.
► The Joint Chiefs of Staff argue loudly during a meeting and the Chairman of the Chiefs shouts wildly in two other scenes. A man argues with another man several times. A sub commander and his first officer argue a few times.
Hunter Killer LANGUAGE 5
- About 4 F-words and 1 muffled word that sounds like an F-word, 9 scatological terms, 3 anatomical terms, 9 mild obscenities, name-calling (arrogant, absurd, wrench monkey, suits, weak), 4 religious profanities (GD), 5 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh My God, Jesus, Christ, Holy [scatological term deleted]). | profanity glossary |
- A man lifts a glass of vodka in a meeting room but does not drink it. A man takes a puff from a cigarette on a catwalk outside a building.
- Conspiracy, US-Russian relations, politics, power, war, cold war, espionage, kidnapping, death, courage, cooperation, rescue, survival, victory, peace, good luck charms, women serving on submarines and in combat with men.
Hunter Killer MESSAGE
- America and Russia can cooperate to prevent nuclear war.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Last Breath - 1.4.5
My Dead Friend Zoe - 1.3.7
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy - 6.3.9
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The Unbreakable Boy - 1.4.3
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