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Evil Dead Rise | 2023 | R | – 1.10.5

When a mysterious artifact is retrieved from a buried vault, an evil entity wreaks havoc on the people living in a soon-to-be demolished apartment building. With Anna-Maree Thomas, Lily Sullivan, Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies and Nell Fisher. Directed by Lee Cronin. [Running Time: 1:37]
Evil Dead Rise SEX/NUDITY 1
– A teen boy invites a teen girl to go to his apartment to watch a movie and she declines the invitation saying, “In your dreams.”
► A woman takes a pregnancy test in a bathroom.
Evil Dead Rise VIOLENCE/GORE 10
– A young woman under the influence of a force pushes a flying drone into her face (we see blood) and she is thrown into a lake, a young man dives in after her and the water turns red as he screams and is pulled under the surface; his severed bloody head is thrown out of the water and flops on the pier as the young woman levitates out of the water. A teen girl under the influence of a force chases a teen boy and a young girl and the young girl skewers her through the mouth with a pointed broom handle (we see the weapon sticking out the back of her head and a lot of blood pours on the floor). A seemingly dead body covered with a blanket (we see blood on the blanket) floats through the air, a teen boy stabs it in the chest, the body removes the knife from the wound (we see blood) and stabs the boy in the arm, then vomits a torrent of blood all over his head and face, pulls the blade out of his arm and stabs him again in the chest as he sets her on fire (she falls to the floor in flames). A multi-headed and limbed being under the influence of a force is attacked by a woman with a saw, she presses the saw into one of the heads of the creature and shoves it into a grinder (we see it being pulled in and blood and matter spray out of the chute). We watch through a security peephole in a door as a woman under the influence of a force chases and kills people outside the door (blood splatters on the door).
► A seemingly dead woman under the influence of a force pulls a pair of scissors out of her face and nose and a lot of blood pours from the wound, she moves toward another woman in a hallway and the second woman shoots the first woman’s leg off and then her arm (blood spurts and we see the limbs separate from the body). A woman under the influence of a force jumps on a man, hits him and bites his eye out while he screams (we see the man with an empty and bloody eye socket), she spits the eye out and it is thrown into a teen boy’s mouth, who chokes and falls to the floor. Sounds of gagging come from a room where a young woman lies on a bed, she twitches, sits up abruptly and recites the words from a book another young woman in the room is reading (it’s “Wuthering Heights”); her voice changes and becomes deep and booming, she collapses off the bed and seizes spitting out white liquid, the other young woman leans over her to see if she is still breathing and she rips her hair off the top of her head (we see a bloody scalp). A woman getting off an elevator in a parking garage is thrown back into the elevator car, she slams into the wall, she tries to get out of the car and she hears noises and voices, something unseen pushes her, something punches her hard in the face, a cable wraps around her throat and she is lifted off the floor, and her wrists and legs are wrapped with the cable and she is pulled in opposite direction breaking bones (we hear cracking and she screams as blood spills from the tightly pulled cables). A teen girl looks at a wound on her cheek and we see dark veiny lines spreading on her face, her nose begins bleeding heavily and her eyes bleed; she gags and spits out a lot of blood and congealed goo that seems to wriggle like it is composed of small bugs. A teen girl under the influence of a force squats on a countertop, bites and chews on a glass (we see shards moving through her throat and poking out her skin); she says in a deep voice that she is doing this to, “Kill the creepy crawlies in my tummy,” she spits blood at a woman that enters the room, lunges toward her and uses a box grater to scrape the back of the woman’s leg (we see blood and tissue).
► A large creature with several heads and limbs scrambles toward a car with a woman and a young girl in it, the two get out of the car as the creature chases them around the car, they run and slide under a garage door and the young girl is pulled back inside the garage by the creature, which uses a saw to try to cut off the child’s head until it is shot by the woman; the creature grabs the woman by the leg and pulls her toward a spinning grinding machine until the young girl turns it off. A woman under the influence of a force carries a shard of broken mirror and lunges toward another woman, and she stabs through the other woman’s hand (we see the shard in the woman’s hand and we see blood). A woman under the influence of a force pins a teen girl on the floor, presses a tattoo gun to her own head and then toward the teen’s eye and into her cheek (we see a bloody wound) and then tries to lick the wound with a long and slimy tongue.
► A woman stabs a woman under the influence of a force in the neck with something sharp, the first woman is held on the floor as the woman under the influence tells her, “I will swallow your soul,” she rubs her hand along the woman’s abdomen and presses her fingers in her flesh when she realizes the woman is pregnant and we hear the fetal heartbeat; the first woman then stabs the woman under the influence of a force in the head with a large pair of scissors. A young girl turns the lock on an apartment door and a woman in the hallway breaks the door open and grabs the child by the throat holding her off the floor until another woman slams the door on her arm. A few people under the influence of a force press their hands into the body of a woman under the influence of a force and pull open her flesh; we later see them inside her and moving as one amalgamated creature.
► An elevator car fills with blood nearly drowning a woman and a young girl; the elevator crashes to the ground and blood gushes out when the doors are thrown open and the young girl asks, “Am I dead?” Many people under the influence of a force chant, “Dead by dawn” as a woman and a young girl try to get away from them. A young woman gets into a car in a parking garage and sees something in her rearview mirror; she gets out of the car to investigate and finds bodies, blood and matter all around as something unseen zooms toward her while she screams.
► A woman in heavy shadow lumbers unnaturally into an apartment, walks to the kitchen, cracks several eggs into a pan (including shells) and cooks them; she speaks to her children in a deep voice, bends toward the floor and skitters like a crab toward them after saying, “I wanted to cut you all open and climb inside of you so we could stay one happy family”; she stops and vomits a torrent of white liquid on the floor, then collapses into the goo (we see the goo) and says, “It’s in me,” and, “Don’t let it take my babies.” A woman under the influence of a force has discolored skin and eyes, speaks in a deep voice and tells three children, “Mommy’s with the maggots now.” Three young people park in a parking garage under a building and the ground shakes violently, they run to find safety and the floor cracks; the youngest child says that she thinks she urinated on herself. A woman under the influence of a force knocks her head on an apartment door repeatedly while her children inside the apartment move furniture in front of the door to block it.
► A teen boy finds a large book with what seems like bones holding it closed, he tries to open it and he is pricked by a bone, blood drips on the book’s cover, the droplets are absorbed and the book opens (the pages appear to be made from skin and the writing and images appear to have been painted in blood; the images depict torture and demons). A teen boy plays a record found in a deposit box and we hear voices speaking about an artifact that is identified as “The book of the dead,” as we hear other voices on the recording calling for the book to be destroyed. A teen boy and a woman try to help an unconscious woman to an exit stairwell and discover that it has collapsed. A man tries to close the eyes of a seemingly dead woman and they pop back open. A woman’s voice on the telephone says, “You have to help me. I’m burning alive,” and the woman is placed in a tub of water and she thrashes uncontrollably, climbs the wall and clings to the ceiling where she shrieks and the water in the tub boils. A recording of a man’s voice says that an entity cannot be destroyed. A fly crawls in a woman’s eye and then flies away. A body on a bed is covered with a sheet and wrapped with rope (we see the feet twitch and the toes appear discolored). Many dead bodies litter a hallway and we see blood and wounds.
► We follow something moving fast through a forest and over water and it zooms past a young woman seated on a pier; we realize that it is a drone flown by a young man and the young woman yells at him that it could have cut her head off. A woman answers her front door and is startled by another woman that approaches from off-screen and punches her in the face (no injuries are evident). People try to get a door open to be able to access a fire escape and get out of a building where they are trapped. A woman yells at her three children when they use an elevator after an earthquake. A woman pretends that she is being attacked when she puts her hand in a bathtub and pulls her hand out holding a rubber duck.
► A teen boy finds a hole in the ground under a parking garage floor and we see a bank vault with deposit boxes; he climbs in and takes some items out of the vault as we hear eerie sounds and music and a large cross with Jesus on it tips forward toward him out of the shadows. A young girl cuts the head of her doll off with large scissors and attaches it to a sharpened broom handle to make a weapon.
► A young girl says that she was stung by a jellyfish and is afraid to go in water without looking under the surface first. A teen asks a woman if she ate “monkey brain stew” on a recent trip abroad. A woman says that she and her husband are separated. A woman tells another woman that she “screwed up again” and needs her help (we understand that she is pregnant). A young girl tells a woman that she will make a good mother because she knows how to lie to kids.
► A woman holds her abdomen a few times (they’re implied pains from pregnancy). A woman takes a pregnancy test in a bathroom and we hear a trickle of urine.
Evil Dead Rise LANGUAGE 5
– About 8 F-words, 4 sexual references, 16 scatological terms, 5 anatomical terms, 7 mild obscenities, name-calling (brainless meat puppet, sorry [anatomical term deleted], weirdos, rock chicks, stinking horrible groupie, bastard, foul entity, groupie, dump, [anatomical term deleted] sucking parasites, psycho, malignant), exclamations (shut the [F-word deleted] up), 4 religious exclamations (e.g. oh my God, three people say a prayer over a dead woman after we are told that she was not religious). | profanity glossary |
– A young man says that he gave a young woman a Klonopin to help her feel better. A young man drinks a beer and belches loudly. A man smokes cigarettes in a few scenes.
– Death, rituals, incantations, estranged families, evil, demonic possession, chaos.
Evil Dead Rise MESSAGE
– Don’t open books that look like they are made of skin and painted with blood with sharp bones holding them closed.

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Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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