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Please note that this is not a review of the unrated video version.
SEX/NUDITY 3 – A man sniffs a woman and says, “It’s been a long time since I smelled beautiful.” A man searches a woman and briefly caresses her clothed buttocks as other men watch. A woman caresses a man’s face, and a woman touches a man’s face tenderly. A woman wears skin-tight dresses, and women wear low-cut dresses that reveal cleavage and bare shoulders. A woman tells a man that she was “slaved-out at 12” and although not clear the statement may suggest sexual slavery. A man is referred to as a “breeder.”
VIOLENCE/GORE 7 – Two men swing an ax and a sword at each other, we see blood on the ground and one man lies dead. We see a row of people suspended by their arms with metal prods poked into both sides of their necks (we see many people with scars on their necks, after presumably having gone through the process). A man throws a woman and she is impaled on two spikes, she slumps to the floor, we see blood on her face and she dies. We hear a man call “feeding time,” people scramble in fear, we see large animals with sharp teeth and spikes on their backs begin to prowl looking for flesh to eat: a man is attacked by one (we hear the man scream as he is tackled), another man is attacked (we hear screams and crunches), and one sniffs a man and bares its teeth. A man plunges his fist into a man’s abdomen and pulls out his “soul”: we see the body and “soul” separated and the body falls limp to the ground. A man slams a metal cup into a man’s chest killing him (we see the cup pulled out of the chest wound and it is glistening with blood). A man holds another man high over his head then slams him down on his knee breaking his back (the limp body is tossed on the ground). A man throws a knife and it slashes a man on the face (we see a bloody cut). Two men fight with punches and kicks, one man is thrown back into a stone pillar, one man pulls on the other man’s head trying to extract his “soul” (the man screams and struggles against him), one man lifts the other man off the ground using a large spear (it’s not clear, but it seems the man was stabbed through the abdomen), one man holds a bar across the throat of the other, one man is stabbed in the back, and one man is stabbed through the top of the head and the blade is broken off. A man is grabbed around the throat, we hear crunching and gurgling and he falls to the ground dead. A man stabs two soldiers in the heads, with two knives. Two men fight, one is stabbed in the chest and falls backward down stairs. A woman with a blade in her shoe kicks a man with the blade, then she fights several other men with kicks and punches. A man swings a heavy bladed weapon that hits a man in the face knocking him down a shaft and he crashes to the ground dead (we see his very bloody face). A man is kicked off a speeding vehicle (we hear him scream and he is presumed dead). A group of people fight armed soldiers, some are shot, some are slashed with knives, one man with two blades fights many soldiers slashing and stabbing them. A man is attacked by many soldiers with weapons, he gets a gun and shoots several of them, he runs and is chased by a flying ship, the ship flips over his head and crashes into a wall causing an explosion, and the man is shot with a net and we see him restrained on a ship. Several people fight in a room, they shoot at each other, and an explosive is shot past a woman, it explodes and throws her into the air. A man kicks and beats many armed soldiers who are firing their weapons at him. A man stabs a man in the knee, cuts up the leg of his pants and then holds the knife to his throat. A man is restrained on a platform, three persons (we cannot discern whether they’re human or alien) are brought into the room and begin “reading his memories”; the persons writhe underneath a sheer cloth (we hear them moaning and screaming), and eventually they chant for the man to be killed. A man is suspended by a rope and a metal ring tied around his wrists, he pulls himself up and spins around breaking the ring and freeing himself, he fights several men, and one is wrapped around the neck with a chain. Soldiers land on a planet’s surface, they fire back and forth at troops on the ground, a glowing ball is launched into the air and explodes killing many (we see bodies and a hole in the ground). A woman holds a knife to a man’s back, he slams her into a metal grate, she cuts him on the cheek (we see a bloody slash) and runs away. A woman threatens a woman with a sword. A man holds knives to people’s throats in a few scenes. A man runs across the tops of ridges in rock formations while being chased by a flying vehicle that shoots nets with spikes around the edges at him. When the sun rises on a planet it reaches 700 degrees and we see waves of fire and ash sweep across the planet’s surface: A man walks out into a blowing heat, we see his clothes begin to burn off, he stumbles and falls to the ground, he stands and continues walking and we watch as his skin chars and glows and he eventually blows away as ash. People run across a planet’s very hot surface, through raining ash, then up rock walls where they hide from the rising sun; one man is incinerated by the heat (we see his hair burst into flames and his body glows and disintegrates), and one man swings by a rope, snatches a woman from a cavern, swings around and they land safely. A flying vehicle passes through a narrow passageway, two men (gunners) hang from exterior hammocks, they shoot nets at a man who runs from them, the man hides behind a rock formation and cuts the two men free from the ship sending them falling to the ground below; a third man is pulled out of the ship and falls to the ground and a fourth man is thrown out of the ship and crashes onto the previous man on the ground (they both survive). A planet is attacked by spaceships, guns on the surface fire back at the ships, and a large ship crashes on the planet and causes a huge shock wave that knocks out all the power. Large and small flying vehicles shoot back and forth in the sky, many small vehicles are destroyed. A man is locked in a cell with two vicious animals in cells next to him (they snarl and crash against the bars and he screams). We hear that in a particular culture male infants are “strangled at birth with their own cords.” A man in shackles is held at gunpoint by many people surrounding him, and he is loaded onto an underground transport vehicle. A flying ship lands on a planet with very rough terrain, and it bumps and skids through a passage with jagged rock formations all around. Flying spaceships take off leaving many men behind to be killed. A man and a woman argue. We hear that people are forced to convert to a certain faith or they are killed. A man is described as “half alive and half something else” suggesting some evil presence and he appears to have super strength and super speed. A woman appears to be applying eye liner and her lower eyelid smolders (we hear a sizzle and see smoke although she does not react). A man’s face looks malformed: he wears what looks like a diving mask, tubes are attached to his skull, he is stooped and gurgles and gasps when he breathes. A man has glistening eyes (they look like marbles). A woman can de-materialize and re-materialize. A man spits a couple of times. Gun shots appear to be more like disrupter blasts (we see the impact on the body but no bullet holes).
LANGUAGE 5 – 1 F-word, 9 scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 7 mild obscenities, 2 religious exclamations.
DISCUSSION TOPICS – Greed, faith, gods, forced faith, slavery, power, corruption, defiance, mercenaries, obedience, fear, weakness.
MESSAGE – Very bad things can be done in the name of faith.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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