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Captain Marvel | 2019 | PG-13 | – 1.5.5
Why is “Captain Marvel” rated PG-13? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive language.” The Kids-In-Mind.com evaluation includes skin-tight suits on both men and women, many fight sequences that end in death with little blood showing (both human red and alien blue), plane, car and spacecraft crashes that end with death and injuries, an autopsy of a shape-shifting alien, and 1 clearly discernible F-word derivative. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.”
The twenty-first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe sets up the origin story of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a former US Air Force fighter pilot and member of an elite team called Starforce, whose DNA was fused with that of an alien power source and thereby has imbued her with super strength, energy projection and flight. Also with Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn, Annette Bening, Lashana Lynch, Clark Gregg, Djimon Hounsou, Mckenna Grace, Gemma Chan and Akira Akbar. Directed by Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck. [Running Time: 2:04]
Captain Marvel SEX/NUDITY 1
– A male and a female alien hug and press their foreheads together while making purring sounds.
► A man lifts a sheet covering the groin of an alien on an autopsy table and he and another man look under it making faces of recognition (we assume they are looking at the genitals, but we do not see anything).
► Several women and men wear tight-fitting suits that outline their chest and buttocks throughout the film. Several female surfers are shown wearing surf gear that includes short swim bottoms that reveal bare legs to the hips.
Captain Marvel VIOLENCE/GORE 5
– A restrained woman held on an vessel breaks free and fights with several of her captors with punches and kicks and throws, she runs through a corridor where she is surrounded by others, some of whom taser her, and she continues to fight leaving them all on the floor motionless. A woman is shot from a distance and falls back (presumably dead with no wounds shown). A man shoots an alien and we see a bloody chest wound and blood in his mouth as he dies. A man shoots a laser beam at a woman and she shoots back blowing a hole in the top of a building; he runs and the woman chases him, scaling a wall and jumping to the back of a moving train, she breaks the window and gets inside the train where she fights with an elderly woman (the shooter has morphed into the elderly woman), and they punch and kick each other until other passengers holds the first woman back; she breaks free and chases the shooter onto the roof of the train where they continue to fight and the woman flips over the side of the train and holds on before blowing a hole in the roof of the train and climbing back inside. Two men fight and one is slammed into shelving and the floor before the other is struck by a power blast that throws him to the floor. A woman shoots an energy core that explodes and she is thrown in the blast (she is shown unconscious and glowing).
► A plane is chased by an alien vessel that shoots at them, the aircraft speed through the air exchanging fire and one pilot pulls her ejector pull; we then see the plane crash to the ground and the pilot helps the passenger out of the wreckage (we see some blood on both). A plane is chased by another vessel and shot at, they fly through rocky terrain and one is shot out of the sky. A man and a woman chased by men shooting at them take off in a plane and exit a hangar in the side of a mountain; as the plane speeds through the air we see a cat pinned against some equipment from the force (it is released when the plane stabilizes). A woman breaks out of her restraints and blows energy blasts in an area where her attackers are thrown into walls and to the floor. A woman fights with many attackers with punches and kicks and blasts of energy; a flying vessel takes off and is chased by another vessel and a woman clings to the outside as it speeds away, she is thrown off and falls through the air toward the ground (we do not see her hit, but we see her OK Later).
► Many large tentacles spread out of a cat’s mouth and in one scene they are used to dispatch attackers by grabbing them and slamming them around (we hear yelling and they may have been absorbed by the cat, but it’s not clear). Many warheads are shot toward Earth and they are stopped mid-flight and blown up. Many small flying vessels are blown up and then a large vessel blows up (we see flames rolling through it).
► A hole opens in the side of a flying vessel that sucks people into space; one woman holds onto the ship’s frame and pulls herself back inside to safety where she leaves in an escape pod that breaks apart as it approaches a planet’s surface and she plummets through the air toward the ground and she crashes through the roof of a store (we see rubble and sparks and she seems unharmed). A woman is threatened by a man and she blasts him with a power blast that throws him into a rock wall. A woman is surrounded by armed attackers and she blasts a walkway where they are standing and they fall. Rubble and flames are seen all around as a woman awakens on the ground with a blue trickle coming from her nose and blue blood on her hand; we see a woman raise a weapon toward an approaching armed enemy and the bleeding woman awakens from a dream.
► Flying vessels crash into a body of water and the occupants (they are unharmed) swim toward shore, arm themselves and search the area until they are ambushed by others who open fire on them (we see people being struck and thrown with no blood shown) and one woman is immobilized with an energy blast. Two men in a car speed after a train chasing woman inside: they crash into a bus leaving one man with a bloody cut over his eye and the other dead (he is shown to have shape-shifted to his natural appearance with blood on his head and face). A woman flying a fighter plane ejects when the plane is going to crash. A young girl crashes in a go kart and we see her with a bloody nose and bruised arm. A woman is shown restrained by the hands and feet and a glowing beam is pointed at her temples, presumably mining her memories.
► A man and a woman fight (they’re practicing) with punching, flipping and throws; the man punches the woman in the face (we see a blue trickle from her nose) and the woman strikes the man with an energy blast that throws him across the room (he seems unharmed). A woman tries to fight another woman and she is thrown through a “liquid wall” where she floats through her memories.
► Armed agents move through a building looking for a man and a woman and one says, “Take them dead or alive.” A woman threatens an alien and says, “I’m gonna put my foot where it shouldn’t be.” A woman orders, “Eject the others into space.” We hear that a pilot and a doctor died in a plane crash. A young girl and an adult woman are disparaged in several scenes, when her strength or abilities are being tested. A character says, “War is a universal language.” A young girl tells a woman, “Everyone said you were dead.” A woman says that another woman cheated in a car race. A woman tells another woman before they fight, “I never liked you.” A man asks another man if someone, “Burned your eye out.” We see many computerized counters counting up as it identifies the numbers of “missing” in different countries.
► We see a glowing device embedded in a woman’s neck in a few scenes. A glowing energy force flows around a woman’s hand in several scenes and she uses the force as a blasting weapon. An alien panics and retreats from a house cat in a few scenes. A cat is held by the scruff and thrown to the floor (unharmed). A woman blasts a jukebox in a bar using a blasting power she has in her hands (we see sparks fly). A woman steals a motorcycle and clothing.
► A cat gags and heaves before spitting up a cube and some saliva. A man performs an autopsy on an alien and we see the chest flesh open to reveal flaps of tissue as the man removes an organ (we hear squishing sounds). A man is scratched in the eye by a cat (we see bloody slashes on his forehead and his eye is swollen shut). Some characters are referred to as shape-shifters and we see them morphing into other people, accompanied by squishing sounds in several scenes. Characters are shown with blue skin, others have blue blood, some have pointed ears and pointed teeth.
► A woman has several flashbacks that she is unable to identify as coming from her past throughout the film. A man looks at a collection of fake eyeballs, presumably as replacements (he has a metal plate over one eye).
Captain Marvel LANGUAGE 5
– At least 1 partially muffled (as “Flerken”) but clearly discernible F-word derivative (MF), 2 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 10 mild obscenities, name-calling (little girl, Ace, honey, freak, lizards, ugly bastards, craziest, stubborn, stupid, terrorists, weak, small, helpless, filthy, delusional), exclamations (oh boy, lighten up), 2 religious exclamations (Oh My God). | profanity glossary |
Captain Marvel SUBSTANCE USE
– A bar scene shows people holding and drinking beer, and a photo shows a woman holding a mug of beer in a bar.
– Family, impulse control, powers, honor, Cold War, war, trust, truth, memories, technological advancement, heroes.
Captain Marvel MESSAGE
– Interstellar wars are confusing and it’s not often evident who’s on the right side.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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