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The Brothers Grimsby | 2016 | R | - 9.7.6
An undercover operative (Mark Strong) separated from his brother (Sacha Baron Cohen) when they were young is reunited with him and together they try to thwart the efforts of an evil adversary. Also with Rebel Wilson, Freddie Crowder, Jon-Jon Lockwood, Claudia Adshead, Shaun Thomas, Lex Shrapnel and Isla Fisher. Directed by Louis Leterrier. [1:23]
SEX/NUDITY 9 - A man pulls of his pants and exposes his testicles saying that he was struck by a poison dart and orders another man to suck the toxin out of his testicle; the man refuses, then gives in and we see a close-up of the testicle as the other man moves up and down pressing the testicle into the other man's face and mouth; a splatter of something lands on the man's face and the first man says that it is a trickle of pre-ejaculate. A man invites a woman to his room and insinuates sex; we see her lying on the bed in his room, and we see a close-up of her pubic region (we see pubic hair) as a man moves between her legs to perform oral sex on her and they are interrupted when he is seen lying on top of her (her dress is open and we see her bra and cleavage). We see the singed anus of a man after an encounter with fireworks and his children throw coins at the opening; when a woman turns on a fan in the room, the enlarged openings make musical sounds (like blowing across a bottle top).
► A man and a woman are shown having sex in a bed: we see them kissing and the man appears to be thrusting (his bare back and shoulders and her bare shoulders, cleavage and part of her bra are seen) until they climax and tell a store associate that they will take the mattress (they are in a bedding store). A man and a woman kiss while standing, then on a sofa and the woman tells the man that she is not wearing underwear; she spreads her legs to reveal her bare upper thighs and the man gets on his knees and moves between her legs to perform oral sex before they are interrupted by another man in the room.
► Two men climb into the anus of an elephant (we assume) to hide (we see what looks like intestines inside the opening; a male elephant approaches and mounts the female and we see its erect penis moving inside the opening where the men are hiding (one man is poked in the face by the penis repeatedly and then sprayed with semen); we then see a line of elephants presumably preparing to have sex with the female and we see one man inside the female being poked repeatedly in the anus (his bare buttocks are visible).
► A man walks into a darkened building and finds a room where two women (fully nude but covered with a sheet) lie on mattresses on the floor (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details). Two men sit in a bathtub together and they hug; one makes a comment about their genitals bumping (we see their bare shoulders, chest and abdomen and one man holds his hand over his genitals as he is getting into the tub). A man in a pub is shown with his pants down to his hips and a firecracker in his anus (we see his bare buttocks and the firecracker sparking. Please see the Violence/Gore category for more details). A man puts his finger through a standee of a young boy and we see the finger at the boy's crotch resembling a penis; the man then struggles to get the finger out and grabs it with his other hand and it looks as if he is masturbating the boy.
► Many men take off their shirts and run across a soccer field (we see bare shoulders, chests, abdomens and backs) and one woman runs fully nude next to them (we see her bare buttocks and the side of her bare breast). A nude man lies on a table (we see his bare back and buttocks) as another man waxes his buttocks; another man enters the room and thinks that the men are having sex when he reads the man's T-shirt as "The Rapist." A woman is shown wearing a bra and panties and we see her cleavage, abdomen, and partial bare buttocks. Many men in several pub scenes are shown shirtless; women in these scenes are shown wearing low-cut tops and short skirts that reveal cleavage. A man wears his pants slung low and we see his underwear and his buttock cleavage in many scenes throughout the movie. A young woman wears a short top that reveals her bare abdomen in a few scenes. A man is shown wearing boxer briefs and we see his bare chest and abdomen. A man is shown wearing briefs in a few scenes and we see his bare chest and abdomen. A woman is shown wearing a low-cut dress that reveals cleavage. A man is shown using a loofah between his legs and we see his bare buttocks and legs.
► A man and a woman kiss on a sidewalk and another man leaves a recently purchased mattress nearby on the sidewalk; when he returns, he finds the kissing couple on the bed (they are fully clothed). Two women kiss two men lying in hospital beds.
► A woman straddles a man in bed and puts her fingers in his mouth (they are interrupted by the woman's husband). A woman in a man's hotel room tries to seduce him and becomes upset when she finds him in bed with another woman.
► A man tells another man that he has to suck the toxin out of his shoulder after he was struck with a poison dart; the other man refuses saying, "That is very gay," and then does so and spits out the toxin on the floor (we see a greenish blob).
► A woman is described as being "famed for her promiscuity" and a man is told that he "may need to seduce her." A man's old room has posters of celebrities and another man remarks about three of them not liking women as much as they thought (suggesting that they are gay) and the fourth liking them too much (Bill Cosby). A woman tells a man to stop flirting through a communication device. A man looks into a toilet and calls for someone to help him with a clog; he describes the clog as being feces and tells a woman about its consistency; the woman misunderstands and thinks the man is talking about his genitals and se describes what she will do to him.
VIOLENCE/GORE 7 - A black-ops operative is directed to capture and interrogate a target and we see through a device in his eye as he chases the man and catches him; the operative identifies the man, chases him through a crowded marketplace while shooting other men with guns (we see the men fall and there is a bit of blood splatter), he punches and kicks several others, one man tumbles down a flight of stairs while in flames, cars crash together as the men run through streets, the operative on a bicycle chases another man on a motorcycle, the operative jumps onto a moving truck, climbs into it dispatching the armed men inside and fights with men driving another vehicle that eventually crashes and flips (we see the target with a bloody leg wound as he is pulled out of the wreckage); the operative shoots the target with a poison dart and we see the man die with foam in his mouth. A man shoots an attacker through the head (we see a bloody hole open in the back of his head; the man then shoots several other men threatening him (we see some blood spurt). A man shoots a gunman from a distance and he falls over a balcony and onto the lap of another man (we see a bloody hole in his abdomen). A woman and several men in a room are shot by men outside; a rocket is fired into the room and two men jump just as the explosion blows a large ball of flames from the room (they are unharmed). A man shoots a soccer ball, and then the referee on the field during a match (we see a bit of blood). A man is shot in the shoulder and blood spurts and sprays onto people behind and next to him and into the open mouth of one man (he's supposed to be Donald Trump), who we hear contracts HIV. A young boy in a wheelchair is shot in the shoulder and we see blood spurt and spray on people seated around him, as well as into the open mouth of a man (he's supposed to be Daniel Radcliffe); we later hear that the man had open sores in his mouth and contracted AIDS from the boy's blood. A man is shot in the abdomen (we see blood) and we later hear that he died. Several armed men are shot and fall to the ground, presumably dead. A man shoots several other men as he enters a facility.
► Two men pull down their pants (we see the side of their buttocks) and sit on two firework rockets (presumably pushing the tips into their anuses; they are launched into the air and then land hard on a soccer field (we hear that they are dead). Two men get into a car as police shoot at them; one man pushes a button inside the car that fires rockets out the back and a traffic officer is struck and blows up (we see large flames and a severed arm is thrown into the air). A man is shown with two poison darts in his shoulder and groin (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details). We see the singed anus of a man after an encounter with fireworks and his children throw coins at the opening; when a woman turns on a fan in the room, the enlarged openings make musical sounds (like blowing across a bottle top). A man punches another man in a waxing room in spa, the first man's face ends up in a bowl of wax and he then falls onto a man being waxed and his face lands on the man's pubic region; when the man stands up again we see that he has pulled off the pubic hair from the other man and it is stuck to his face to resemble a beard.
► A man fights with several other men, punching and kicking them until he is then punched repeatedly and shoved into a car. A young boy swings a pool ball in a cloth holder and strikes an armed man in the face, then a wheelchair is thrown from an upper story window and lands on the man knocking him out; a dog is thrown from the window and lands on another armed man biting and growling at him (no blood is seen). A young boy swings a pool ball in a cloth holder and strikes a woman in the face (she stumbles and falls to the floor. A man holding two beer mugs beats up another man, then fights another man who punches and kicks him and he falls back into a pile of crates (we see him with a bloody nose and mouth). A man chained by the wrists in a standing position is punched in the stomach, and then a man holds a gun on him and is told to kill him (he does not). A car crashes over a bridge and into water below and the two occupants get out and swim away unharmed. Two men jump out a window and run as they are being shot at; one man punches a gunman and he falls motionless to the ground, and the other kicks the unmoving man in the crotch. A man jumps off a fire escape and another jumps on top of him breaking the first man's ankle (he yells). Two young boys see another boy being manhandled by two men in a soccer stadium; they run across the field and jump into the stands to make the men stop. A man punches another man in a waxing room in spa, the first man's face ends up in a bowl of wax and he then falls onto a man being waxed and his face lands on the man's pubic region; when the man stands up again we see that he has pulled off the pubic hair from the other man and it is stuck to his face to resemble a beard.
► A pre-teen boy in a wheelchair is thrown over a balcony and onto a crowd of people in stadium stands. A man pulls and fires his gun several times when people in a dark bar jump up and yell, "Surprise!" (no one is harmed). We see two young boys at a cemetery at a grave site and we understand that their parent(s) have died; we then see them in a foster home and then being adopted. A young boy panics and runs through a train searching for his older brother and then realizes that he has left him. A man in a pub is shown with his pants down to his hips and a firecracker in his anus (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details), he falls off the bar and lands on the floor moaning (presumably pushing the explosive deeper into his anus) and a woman with a fire extinguisher hits him hard in the stomach causing the explosive to dislodge and shoot out, exploding at a distance and no one is harmed. A man accidentally shoots a tracking device into another man's neck and he yelps. A man walks into a darkened building and finds a room where two women lie on mattresses on the floor (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details) and he thinks that this is a sex trafficking ring and tells the women to run (it is a spa); we see women wrapped in sheets running out the front of the building.
► We see a video of a man strapped to a table and infected with a disease that kills him and we watch his skin discolor, blister and he eventually dies. We hear that a young boy in a wheelchair has AIDS.
► We hear that a man's brother has been missing for 28 years. A man tells another man, "Don't wet your knickers." A sign at the entrance to a town reads, "Twin City to Chernobyl." Several young children are shown watching "Breaking Bad" on TV and their father makes a reference to it being a chemistry lesson. A man tells several young children that if they help him, he will burn their school down for them.
► Two men climb into the anus of an elephant (we assume) to hide (we see what looks like intestines inside the opening; a male elephant approaches and mounts the female and we see its erect penis moving inside the opening where the men are hiding (one man is poked in the face by the penis repeatedly and then sprayed with semen); we then see a line of elephants presumably preparing to have sex with the female and we see one man inside the female being poked repeatedly in the anus (his bare buttocks are visible). A man stands in an open area and urinates (we see the stream), and then sees a cheetah charging toward him (he jumps into a car and is unharmed). A man looks into a toilet and calls for someone to help him with a clog; he describes the clog as being feces and tells a woman about its consistency; the woman misunderstands and thinks the man is talking about his genitals and she describes what she will do to him (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details). A woman flatulates as she is inviting a man to perform oral sex on her (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details). A preteen boy is shown sitting on a toilet while holding a plate of food (we see his bare legs to the upper thigh). A man spits a toxin out of his mouth after sucking it out of two wounds on another man (please see the Sex/Nudity category for more details). A man talks about another man wetting the bed when he was a boy and that the boy sleeping under him in the bunk got dripped on.
LANGUAGE 6 - About 20 F-words (5 mouthed), 2 obscene hand gestures (one by a young boy in a photograph), 7 sexual references, 2 scatological terms, 6 anatomical terms, 9 mild obscenities, name-calling (psychopath, pigs, daft, git, imbeciles, garbage, hideous pig, scum, idiot, registered sex offender), 5 religious exclamations (e.g. Oh God, Jesus, For God's Sake).
SUBSTANCE USE - A man gives another man a small packet of heroin and a hypodermic needle, a man injects himself in the ankle with a hypodermic needle that he does not realize contains heroin (we see his vision go blurry as he falls back onto a sofa), a man tells his young sons that they shouldn't be smoking and one of the boys says that he thought the father just meant crack, a man injects himself in the ankle a couple of times with something to help with a wound, and a father tells his young sons that at their age they should only be vaping. Many pub scenes show people drinking mugs of beer as well as shots of alcohol throughout the film, a pub scenes shows a young boy carrying a half-full mug of beer as he toddles through the drunk adult, people drink champagne at a fundraiser, two men are shown in a freight crate and one is seen holding lit cigarettes and with bottles of liquor around him, and a man opens and pours from a small bottle of champagne. Two men smoke several cigarettes simultaneously, men are shown smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and beer in a bar, and two men smoke several cigarettes simultaneously.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Undercover operations, abandonment, adoption, death of parents, family, brothers, intimacy, sex trafficking, disease, biological warfare.
MESSAGE - Family is the best thing.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Last Breath - 1.4.5
My Dead Friend Zoe - 1.3.7
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy - 6.3.9
The Monkey - 4.9.10
The Unbreakable Boy - 1.4.3
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