"One of the 50 Coolest Websites...they simply tell it like it is" - TIME
Bones | 2001 | R | - 6.10.10
A group of young people open a dance club in a long abandoned building that resembles a skull -- and holds many skeletons in its dark closets, especially the spirit of Jimmy Bones (Snoop Dogg) a neighborhood protector who was betrayed 20 years before. Also with Pam Grier, Sean Amsing, Ricky Harris and Merwin Mondesir. [1:33]
SEX/NUDITY 6 - We see a young woman in bed alone, and something climbs into bed with her and begins to touch her; when she begins to resist, whatever it is covers her with a sheet and she screams; we see her twisting and rolling in a puddle of blood, and when she sits up everything is normal. We see a man and woman presumably after having sex; we see the woman's bare breasts and buttocks (she wears a thong) and the man is in boxer shorts. A young man and young woman kiss passionately and fall back onto a bed but she stops before anything else happens. A man caresses a woman's face and kisses her, a man and woman dance and kiss. A young woman kisses a young man on the cheek. A woman plays with her gum suggestively (wrapping it around her tongue). A woman wears a transparent dress which shows her bra and panties. A woman's dress is torn off her and we see her bra from the back. A young woman gets out of bed dressed in her panties and a tank top. We see a woman dressed in a mini skirt and short top which exposes cleavage, and her thighs and midriff. A man touches a woman's leg. Young people dance suggestively in a night club setting. A man makes a suggestive remark about a man's daughter. A young woman paints a picture of a nude woman.
VIOLENCE/GORE 10 - A woman invites a young man to follow her upstairs, which he does, and when he finally reaches her she turns into a "demon-dog" and begins to tear him apart; we hear him screaming, see him covered in blood, hear sounds of flesh being torn and see him jerking as the creature attacks him. Another young man enters the room as this is happening and the creature chases him down the hall and vomits maggots all over him. Two young men walk through an abandoned building, open a door and are attacked by a dog, they run and stop on the front stoop where one is dragged back inside and we hear him struggling and screaming and his blood sprays on the man left outside, who is eventually also dragged back inside and torn to pieces (his nails make bloody scratches on the floor as he is dragged). A man grabs a man by the throat, slashes his throat and blood pours out of the wound. A man is stabbed by flying shards of a mirror and is pinned to a wall where a man cuts his head off (we only see the man drag a blade across his throat). A man slashes two men to death and their blood sprays their silhouettes onto a fence. A woman sets her dress on fire and we see her engulfed in flames. A man walks into a puddle of blood, follows it and finds a woman's blood-covered legs dangling out of a garbage can. Two men hold a man at gunpoint in order to force him to smoke a pipe containing a drug; he smokes it, holds his head and pulls out a switchblade that he uses to slash one of the men, who then shoots him repeatedly (we see his blood covered shirt as he lies on the floor), and then the rest of the people in the room are each forced at gunpoint to stab the man who eventually dies and is dragged out to be buried (we see parts of this scene a few more times). A man shoves a pipe with drugs in a man's mouth, seals his mouth (he somehow, supernaturally, makes his mouth disappear), hangs him from a hook and stabs him (we see blood spurting onto the disembodied head of another victim who complains about the act). A young man is grabbed by demons, blood spurts as they tear at him and we hear him screaming. A young man is grabbed by a demon and he slashes at its arm with a knife cutting himself loose. A young man stabs a man in the stomach but he is not affected. A man throws two disembodied heads into a wall swarming with writhing and moaning demons. A man dips a man through the demon wall a few times before he shoves him in; we see the man slimed and hear him screaming. A man walks around holding the heads of two of his victims with dangling bloody tissue at the neck; they continue to talk and interact with him. A young man spins around in a cloud of smoke and screams. A man shoots a man several times but it doesn't seem to affect him. Maggots fall all over a large room full of people who begin to panic, scream and run out of the building. A young woman steps on something that crunches and we see a piece of a bloody human jawbone on the floor. A man pulls the hand off the remains of a young man, and a young man pulls the finger off a skeleton to get the ring it was wearing. A man is chased through dark alleys, runs through a door and we hear pounding and panting on the other side of the door. Two young men run through dark streets and duck into an abandoned building when they hear police approaching (they have just concluded a drug deal). There are several instances where we see shadows of creatures on the walls of a building, some with claw-like hands; some scenes are of walls covered with writhing malformed demons -- during a couple of these scenes the demons come free from the mass on the walls trailing gooey strings and they reach for people and then disappear. A young woman vomits maggots. We see a dog noisily devouring raw meat; somehow the dog is connected to a skeleton, and as the dog eats tissue grows on the skeleton at the same time. A group of young people follows a dog down a flight of stairs where they are swarmed by flies, and into a basement where the dog digs up a skeleton with a knife in its chest. A man drags a knife across a pool table and thick blood bubbles up through the slit. We see a puddle of thick red blood on a floor (it is said that the floor is throbbing) and a group of young people go to investigate and find pipes in the basement leaking more blood. A group of people have a séance and they remark about an odor, some candles flare up, a woman shakes and a man is covered with blood. A cloud in the shape of a face appears to a young man and speaks to him. A cloud of black smoke appears behind a young woman and takes the shape of a face, and then disappears. A man remembers a murder: we see a man shoot someone (we don't see the victim) and hear a woman scream. A man shoots a rifle at a demon dog and the dog is hit (we see some blood on its fur) but doesn't appear to be affected. A man shoots at a window, and a man throws a knife at two people as they run away. A man threatens a group of young people with a gun and a woman yells at the group about an evil dog. A young woman opens a door and finds a dog with red eyes who grabs her hamburger and devours it noisily. A man causes an explosion and a building burns, and a building begins to crumble with people inside. A woman holds a photograph and the image of a man in the picture moves. A young man goes to a basement where there are rats all around. There is a discussion of two young men disappearing. A man swings a switchblade around in several scenes. A padlocked door shakes frantically several times. A man yells at his son in a panic. A young woman walks toward a ghost she sees in the shadows.
LANGUAGE 10 - 55 F-words and derivatives (several in song lyrics), 3 sexual references, 33 scatological terms, 20 anatomical terms, 27 mild obscenities, 12 derogatory terms for African-Americans delivered by African-Americans (several in song lyrics), 1 derogatory term for African-Americans delivered by a Caucasian, 2 derogatory terms for Caucasians, 8 religious profanities, 3 religious exclamations.
SUBSTANCE USE - People are shown smoking drugs in a few scenes. We see a few scenes of people buying and selling drugs, a couple of which are with a police officer selling the drugs.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Deception, betrayal, psychic powers, revenge, paranoia, drug dealing, greed, evil, status, superstition, séances, gambling, the lottery, supernatural worlds.
MESSAGE - You can't go home, and if you do the skeletons in your basement could be real.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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