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Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F | 2024 | R | – 3.6.10

content-ratingsWhy is “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F” rated R? The MPAA rating has been assigned for “language throughout, violence and brief drug use.” The evaluation includes full frontal nudity in statues, discussions of relationships and sex, many car chases that end with many vehicles being destroyed and resultant property damage, many exchanges of gunfire that lead to people being shot and killed and injured with bloody wounds visible, a vehicle being pushed off an upper floor of a parking garage with the driver still inside, many threats of violence, people being held at gunpoint, discussions of drug cartels and drug trafficking, a person snorting cocaine, many arguments, and over 80 F-words and other strong language. Read our parents’ guide below for details on sexual content, violence & strong language.

Forty years after the Detroit smart-alecky cop (Eddie Murphy) almost destroyed Beverly Hills while chasing local bad guys, he returns to protect his estranged attorney daughter (Taylour Paige) from corrupt drug-dealing cops, and reunite with his old pals (Judge Reinhold and John Ashton). Also with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Paul Reiser, Bronson Pinchot and Kevin Bacon. Directed by Mark Molloy. Several lines of dialogue are spoken in Spanish with some accompanied by English subtitles and others without translation. [Running Time: 1:58]

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F SEX/NUDITY 3

 – A man sits next to a nude male statue and glances at the exposed genitals (we see bare chest, abdomen, full legs and genitals). Many nude male and female statues are seen on the back of a truck (bare breasts, chests, abdomens, buttocks and legs are shown). Men are seen shirtless in a bar scene and bare chests, abdomens and backs are shown; women wear low-cut tops that reveal cleavage and bare shoulders. A woman wears short shorts revealing her bare legs to the upper thighs and the words “I like it hot” are printed on the back. A woman wears a low-cut top that reveals cleavage.
 A man asks his adult daughter if she and a man have had “intercourse”; they are both embarrassed. A man tells his adult daughter that he is celibate. A man says that a woman broke up with him because she said that she “couldn’t date a cop.” People talk about how many bathrooms a house has and one person refers to them as places for people to have sex when you have large parties. A man asks another man how often he and his wife have sex.
 A man throws a kiss at another man.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F VIOLENCE/GORE 6

 – Three men steal a truck and speed away from a pier while being chased by armed men in other vehicles; one car spins out and crashes catching fire, many police cars join the chase and are struck and disabled and the truck slams through a security fence and then through the front of a house as many armed men open fire on the truck and its occupants, who shoot back and we see several men struck with blood spurting; one man falls over a balcony after being shot, one man is knocked out with a heavy vase being broken over his head (we see blood on the floor under his head), a man shoots at a woman and another man jumps in the way of the bullet and struck in the shoulder (we see blood) and one man is shot in the head and falls dead with a bloody wound visible. Several armed men in a large car speed next to another vehicle and open fire on the two people inside; the driver of the second vehicle speeds away and backs through traffic hitting other cars while the first men continue to shoot at them; many cars are struck and the driver and passenger get out of the car and shoot at the attackers hitting a few and one is shot into the back and another in the chest (blood spurts).
 A woman in her car in a parking garage is trapped when a truck backs into her and pushes her over the ledge where the car dangles from a cable and swings as she screams and glass shatters (we see her unharmed later). A man in the backseat of a car holds a gun to a woman’s head and the scene ends; we later see her handcuffed and in a chair being questioned by a man that threatens her.
 Several men with guns rummage through the contents of a locker room stealing jewelry and other valuables; other armed men enter the room and gunfire is exchanged, the robbers leave and the two other men commandeer a city snowplow truck to chase them through the city causing immeasurable damage to cars and structures (including portable toilets) and we see people screaming and scattering while the robbers shoot at the men in the truck. Two men rummage through a man’s office and another man enters the room pretending to help; when he is discovered, he sprays the men with a fire extinguisher and rushes out leaving the men inside to break a window to get out and they chase him. Two men are surrounded by many armed police and handcuffed while drugs appear to be found in the trunk of their car; the men are tasered and they collapse. A man stands on a table to look into an air duct thinking that a man has crawled away through it and he is struck in the back with a chair and lands hard on the table knocking himself unconscious. A man watching activity at a port is held at gunpoint by two men with high-powered weapons as the scene ends. Many men in a bar are shown with a variety of sizes of guns and one man holds a gun on a man as he yells at him and tells him to leave. A man bound, bruised, and bloody after apparent beatings is discovered by two other men that overpower the men holding him.
 A man takes off in a helicopter and struggles to right it as it dips and flies out of control off a roof and along a crowded street running into cars and being chased by a man in a car that shoots at the helicopter and the two men inside it; the helicopter crashes after the rudder is shot off causing a lot of damage in a golf course and the pilot and passenger get out seemingly unharmed. A man steals a traffic officer’s vehicle and speeds away as the officer clings to the side of the vehicle spraying the man with pepper spray; the man swerves throwing the officer off and onto the ground while he is chased through a busy shopping area causing people to jump out of the way and scream, and crashes, tipping the vehicle over on a sidewalk where two officers hold him at gunpoint and handcuff him. A man draws his gun and looks through a house for evidence.
 We hear that a man is in prison after being accused of killing an undercover police officer and we hear about what happened when he claims to have awakened in the car where the officer was shot and that the murder weapon was in his lap. A man talks about a jewelry store robbery where a person was killed. A woman yells at her father for being estranged and not trying to remain a family. A man is suspended from the police force without pay. A woman confronts a man about trying to “read” her. A man teases another man by insisting that there is a Black hockey league in Canada, and when the other man says that he didn’t think he would be interested in hockey, he accuses him of making racial assumptions. A man is shown with several prescription vials on his desk and he argues with his wife on the phone about taking medication for thyroid and liver ailments. A man asks another man if he defecated when he was being threatened by another man and that he heard a “squirt-ish noise.”
 Several teenage boys are shown setting off fireworks in an empty lot and a man threatens to arrest them. We see a wrecked car in an impound lot and blood is splattered on the console and dashboard (a man was found dead in the car from gunshot wounds). A man has a gash on his forehead from a previous encounter.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F LANGUAGE 10

 – About 81 F-words and its derivatives, 4 obscene hand gestures, 4 sexual references, 57 scatological terms, 17 anatomical terms, 29 mild obscenities, 7 derogatory terms for African-American people, name-calling (monkey, mildly offensive, scary, Fancy Dan, crazy cop, gross, stupid, selfish, top dog, big hero, sociopath, reckless, cartel kill crew, stubborn, half-baked theory, slippery bastard, loser, baby cakes, Lego cops), exclamations (fall from grace, oh my goodness, what the heck, yikes, oh gosh, couldn’t hack it, wow, look, are you kidding me, count my blessings), 16 religious profanities (GD), 35 religious exclamations (e.g. oh my God, God, Jesus Christ, I swear to God, Holy [scatological term deleted], for Christ’s sake). | profanity glossary |

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F SUBSTANCE USE

 – A man snorts cocaine, a man is shown with several prescription vials on his desk and he talks about having thyroid and liver ailments. People drink cocktails in a bar, people drink beer and alcohol in a bar, and a woman accuses a man of being “drunk on the job.”

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F DISCUSSION TOPICS

 – Racism, racial assumptions, stereotyping, estranged families, divorce, taking responsibility, crooked cops, regret, apologies, narcotics trafficking, cartels, selfishness, conspiracy theories, therapy, kismet, love.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F MESSAGE

 – Family can be complicated.


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