"One of the 50 Coolest Websites...they simply tell it like it is" - TIME
Albert Nobbs | 2011 | R | - 6.3.5
A 19th century Irish woman (Glenn Close) pretends to be a man for over thirty years so she can improve her prospects for work. In her older years she realizes that she is now trapped by that decision. Also with Mia Wasikowska, Aaron Johnson and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Directed by Rodrigo Garcia. [1:53]
SEX/NUDITY 6 - A man is seen performing oral sex on a woman, and the woman moans while we see the man's head at the woman's crotch (no nudity is visible).
► A woman living as a man exposes her bare breasts (we see her bare breasts briefly) to another woman living as a man and the second woman living as a man gasps and runs away. A man unbuttons the shirt of a dead woman that was living as a man, he declares aloud that the woman was a woman and we see a portion of a corset and the woman's cleavage. Two young women watch as a young man washes his bare chest and back. A man appears to be fully nude, lying in bed with a portion of his bare chest visible as another man wakes him up. A woman living as a man unbuttons her shirt, and we see a portion of her bare breasts above her corset. A man walks around with his robe open; he is wearing pants but a portion of his bare chest is visible.
► A young man and a young woman are seen lying in bed together; the young man's bare chest is visible and the young woman is wearing a slip; the man gets on top of the young woman and kisses her (sex is implied). A man grabs a woman's crotch under her apron and the woman pulls his hand away.
► A young man and a young woman kiss passionately while leaning against a statue. A young man grabs a young woman and kisses her. A woman living as a man kisses a young woman on the cheek; the young woman grabs the woman, kisses her passionately and tells her that she is kissed like that by a young man. A young man grabs a young woman and they hold one another close, about to kiss.
► A young woman shouts at a woman living as a man, that it is strange that she is not interested in putting her arm around her waist; the young woman shouts that the woman has not even asked to kiss her.
► A young woman jokes that she is going to wear a blouse and give a young man "a look." A young woman makes a crude joke insinuating female genitalia to an older man, who blushes. A young woman makes a crude sexual remark about not being "dry" after being left by a young man. A young man instructs a young woman how to use sex to make a woman living as a man give them money. A young man teases a young woman, telling her not to keep a woman living as a man waiting for sex; the two then discuss how they will use the woman living as a man for presents for the young woman. An older woman makes a sexual remark about having a sexual dream about a woman living as a man. A woman tells a woman living as a man that a young woman is "in the family way" (pregnant). A woman living as a man tells another woman living as a man that she had married a woman after she and a woman had become roommates but "people had talked." A woman living as a man, a second woman living as a man and a woman joke about one of the women living as a man finding a young woman attractive.
► A young man and a young woman hug after the young woman tells the young man that she is pregnant with his child. A young man catches a young woman in his arms and they stare at one another longingly.
VIOLENCE/GORE 3 - A young man shouts at and shoves a young woman, and a woman living as a man shouts and warns the young man not to hit the young woman; the young man then attacks the woman living as a man, the woman strikes the young man's back and chest until the young man violently shoves her, and she hits the ground as the young man continues to shout and is restrained by a man.
► A young man grabs a young woman's shoulder, scaring her; the young woman scolds the young man saying that he had almost scared her into urinating on herself. A young woman lightly hits a woman living as a man on the chest repeatedly; the young woman cries and the woman comforts her.
► A woman living as a man cries and cowers in the corner after another woman living as a man shouts at her; the second woman raises her hand to strike her until she cries. A young man carrying luggage stumbles and drops the luggage down a stairway and an older man shouts angrily at the young man instructing him to clean his shoe. A young man angrily stands up and slams his chair to the ground; he appears as though he is about to strike a young woman, and then pulls his hand away after she flinches. A young man shouts at a young woman and she flinches as the young man appears as though he is going to hit her. A young man shouts at a young woman and a woman living as a man overhears their argument. A woman shouts at police officers when they place a sign on a door stating "Typhoid Fever," as the woman shouts that only one person had died. A woman shouts at a young man.
► A young woman discovers a woman living as a man, dead, in her bed and a doctor examines the body, confirming that the woman is dead.
► A teen girl is seen clutching her chest and panting, and a doctor instructs a woman and a man that the teen girl has "The fever" (typhoid fever). A woman living as a man is seen very sick and lying in bed (we later see her recovered) while a woman in the background weeps and a woman explains that hundreds of people had died of typhoid fever.
► An elderly man shakes as he climbs a ladder while a woman shouts at several young women and a young man for allowing the elderly man to climb the ladder; a young woman attempts to grab the elderly man as he begins to slip, the young woman falls off the ladder and a young man catches her. A woman stumbles as she runs across a beach; she stands up unharmed.
► A woman living as a man implies to another woman living as a man that she had been attacked by several boys when she was 14, and that she had begun to live as a man from that point forward. An older woman scornfully warns an older man about his appearance. A woman living as a man tells another woman living as a man that her husband had died after falling down while drunk. A woman living as a man tells another woman living as a man that she had been raised as an illegitimate child by a woman until her mother died; then she and the woman raising her had moved to horrible conditions until her guardian also died. A young woman tells a woman living as a man that her father had died. A young woman dramatically tells a woman living as a man that her "heels are raw" from walking. A woman living as a man gives an example to another woman living as a man that she and her wife had "not robbed a bank or killed someone." A woman living as a man makes a joke that a man had fallen into a coal shoot and gotten a black eye; we later see an older man with a black eye. A young man jokes with a young woman that he would "wring" a woman living as a man's neck if she made a sexual advance toward the young woman. A young man playfully stumbles and shouts that his head is on fire, as a group of women laugh. A young woman says that paint fumes are making her sick and a young woman jokes that it is morning sickness making her ill.
► A woman living as a man gags and clutches her stomach; she appears to vomit into a washbasin.
LANGUAGE 5 - About 3 F-words and its derivatives, 2 sexual references, 1 anatomical term, 3 mild obscenities, name-calling (flagrant incompetence, Miss High and Mighty, sly old dog, the old trout, boozer, big ladies man, terrible slave driver, fat little waster, soft in the head, lazy fellow, waste, treated like dirt, shy one, not so keen, freak, fool, pathetic, good for nothing, hussy), exclamations (bloody), 2 religious profanities, 14 religious exclamations.
SUBSTANCE USE - We see a room filled with empty liquor bottles, a man appears extremely hangover and drinks liquor in order to wake up, a man appears to drunkenly stumble after drinking wine at dinner, people order drinks at a boarding house and we see people drinking wine, a young man instructs a young woman to ask a woman living as a man to buy her whiskey, an older man asks a woman living as a man for a drink and the woman living as a man turns him down, and a young man tells a young woman that his mother had a severe drinking problem. A young man smokes cigarettes, a woman living as a man smokes cigarettes throughout the movie, and a woman living as a man coughs as she tries to smoke a cigarette.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Disguises, typhoid fever, living a double life, disappointment, bullying, coping with loss.
MESSAGE - It can be very difficult to live with the consequences of deception.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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