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SEX/NUDITY 4 – A woman (wearing a bra and thong panties that expose her cleavage, bare abdomen and bare buttocks) dances suggestively around a bed post, then crawls onto a bed inviting a man to join her; he takes off his shirt (we see him bare-chested) and climbs on top of her and they kiss. A man looks through binoculars and sees a woman in her bra and panties, then nude from the back (we see her bare buttocks). A man and woman kiss and we see their probing tongues briefly, a man and woman kiss passionately, and a man and woman kiss a couple of other times. A woman in a bikini (we see cleavage and her bare abdomen) rubs suntan lotion on a man’s bare chest and they kiss. A man kisses a woman on the cheek. A man calls a group of women into a room (using an offensive term) and it is suggested that they are coming to be sexual partners with men who are in the room. A man tells a woman to, "make sure he doesn’t get lonely… don’t be shy" and points to a man in the room with them, and a man invites a woman to tuck him in bed (she declines). A woman (presumably nude) is shown asleep in a bed covered by a sheet but we see her bare hip, leg, arms and shoulders. Women are shown throughout the movie in tight-fitting outfits that expose cleavage, bare backs, bare shoulders, bare abdomens and bare thighs. Several women wear thong bikinis and we see their bare buttocks as some men carry them off over their shoulders. We see part of a woman’s bare buttocks when she bends over while dancing. We see a man bare-chested when he gets out of bed. A man’s coat hangs open and we see his bare chest in a couple of scenes.
VIOLENCE/GORE 5 – A rocket is set off in a room full of people who die from exposure to a biological agent (we see them scratching at windows and doors and gasping for air). A man is shot several times through a door and falls back onto the floor dead, and a man is shot in the leg. A sniper takes aim and shoots a man in a very crowded room (we see the man with a blood spot on his shirt and he falls back into the crowd). A man in a speeding boat is shot (we see some blood on his mouth and chest), and the boat slams into a rock wall and explodes. A man jumps a motorcycle over a wall and the motorcycle explodes in mid-air sending debris to the ground. There is a shootout between police and people in a compound: we see explosions, people being thrown through the air, many people are shot, and a heat-seeking missile explodes when it hits a man. A man is nearly trapped under a closing wall. A man jumps from a speeding car and parasails behind a speeding submarine; he climbs down the tether onto the sub, the sub dives, the man goes with it and the submarine explodes under water. A man is shot in the stomach once and in the chest once with darts that make him pass out almost instantly, and another man is shot in the neck with a sleeper dart and he falls unconscious. Helicopters fly over a compound filled with people and shoot it up causing cars and structures to explode. A man rides and jumps with a motorcycle while being shot at by helicopters; a couple of times he jumps over rooftops that explode beneath him, and once he jumps over a tower and kicks a man in the head as he passes (the man falls from the tower and we see his false teeth fall out as he hits the ground). A woman shoots at a man who hits her with a restaurant tray; the man runs into the street where he is shot at by a sniper, as he knocks over people sitting at tables. A man is shot at by several people as he runs; the man shoots back and one shooter is sprayed by steam and two are shot through a door. A man’s leg is run over by a snowmobile, and another man is shot while hanging onto the back of a snowmobile. A man jumps out of a plane, lands on a mountain and snowboards down (while being chased by men on snowmobiles). A man throws explosives into a snow-covered mountain and starts an avalanche that chases him down the mountain, engulfs several men on snowmobiles, and crashes through a structure killing a man inside and covering him in snow. A man scales a shear rock wall, grabs and tosses a guard over the side. A man dangles from a ceiling over two men, then drops on them and beats them up. A man head-butts another man who ends up with a very bloody nose. Two men fight with punches and kicks. A man is kicked and punched in the head a few times. A man, hanging by the hands from a rafter, is threatened by another man with a machete. A man eavesdropping knocks a bay of windows down onto several men and some cars in a warehouse, the man is chased by men in cars and he is eventually shot in the back (we see his face as he slides down a pane of glass, but we hear that he is not dead later). The wall of a room full of people is blown out and they run in panic. People in a room run in panic when men on tethers and with weapons drawn crash through the windows. A man drives a car recklessly through tight spaces (knocking a mirror off the side and scratching the paint), is chased by police, drives over a ramp and off the side of a bridge, then parachutes to the ground as the car crashes into a dry river bed and explodes. Two men appear to be trying to hold up a restaurant; they draw guns, yell and make verbal threats, then another man slams one by the head into a pot of hot coffee (we see a bit of blood on the side of his face) and punches the other man (he has a bloody nose). A man is hit in the head with a rifle butt and lands hard on the ground. Three men are strapped into the back of a moving plane, the cargo hatch is opened and they are pulled out of the plane and onto a dirt runway. A man slides across a wire and slams another man into a wall. A man is grabbed, his head is wrapped in a burlap bag and he is shoved into a car. Many vehicles (cars and motorcycles) explode simultaneously. A man detonates an explosive, which blows up right behind him sending debris across a room. People are held at gunpoint in several scenes. Several men chase a man through a crowded dance club. A man has a large scar on one side of his face and his eye is a bit clouded, and a man is shown with two black eyes and a bandaged nose. Two men argue, two women speak harshly to each other and a man speaks disparagingly to a woman. A man talks about people dying in combat, and a man talks about a "sweeper team" coming to kill a group of people. A man talks about one’s soul dying in prison. A man does daredevil stunts in a few scenes; parachuting from a car while it plummets toward the ground, skateboarding on a restaurant tray down a railing, scaling a shear rock wall, jumping from a plane and snowboarding down a mountain.
LANGUAGE 4 – 1 sexual reference, 17 scatological terms (one in subtitles), 7 anatomical terms, 25 mild obscenities, 1 exclamation in a foreign language (judging from its context it may be a curse), 2 religious profanities, two men use a hand gesture to signify they are holding their private parts, some name-calling.
DISCUSSION TOPICS – Biochemical weapons, mercenaries, the morals of our youth, auto theft, anarchy, Colombia, cocaine, paying a price for your country, secret police, U.S. involvement in the affairs of other countries, extortion, prostitution, world domination, tattoos.
MESSAGE – Extreme sports can be used effectively to fight bad guys. Suave spies in dinner jackets are so yesterday.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Last Breath - 1.4.5
My Dead Friend Zoe - 1.3.7
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy - 6.3.9
The Monkey - 4.9.10
The Unbreakable Boy - 1.4.3
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