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The Martian | 2015 | PG-13 | - 3.5.5
During a storm on Mars an astronaut (Matt Damon) disappears and is presumed dead. The remaining astronauts continue their mission and return to Earth not realizing that their crew member has survived and he's trying to stay alive on the inhospitable planet. Also with Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Michael Peña, Sean Bean, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Aksel Hennie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mackenzie Davis and Donald Glover. Directed by Ridley Scott. [2:21]
SEX/NUDITY 3 - A man is shown coming out of a shower and with a towel over his head (we see his bare abdomen and bare buttocks as he walks away. An astronaut cuts his shirt off and we see his bare chest and abdomen. A woman wears low-cut and tight-fitting dresses in several scenes that reveal her upper chest and a bit of cleavage.
► A man strikes a pose for a photograph and calls it "coquettish ingénue." Song lyrics include "Hot stuff baby this evening." A woman makes reference to "weird fetish emails." A reference is made to a man telling people to "have sex with themselves." A female astronaut kisses the visor of a male astronaut and tells him not to tell anyone that she did that. A wife kisses her fingers and presses them to a screen as her husband does the same.
VIOLENCE/GORE 5 - An astronaut removes his suit to expose a bloody abdominal wound; he pulls a piece of metal out of the wound, injects himself with something around the wound, presses surgical tools into the open, bloody wound and retrieves another piece of metal, and then staples the wound closed (we see a lot of blood and the tissue and hear him moan and breathe heavily throughout the process). An astronaut wakes up on Mars and realizes that he has been impaled by a piece of communication equipment; we see a piece of metal sticking out of his abdomen and a bloody spot on his suit as he cuts the piece free of a tether attached to another piece of equipment. An astronaut touches his abdomen and we see his hand with blood on it as he states that, "The staple came out." A man is shown to have lost a significant amount of weight and we see his skin with discoloration and marks (he touches a spot and winces).
► A man enters a dwelling and the pressurized passage way blows up throwing him some distance; we see that his visor is cracked and he scrambles to put tape on it as we hear that his oxygen level is critical (we see blood on his face later). A piece of communication equipment blows free from its moorings and hits an astronaut blowing him into the distance in a storm; we hear him scream as he disappears from view. An astronaut lights a flame near a gas and it causes an explosion that throws him across the room (we see him slightly charred, with some cuts on his face and he says that his ears are ringing. A vessel is launched into space and we watch it explode. An explosion of a space vessel causes the vessel to decelerate and we see the crew strapped into seats pushing against their restraints briefly. An astronaut in a vessel is launched into space and we see him pass out from the G-force (he's OK later). Two astronauts crash into each other in space and lose their grip; the move away from each other and one catches onto a tether attached to a space vessel nearby.
► A dwelling hatch is opened and a lot of debris and heavy wind blows in on several astronauts (no one is harmed). A departure vessel tilts in heavy winds of a storm and must be righted before lift off. A man sits inside a dwelling on Mars as a heavy storm blows outside. A man sits inside a rover vehicle with no heat and his lips are tinged blue and we can see his breath as he talks about the vehicle being cold. A man digs up a container of plutonium to use to heat a rover vehicle while talking about how stupid the idea is.
► An astronaut in his suit and partially covered by dirt wakes up on Mars after a storm blew him away from the rest of his crew and they left him behind not knowing he was still alive. An astronaut moves along the outside of a vessel in space a couple of times and one time catches onto a strut and grunts. A man yells and pounds on a chair in frustration. A man slips and falls on the floor as he runs in excitement (he's OK).
► An astronaut left behind on Mars lists the ways that he could die; he could suffocate, implode, run out of food, and run out of water. An astronaut says that another of their crew is dead. Astronauts discuss a storm warning and its intensity; the storm is shown to be tracking toward a departure vessel and the crew is ordered to make their way to it through the storm. A man says, "Fear my botany powers." NASA officials talk about a PR problem. Two men argue about funding space missions and ordering a mission that would bring the body of a dead astronaut home. A man talks about an astronaut being left behind on Mars, alone and 50 million miles from home and what he must be thinking about. An astronaut talks about making a 50-day journey across Mars. A man tells another man preparing a supply mission to Mars that an astronaut left behind will die if the man does not get the work done in a timely manner. An astronaut types in a message that is read aloud: "I'm really looking forward to not dying." A man says, "In your face, Neil Armstrong." A man says, "It's been 7 days since I ran out of ketchup." A man asks another man if he believes in God and the man says that his parents were from two different religions and that he believes. A man tells a woman, "If I die, I need you to check in on my parents." A man tells another man, "You may have killed them." Plans to retrieve an astronaut left behind on Mars are discussed and argued over.
► An astronaut unpacks human waste sealed in packets, mixes the contents with liquid (we see the concoction) and uses it as fertilizer (we see the blobs of feces and smears on his gloves); he has his nostrils plugged and gags as he does this. An astronaut uses the toilet and we hear flushing. A man spits cold coffee into a mesh wastebasket and it splashes out through the openings.
LANGUAGE 5 - At least 2 F-words, 2 mouthed F-words, a man reads a message and says, "F-word, "F-word," 2 spelled out F-words in communications, a man reacts to a typed message that we do not see but presumably contains further obscenities, 9 scatological terms, 3 anatomical terms, 9 mild obscenities, name-calling (stupid, coward, lunacy), exclamations (shut your smart mouth, Oh jeez), 1 religious profanity (GD), 12 religious exclamations (God Forbid, Jesus, Jesus Christ, God Awful, My God, God, Holy [scatological term deleted], what sounds like Mein Gott [German for My God]).
SUBSTANCE USE - A man empties a capsule onto a plate and says that he is crushing Vicodin to dip his potatoes in and we see him do so and eat it, and an astronaut injects himself in the abdomen with something that is likely to be a numbing agent before removing a shard of metal (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details). A man drinks something from a glass that could be alcohol.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Mars, space travel, NASA, government funding of space exploration, communication, science, botany, loneliness, mutiny, leaving someone behind, facing death survival on an alien planet, colonization, maritime law, piracy, disco music, international space travel, Robinson Crusoe.
MESSAGE - Space exploration is treacherous but worthwhile. Human ingenuity is a marvel.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
Last Breath - 1.4.5
My Dead Friend Zoe - 1.3.7
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy - 6.3.9
The Monkey - 4.9.10
The Unbreakable Boy - 1.4.3
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