"One of the 50 Coolest Websites...they simply tell it like it is" - TIME
End of Days | 1999 | R | - 5.9.7
Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an ex-cop who must stop the Devil himself (Gabriel Byrne) from impregnating a woman (Robin Tunney) before the end of the Millennium. Also with Kevin Pollak, Renee Olstead, Matt Gallini, Linda Pine, Vernon Campbell, Lloyd Garroway, Kassandra Kay, Udo Kier, Denice D. Lewis, Frankie Ray, Rod Steiger and Victor Varnado. [1:58]
SEX/NUDITY 5 - Some sexual innuendo (including a brief reference to child molestation) and two kisses (one is passionate). In what turns out to be a dream, we see a man moving on top of woman in bed with another woman beside them, touching a sheet that's covering her genitals (her bare breasts are visible). We see the sides a woman's bare breasts as she changes her clothes; a woman wears a cleavage- and leg-revealing dress.
VIOLENCE/GORE 9 - Several shoot-outs and lots of threatening with guns (in one scene, a man holds a gun to his own head). Several people are shot (we often see some blood spray from the wounds; in one scene, a man's bloody wounds heal instantly); also, a man is shot repeatedly with a machine gun but lives, though we see a blackish-gray dent in his head where part of his skull has been blown off. We see a blood-soaked bed, then see a very bloody man strapped above it on the ceiling with what look like forks piercing his hands and feet. A man jumps onto a sword and impales himself and a man is stabbed (we see a knife sticking out of his forehead). In a flashback, we see men carrying a little girl and a woman into a bedroom, hear shots fired, then see blood sprayed on the walls and carpet. A subway train explodes and another runs into it; we see the only passenger cut in half on the track (both pieces are mangled, charred and bloody). We see a boy hit head-on by a bus and a man hit by a subway train; also, a subway trains runs over two people lying on a track (they're not injured). A man screams and runs after he's engulfed in flames (we see a close-up of his charred, burning face). We see a hand push a bloody organ out of man's chest, then pull it out of his back. We see a woman afflicted by stigmata (she's tied to a bed and her hands and feet are bleeding). A man's body shatters like glass. A man is thrown out of a window but holds onto the frame; another man pushes his hands into the broken glass on the frame (we see blood dripping from his hands and see the very deep, bloody cuts in a later scene). A man pushes a woman's head through a glass table, a man grabs another by the throat, a woman hits several men in the head with a shoe, a man is thrown down a staircase, a woman kicks a man in the crotch and a woman rolls a piano into a man. More scuffles, punches, choking and throwing; a man snaps another's neck. A man is surrounded by a group of people and beaten with a baseball bat, punched, kicked and thrown into a car window, then he's tied to a cross and raised onto the side of a building (he survives). Some chase scenes and two fall scenes: one man falls through a glass roof then gets up and runs (he's limping and his face is extremely bloody) and another is pulled out of a window and falls onto a car below. A man grabs onto and then falls off a moving car. A hand breaks through a floor and a ceiling, trying to grab a woman (it's shot at repeatedly). A man throws a woman onto an altar and we hear him ripping her clothes (nothing else happens). In two different scenes, a transparent liquid shape and a monster flow into a man's body, knocking him to the floor and throwing him against a wall several times. A few earthquakes (one nearly destroys a church) and several large, fiery explosions that cause lots of property damage and presumably kill many people. A huge monster breaks through a floor and growls at a man. A corpse has words carved into its torso, a corpse sits up and is then shot and a corpse is seen floating in a bathtub of bloody water. We see a tongue in a jar, then see bloody pliers next to it. We see a newborn baby covered with pieces of bloody goo. A snake is slit, squirting lots of blood, and some of that blood is fed to a baby (we see blood on its lips). We see a close-up of a man's facial cut being stitched; we also see a man whose eyes have been stitched shut. In a few scenes we see people with extremely bloody faces; in one scene we see a pool of blood on the floor. A woman imagines lots of tiny bodies squirming on an apple. A man urinates on some steps and we see it trickle along the sidewalk. Twice, a woman is restrained and nearly stabbed with a knife.
LANGUAGE 7 - About 18 F-words, some anatomical references, several scatological references, lots of mild obscenities and a couple of insults.
DISCUSSION TOPICS - Satan, good vs. evil, religion, faith, stigmata, childbirth, sacrifice, loss of loved ones, alcoholism, suicidal tendencies.
MESSAGE - Faith is the best weapon against Satan; self-sacrifice is sometimes necessary to save others from their deadly fate.

Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements.
We've gone through several editorial changes since we started covering films in 1992 and older reviews are not as complete & accurate as recent ones; we plan to revisit and correct older reviews as resources and time permits.
Our ratings and reviews are based on the theatrically-released versions of films; on video there are often Unrated, Special, Director's Cut or Extended versions, (usually accurately labelled but sometimes mislabeled) released that contain additional content, which we did not review.
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